Courage to vote… for the environment | Mark Scerri
In Malta, a very high proportion of our environmental legislation originates from the EU and hence the EU parliament. For those who prize environmental issues, I will briefly run...
Whatever the outcome of this election: Europe will swing to the right
Raphael Vassallo
Europe will either swing, wholesale, all the way to the Extreme Right; or, at best, it will swing to a point on the political compass that is not quite as ‘extreme’;...
It’s that slime of year again, folks…
Raphael Vassallo

Sea-slime, we are now told, is no longer “a result of the feed used by...

Sea-slime, we are now told, is no longer “a result of...

Social media? We haven’t yet understood it
Evarist Bartolo

We’ve heralded social media as the new era that shall empower each voice,...

We’ve heralded social media as the new era that shall...

It’s a threat to democracy, but not as we know it...
Raphael Vassallo

What if Labour won the 2003 election after Malta had voted to join the EU in a...

What if Labour won the 2003 election after Malta had voted...

After six years, is the Muscat administration facing ‘second term blues’?
Michael Falzon

Joseph Muscat’s hold on public perception is not eternal and it will slowly but surely be eroded

Joseph Muscat’s hold on public perception is not...

Can MPs fight back against Boris Johnson’s prorogation? Here are the options
The Conversation

Asif Hameed • MPs have options but they are running out of time

Asif Hameed • MPs have options but they are running...

Dear government: each of your actions has consequences
Josanne Cassar

Trying to shirk the inevitability of the consequences or run away from...

Trying to shirk the inevitability of the consequences or...

The benefits of speaking different languages | Phyllisienne Vassallo Gauci

A language is an important communication tool and speaking different languages allows us to be overall better communicators with the ability to understand and...

A language is an important communication tool and speaking...

Malta vs Cyprus: Comparisons are odious, but inevitable
Josanne Cassar

Seaside tourist resorts that are a classic example of how Malta could be... if...

Seaside tourist resorts that are a classic example of how...

Trains, trams and automobiles
Raphael Vassallo

It’s not just our public transport options that have dwindled to almost nothing in the past 100 years. We seem to have also lost all sense of ingenuity...

It’s not just our public transport options that have...

Watching the world burn | Timothy Alden

As citizens, we cannot go on expecting others to save the world for us. We must pressure our government and our MEPs and other opinion leaders to use their...

As citizens, we cannot go on expecting others to save the...

People dying in the sea is no plan
Evarist Bartolo

Immigration is a complex issue. Simplifying it would be insulting to the challenge we have ahead of us

Immigration is a complex issue. Simplifying it would be...

Trump's bid for Greenland
Michael Falzon

From a historical perspective, Trump’s attempt is certainly no joke, but today territories are no longer objects to be sold and bought by their...

From a historical perspective, Trump’s attempt is...

‘Whoever doesn’t want God in their life, needs to...’
Raphael Vassallo

No wonder Catholicism has always been so popular here. Must be fantastic to be...

No wonder Catholicism has always been so popular here. Must...

The retirement dilemma: Do we have to work or want to work?
Josanne Cassar

Those who gladly retire and even throw a party to celebrate this new time in...

Those who gladly retire and even throw a party to celebrate...

The ‘yield curve’: an accurate predictor of recession flashing warning signs
The Conversation

Julius Probst • Stay tuned for further central bank action – we need it to prevent another recession

Julius Probst • Stay tuned for further central...

Freddie Portelli: A tonic for Malta’s soul
Josanne Cassar

There was a sentiment of bittersweet nostalgia, bringing back floods of...

There was a sentiment of bittersweet nostalgia, bringing...

Smoking and cigarettes? We have something worse in our pockets today
Evarist Bartolo

I really think our addiction to our phones could lead to worse consequences...

I really think our addiction to our phones could lead to...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan's video blog: Politicians are squarely to blame for illegal bird shooting
Saviour Balzan

The targeting of Greater Flamingos by hunters is the result of years of appeasement by the political class

The targeting of Greater Flamingos by hunters is the result...