What are our children eating? Can it be improved? | Norma Camilleri
Nutrition is closely linked to educational outcomes. Children who are well-nourished are more likely to perform better in school. They have improved concentration, higher energy...
Growing up in a rainbow family
A teenager in a rainbow family writes on his experiences on the occasion of World Family Day celebrated on 15 May
Don’t be impolite and ask about sources
Saviour Balzan

It seems that Andreotti’s association with the Mafia, and his implication...

It seems that Andreotti’s association with the Mafia,...

The terror of climate change is transforming young people's identity
The Conversation

Blanche Verlie | As adults, we would do well to recognise the necessity of...

Blanche Verlie | As adults, we would do well to...

Climate change: a climate scientist answers questions from teenagers
The Conversation

“How long is the planet going to last? I heard it was 12...

“How long is the planet going to last? I heard it was...

[WATCH] Ronnie Pellegrini did not deserve a keyboard lynching
Saviour Balzan

Ronnie Pellegrini may have been Lorry Sant’s man, but he did not deserve...

Ronnie Pellegrini may have been Lorry Sant’s man, but...

Groomed to perfection
Josanne Cassar

It is always difficult to see icons which you would have once admired being shown in an unflattering light - the same happened to many of us when Bill Cosby...

It is always difficult to see icons which you would have...

The ex-ministers’ club
Raphael Vassallo

If you view it only as a glorified ‘ex-Ministers’ club’… well, you can’t expect the rest of us to be enthusiastic about...

If you view it only as a glorified...

Malta faces challenge of an overflow of jobs and high growth
Evarist Bartolo

Success breeds a new set of challenges, but they are challenges that with a...

Success breeds a new set of challenges, but they are...

The cows that don’t laugh
Raphael Vassallo

Fortunately, however, by now I am old enough to understand that things are rarely what they ‘seem to be’. All too often, they turn out to be a good...

Fortunately, however, by now I am old enough to understand...

The new President
Michael Falzon

Thankfully, the country has been saved the useless bickering and ridiculous arguments that would have done more harm to the Opposition than to the President

Thankfully, the country has been saved the useless...

From abortion to tunnel vision
Saviour Balzan

It will not be easy – the arguments against abortion are not all wrong and many arguments have the support of young mothers, families and grounded people

It will not be easy – the arguments against abortion...

For more women in public life, someone else has to run the household
Josanne Cassar

No amount of quotas will push a woman into the public sphere if the stress of...

No amount of quotas will push a woman into the public...

Women have been written out of power – time is ripe for a new language of equality
The Conversation

It is not easy to change culturally conditioned ways of behaving and thinking, but the continued perpetuation and reinforcement of cultural and social...

It is not easy to change culturally conditioned ways of...

Trump was wrong about North Korea as summit falters in Vietnam
Matthew Bugeja

Trump has long gambled that Pyongyang could be enticed to put economic benefits...

Trump has long gambled that Pyongyang could be enticed to...

MFSA rebranding: new wine in old wineskins | PKF Malta
George M. Mangion

One welcomes the latest International Monetary Fund report which has been...

One welcomes the latest International Monetary Fund report...

When you have to choose between groceries and your rent, that’s poverty
Josanne Cassar

Having to choose whether to pay one’s bills or buy nutritious food is also a reality and explains why pastizzi shops are selling stodgy, pastry items...

Having to choose whether to pay one’s bills or buy...

The drunk hamalla of Girgenti
Raphael Vassallo

No matter how garish the behaviour in that video, it still pales to insignificance compared to the sheer malice of people who resort to classism and...

No matter how garish the behaviour in that...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan’s videoblog: Adrian Delia is driving the car straight into the wall
Saviour Balzan

The latest MaltaToday trust barometer shows how Adrian Delia cannot lead the Nationalist Party to victory • The cocaine envelope and Jason Azzopardi

The latest MaltaToday trust barometer shows how Adrian...

The sleeping giant that roared
Evarist Bartolo

The truth is that China is an economic marvel and one of the success stories of the modern world, and its move towards free trade has been extremely...

The truth is that China is an economic marvel and one of...