‘Long Live The… Quing!’
Raphael Vassallo
Ah, but with our newly-coined, gender-neutral noun in place… Hey presto! All those linguistic dilemmas are just… GONE. ‘The Quing is dead!  Long live the...
The stark reality
Miriam Dalli
Our conscious price stability policy decision comes with a hefty cost to public coffers but the stark reality is that it would have been much more costly for our people, for our...
I laughed when the festa was blocked by the al fresco tables. Sue me

The Skinny | No 148 – Summer fun in Malta & Gozo

The Skinny | No 148 – Summer fun in Malta & Gozo

How much of Malta has to burn to ashes, before we start taking climate change seriously?
Raphael Vassallo

So instead of ‘doing their bit’, by trying to be as hydrologically ‘self-sufficient’ as possible… these new developments only...

So instead of ‘doing their bit’, by trying to...

Sexual violence in conflict
Renee Laiviera

Sustainable peace can only be achieved through women’s economic and political empowerment, alongside their involvement in decision-making processes

Sustainable peace can only be achieved through...

The right to health for people who use drugs | Karen Mamo

Employed as a double-edged sword by actors representing the interests of...

Employed as a double-edged sword by actors representing the...

A line that should not be crossed

In short, a Prime Minister is neither a salesman, nor a monarch; but a servant of the people. At moments, Robert Abela seems to forget this crucial fact

In short, a Prime Minister is neither a salesman, nor a...

No, Jason. There is nothing ‘mad’ about voting for a free boob-job…
Raphael Vassallo

But the best part of all is that – judging by his own reaction – Jason Azzopardi still doesn’t understand that this is precisely WHY both he,...

But the best part of all is that – judging by his own...

520,000 and counting
Michael Falzon

Government should embark on a consultation exercise in its search to find yet another economic model that considers our population density as the main...

Government should embark on a consultation exercise in its...

Let’s stop giving ‘bad boys’ a free pass
Josanne Cassar

While it might sound like young athletes are being treated like precious...

While it might sound like young athletes are being treated...

The curious story of Manwel Cuschieri
Saviour Balzan

Abela’s rebuffed and discarded militants, aides and colleagues – though they might not be very vocal now – could someday return to haunt him...

Abela’s rebuffed and discarded militants, aides and...

Expediting justice requires investment

It is manifestly useless to simply stamp our feet, and demand a faster and more efficient justice system... unless we are also willing to put our money where...

It is manifestly useless to simply stamp our feet, and...

Hare-brained platitudes blowing up in a politician’s face will never not be funny

The Skinny | No 147 – The Capital’s Punishments

The Skinny | No 147 – The Capital’s Punishments

All the President’s ‘moral dilemmas’
Raphael Vassallo

Something tells me that, the longer our President carries on playing these...

Something tells me that, the longer our President carries...

Urgent need for a transparency registry

For as a country, we also need to learn that democracy and transparency also come at a cost: which is worth paying to avoid a downward spiral into a corporate...

For as a country, we also need to learn that democracy and...

The devils I did not see
Kurt Sansone

Children need to be taught about the diversity that surrounds them. It helps them accept others and themselves

Children need to be taught about the diversity that...

The jurisdiction of choice
Aaron Farrugia

As Government we are committed to continue supporting the yachting industry by eliminating uncertainty, ensuring a level playing field and creating the right...

As Government we are committed to continue supporting the...

Malta’s energy and climate ‘non-plan’ | Ralph Cassar
Ralph Cassar

Malta’s 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan does not commit the country...

Malta’s 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan does...

Maltese developers, complaining about noise. Whatever next?
Raphael Vassallo

Sandro Chetcuti should consider himself lucky that he only has a...

Sandro Chetcuti should consider himself lucky...

A dangerous game
Michael Falzon

The interview from jail made to George Degiorgio, one of the two brothers accused of murdering Daphne Caruana Galizia, seems to me part of a dangerous game...

The interview from jail made to George Degiorgio, one of...