The PN’s financial woes – 2
Michael Falzon
I understand that subsequently efforts were made to reduce the debt, but they were hardly successful, with NET TV losing some €1 million annually – although there were...
Political parties which cannot live within their means
Josanne Cassar
Here are Malta’s two major political parties, the recipients of so many back door donations by those who wield the real money and the real power in the country - and both of...
Cannabis law still reflects discriminatory practices | Andrew Bonello

Releaf president Andrew Bonello | Parts of the new law continue to reflect...

Releaf president Andrew Bonello | Parts of the new law...

Looks like Tonio Fenech’s ‘arlogg tal-lira’ is still ticking away in the background…
Raphael Vassallo

Just by attending that event, and accepting the hospitality so lavishingly bestowed upon him by that one lobby-group… Robert Abela has sent out a very...

Just by attending that event, and accepting the hospitality...

The annual political party leaders rap battle staged at the University of Malta campus

The Skinny | No 130 – Beatdown at the Academy

The Skinny | No 130 – Beatdown at the Academy

Abortion law: as clear as mud | Gilbert Gravino

Gilbert Gravino | The criminal code does not make it clear which...

Gilbert Gravino | The criminal code does not make it...

A new low in ‘power of incumbency’

It is also inexplicable why a party enjoying such a strong lead over the opposition, should resort to such cheap tactics in the first place

It is also inexplicable why a party enjoying such a strong...

To be competitive, Malta must go to the EU and level out the playing field | Norman Aquilina

Norman Aquilina, chief executive Farsons Group | Until we level out the playing field within the European single market, mainland manufacturers run...

Norman Aquilina, chief executive Farsons Group | Until...

A new era
Michael Falzon

Europe is at the beginning of a new era, and beginnings can be dangerous

Europe is at the beginning of a new era, and beginnings can...

Have no fear! The ‘Woke Warriors’ are here!
Raphael Vassallo

But hey! Like I said at the very beginning: the Woke Warriors are here at last!...

But hey! Like I said at the very beginning: the Woke...

Why do political debates have to be turned into mass meetings?
Josanne Cassar

Anyone who is directly affiliated with a political party should not be allowed...

Anyone who is directly affiliated with a political party...

Ten years of soul-searching later, we are ready to govern
Emma Portelli Bonnici

The Nationalist Party has spent the past ten years soul-searching, listening to...

The Nationalist Party has spent the past ten years...

Labour’s abhorrent ‘green’ agenda
Saviour Balzan

My 35-year career in journalism has spanned from Mintoff’s Labour, Lorry Sant’s thuggery, the nascent Alternattiva Demokratika, the EU referendum...

My 35-year career in journalism has spanned from...

The other war, in Gozo

Last Friday's vote on a Sannat application is corrupt in the sense that it illustrates a moral corruption when it comes to protecting our environment

Last Friday's vote on a Sannat application is corrupt...

Education for a better future | Clifton Grima

Every change, at every level of our education system, must take into account...

Every change, at every level of our education system, must...

The Arbiter for Financial Services and competence for own investigations
Malcolm Mifsud

The Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services is a self-governing and autonomous institution with the ability to arbitrate, investigate, and resolve...

The Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services is a...

Farewell to Mario Azzopardi, my rebel mentor
Karl Schembri

In a society whose nuts and bolts are lubricated by sycophancy, mediocrity and...

In a society whose nuts and bolts are lubricated by...

How is it OK to buy gas from Russia… but not sell passports to Russians?
Raphael Vassallo

Let’s face it: Vladimir Putin has his finger on more than just the ‘Big Red Nuclear Button’… he also controls the tap that keeps...

Let’s face it: Vladimir Putin has his finger on more...

‘Stay safe’ suddenly has an even keener edge than the one previously sharpened by the pandemic

No 129 – Chilly East Wind Blowing

No 129 – Chilly East Wind Blowing

‘War in Ukraine’ is only one reason to stop selling passports

In the end, it has to be the advent of war in Ukraine, to hasten an EU-wide...

In the end, it has to be the advent of war in Ukraine, to...