Adultery should be automatically mean the responsibility of the breakdown of marriage
Malcolm Mifsud
Spouses are bound at law to be faithful to each other, however, if one of the spouses is adulterous, this does not automatically mean that that spouse is responsible for the...
The word is action
Julia Farrugia
I am proud to recall how through recent years we have collectively made significant changes to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, even during the worst times...
Slavish support for local MP got me a job. Did the pencil-pushing suckers at Tal-Qroqq get the memo?

The Skinny | No 154 – We Don’t Need No Education, Apparently

The Skinny | No 154 – We Don’t Need No...

Republican Malta is still not colonially free | Charles Xuereb

While the national colours (red and white) need a two-thirds majority to be...

While the national colours (red and white) need a...

At this rate, we may as well just demolish Ggantija altogether
Raphael Vassallo

If the Planning Authority says ‘yes’ to a ‘three-storey,...

If the Planning Authority says ‘yes’ to a...

Is this Malta’s ‘tangentopoli’ moment?

One way of addressing this problem of mistrust is to strengthen anti-corruption...

One way of addressing this problem of mistrust is to...

‘No one will turn our streets into a jungle… except me!’
Raphael Vassallo

The Police Force is woefully understaffed – and ill-equipped – to...

The Police Force is woefully understaffed – and...

Gone fishing... but what could Robert Abela be afraid of?
Michael Falzon

Seems Robert Abela cannot have the luxury of a summer holiday during...

Seems Robert Abela cannot have the luxury of a...

When a man goes missing: the tragic case of Carmelo Fino
Josanne Cassar

There have been a number of occasions when dementia patients have wandered off,...

There have been a number of occasions when dementia...

Revolving doors
Saviour Balzan

Senior government officials should be handsomely remunerated to block them from being associated with big business for at least three years after they quit -...

Senior government officials should be handsomely...

Individuals cannot for the government to issue property on tender
Malcolm Mifsud

Although individuals may have property adjacent to government land, they do not...

Although individuals may have property adjacent to...

Populist tonic for the summer malaise

Now that the dust has settled, after the unruly scenes witnessed in Ħamrun last week, it may be worth putting the entire incident into some perspective...

Now that the dust has settled, after the unruly scenes...

The Maltese malaise of selective moral blindness

The Skinny | No 153 – The Unsinnable Saints

The Skinny | No 153 – The Unsinnable Saints

Who needs the Far Right, anyway, when we have PN/PL?
Raphael Vassallo

In a sense, then, this next election could almost be regarded as a straight...

In a sense, then, this next election could almost be...

Laid back for summer
Michael Falzon

Bernard Grech has become less and less effective as time passes...His words hardly excite the most loyal PN supporters, let alone those who have led their...

Bernard Grech has become less and less effective as time...

Remote governing... does Abela have a trust issue?

But his obsession with remaining in control all the time without trusting...

But his obsession with remaining in control all the time...

Interim measures in human rights cases should be applied in exceptional cases
Malcolm Mifsud

An interim measure should be allowed in very exceptional circumstances, such when the life of an individual is in danger

An interim measure should be allowed in very exceptional...

How can online porn be ‘bad’… when Malta is making so much money out of it?
Raphael Vassallo

At which point, we do have to ask ourselves:  who’s the biggest ‘money-launderer’ in all this, anyway? Fr Luke Seguna… or the...

At which point, we do have to ask ourselves: ...

Anything goes...
Saviour Balzan

Air Malta stands a chance of passing muster for the cut-throat competition of aviation only if it is shut down as a company, and then recreated as a new...

Air Malta stands a chance of passing muster for the...

After a two-year absence, festas are back with a vengeance
Josanne Cassar

While it is nice to see the centuries’ old traditions being upheld, it is...

While it is nice to see the centuries’ old traditions...