Standing up for Malta and its people
Those not biased against Malta can recognise that this is a reformist government and that is more than you can say for other governments in Europe who have serious allegations against them

Almost two years ago, when I announced my candidacy to contest the MEP Elections as part of the team put forward by the Labour Party, there was one key pledge that I made to all the voters and which I always intend to keep. As an MEP I will always seek to promote Malta’s interests and that of its people and always defend Malta’s reputation, wherever the attacks come from.
As the European Parliament is after all a political institution, made up of different political groups with different agendas, as well as interests tied to each individual country, you would expect to find those whose only interest is to tarnish Malta’s reputation, because unlike their own country, Malta with a Labour government keeps pushing forward, earning more and more success, protecting its people and doing all the necessary reforms required.
Let us not forget that Malta currently has the only government which is part of the S&D political family which is in a majority and not in a coalition and that fact bothers the EPP intensely. What one would not expect is for fellow Maltese, those who should always work hand in hand with us to protect our reputation be those at the forefront, lobbying to push forward this resolution to damage Malta’s reputation.
Sadly, this is the position we find ourselves in, with Roberta Metsola, David Casa and Simon Busuttil doing their best to attack the government led by Robert Abela and at the same time not caring about the damage that it does to Malta. One must ask why you would push forward a resolution full of disinformation, unfounded allegations and that nowhere does it mention the significant reforms being made by the Maltese government.
After all, these are reforms which have been needed for many years, not just the years under a Labour administration; but even when the PN had all the opportunity to be ambitious, enact the changes that were needed. All PN governments failed to do so. Reforms are ongoing and although there is more to be done, those who are not biased against Malta can recognise that this is a reformist government and that is more than you can say for other governments in Europe who have serious allegations against them.
Instead of focusing on governments in countries such as Poland and Hungary who have serious questions to answer, Metsola and Casa prefer to talk against Malta instead of defending it. What happened to Daphne Caruana Galizia was a tragedy and the Maltese courts are in the process of seeking justice for her and her family, but it is becoming clearer every day that it is not this justice that the EPP seek. If this was the case, then this resolution would never have come to be, allowing the Maltese courts the space to operate but the true aim is to build a narrative against Malta.
Every single day, I seek to push forward legislation and ideas that will benefit the Maltese, seek opportunities for those individuals and companies which need EU help, such as Malta’s sustainable milk producers. Yet our efforts need to be split with the need to defend Malta’s reputation and this is because of Metsola and Casa who should be on the side of Malta, but their aim is to always push their own agenda forward.
The pledge I made at the start of my journey as an MEP will hold true, even if alone, even if I am a minority, I will always seek to stand up for Malta and its people.