A nerd’s guide to voting in the 2022 General Elections
Mark Camilleri Gambin
Voting in the General Elections is a tricky business. Use your ballot sheet to reward the specific politicians whom you deem honest, genuine and truly reflect your values
Abusive continuity | Carmel Cacopardo
The distribution of multiple cheques to every household by the Labour government on the eve of the general election is more than abusing the power of incumbency
‘Tal-piżelli jew tal-irkotta’? Whatever it is, we need to band together
Emma Portelli Bonnici

Being involved in the political discourse doesn’t mean having to be staunchly behind one party or another. Not everyone needs to be an activist...

Being involved in the political discourse doesn’t...

70 million better reasons?

One cannot ignore that this cash injection, over and above the tax rebates announced in the Budget, comes in the wake of unprecedented inflationary pressures...

One cannot ignore that this cash injection, over and above...

Morning-after sabotage of life | Miriam Sciberras

To describe this action as a ‘victory’ for any pro-choice movement...

To describe this action as a ‘victory’ for any...

We need an agency that handles children in family separations | Mary Gauci

Mary Gauci, Happy Parenting | In marital separations, an authority should examine child custody cases and determine whether maintenance should be...

Mary Gauci, Happy Parenting | In marital separations,...

Open arms that open doors: autism friendly spaces
Julia Farrugia

Establishments who are committed “Autism Friendly Spaces” make sure...

Establishments who are committed “Autism Friendly...

‘These words will cost ten thousand [votes] this day…’
Raphael Vassallo

Now: do I really need to remind the audience, that the ‘great...

Now: do I really need to remind the audience, that the...

COVID rules and mixed messages

Ultimately, government’s disregard of infringements by its own agencies, only nullifies its own message of safety and discipline

Ultimately, government’s disregard of infringements...

Record-breaking results on waste in two years of reform
Aaron Farrugia

The achievements of the hard work undertaken in the last two years are evidence...

The achievements of the hard work undertaken in the last...

Maybe we’ll get a Ministry for Clientelism after the inevitable Labour election victory...

No 124 – Flexing Them Muscles For Election Time

No 124 – Flexing Them Muscles For Election Time

Robert’s surreal administration
Michael Falzon

Meanwhile expect different messages from the Labour Party – a message to appease the ‘Muscat can do no wrong’ supporters and a message to...

Meanwhile expect different messages from the Labour Party...

Whose side is Robert Abela on, anyway?
Raphael Vassallo

On the contrary: for the past 18 years, the PN has been consistently asking for our vote… simply because ‘it exists’ (and, of course,...

On the contrary: for the past 18 years, the PN has been...

A victory for women’s autonomy
Isabel Stabile

Isabel Stabile | When deciding to deny patients access to medicines to which they have a right, pharmacists should state the scientific rationale on which they...

Isabel Stabile | When deciding to deny patients access to...

That’s not very sporting of you, Minister Fearne
Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar | The fact that throughout these two years, sports has not...

Josanne Cassar | The fact that throughout these two...

The best of both worlds? | Alex Muscat

Those that move on to other territories will become ambassadors for Malta, encouraging others to live here or do business here

Those that move on to other territories will become...

Upstanding citizens following the rules
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan | Next time the government comes out with a call for voluntary vaccination in the midst of another serious medical crisis, they should not...

Saviour Balzan | Next time the government comes out with a...

A disgraceful déjà vu

Editorial | While it is important to ask the right questions; it is equally important to adopt the right behaviour, if the PAC is genuinely concerned with...

Editorial | While it is important to ask the right...

Owners have a right to visit rented property
Malcolm Mifsud

The law provides the right for owners to visit the rent property after reaching...

The law provides the right for owners to visit the rent...

How many more women will it take?
Angele Deguara

Women are unsafe in the park; they are unsafe in the streets; they are unsafe in their own homes. Where, if anywhere, are women safe?

Women are unsafe in the park; they are unsafe in the...