Mental health infrastructure
Michael Falzon
Finding an intelligent new use for the Mount Carmel Hospital buildings and site should be immediately put on the government’s agenda
Everything that’s wrong with Maltese politics, in one online app…
Raphael Vassallo
But like I said at the very beginning: this is an experiment you can try for yourselves, at home. And I think you’ll find that it explains… Oh! So very much, about...
What are the PN’s prospects for the future? The sad reply is zilch
Michael Falzon

The MP's behaviour is nothing short of obnoxious and selfish. They just saw...

The MP's behaviour is nothing short of obnoxious and...

The messenger with forged documents resigns
Saviour Balzan

What is sure is that Portelli worked endlessly with the PN before 2017 to make...

What is sure is that Portelli worked endlessly with the PN...

‘I’ll defend my party to the end’ (even if I suffer as a result)
Josanne Cassar

It is us who give politicians power by entrusting them with our vote. Why should we have any qualms about withdrawing our support once we feel we have...

It is us who give politicians power by entrusting them with...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan's video blog: On people power and Adrian Delia
Saviour Balzan

From ordinary people protesting against the construction spree to the internal...

From ordinary people protesting against the construction...

‘The threat is too great’
Raphael Vassallo

Does a young woman really have to be executed or dismembered, before we understand that this is not something a functional democracy can afford to ignore?

Does a young woman really have to be executed or...

Once in a while the citizen wins
Josanne Cassar

Most significantly of all, it is proof that when people forget stupid partisan politics as they did in this case, and work together for a common cause, they...

Most significantly of all, it is proof that when people...

You can’t just ruin people’s lives
Evarist Bartolo

Serious people in construction, people who think long-term must surely want to have public backing, rather than be seen as villains

Serious people in construction, people who think long-term...

Teachers can be life-savers, too
Raphael Vassallo

Opening the floodgates to unlicensed teachers also means facilitating access by potential predators to young, vulnerable children

Opening the floodgates to unlicensed teachers also means...

Splitting the Attorney General's role
Michael Falzon

Government going it alone, as it is trying to do, is only complicting matters rather than resolving them

Government going it alone, as it is trying to do, is only...

Strong leadership, management by crisis or a dictatorship?
Josanne Cassar

While the Prime Minister keeps insisting the economy cannot be put on pause,...

While the Prime Minister keeps insisting the economy cannot...

The medicine the country needs
Saviour Balzan

The Occupy Justice luminaries, with their typical political bias and make-up, have made it more difficult for the right people in the right organisations to...

The Occupy Justice luminaries, with their typical political...

It’s a jungle out there
Josanne Cassar

The reason we are feeling it more acutely than ever now is because when there is a gradual, steady breakdown in a country’s already flimsy approach to...

The reason we are feeling it more acutely than ever now is...

The other ‘message from the electorate’… and what the PN can do
Raphael Vassallo

The PN could become the party to propose a radical new approach to pressing...

The PN could become the party to propose a radical new...

Have a beer for us up there, Ċukaj
Kurt Sansone

Until we meet again for a heated discussion on the rainbow-painted zebra crossing in Floriana, farewell Ivan Fenech

Until we meet again for a heated discussion on the...

It is time communities are listened to: social impact studies are the way forward
Michael Briguglio

Social impact assessments can help verify the consequences and impacts of development proposals in relation to the communities involved

Social impact assessments can help verify the...

Have you seen any trickle-down? I doubt it
Michael Falzon

The Sette Giugno riots pushed forward Malta’s quest for a representative...

The Sette Giugno riots pushed forward Malta’s quest...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan’s videoblog: Joe Saliba is in no position to pontificate
Saviour Balzan

The man who left the Nationalist Party with a mountain of debt has come back to tell the party the future is bleak

The man who left the Nationalist Party with a mountain of...

Hands off our chocolate!
Josanne Cassar

There will be no more 'non nutritional' and sugary drinks on offer at Mater Dei as the hospital administration embarks on a health drive

There will be no more 'non nutritional' and sugary...