Not just for cars
The agency will set up specialised working groups with different stakeholders ranging from NGOs, local councils and other key players to explain its operations, to enhance cooperation, strengthen consultation and avoid unnecessary controversies arising from lack of communication

In recent years my ministry through Infrastructure Malta, delivered the reconstruction and maintenance of over 1,000 residential, rural and secondary roads.
Unheard-of outputs, a commitment to deliver under pressure like no other. There is no doubt about that.
In line with government’s direction, we embarked and delivered several major projects that were discussed for many years, in some cases for decades. One needs only mention the Marsa Junction and the Central Link projects to understand the difference we brought to the table.
Not only will we continue to deliver new major projects (Kirkop Luqa Junction, Mriehel Underpass, Luqa Dinitrol Projects) and deliver focused maintenance of our road networks, but we will do so by adopting a design-based approach that whatever we plan has the individual, the resident at the centre of what we do.
This is infrastructure that allows the individual to opt for any mode of transport they prefer. Infrastructure that offers alternatives. Infrastructure that ensures safety, provides peace of mind, and delivers best value for money for the investment the country puts in it. This is best captured in the Safe Active Mobility routes project I recently announced: €35 million investment in alternative mobility routes that we plan to start implementing as of next year.
Infrastructure Malta’s business plan will be based on four key pillars: quality, safety, sustainability and accountability.
Of course, we’re not ignoring the realities the country, Europe and the world are facing. Government’s priority at this moment is to protect families and businesses from the threats of rising inflation, supply-chain disruptions and so on; in a business plan that assures best return on investment, prioritising projects with best returns is a must.
With activity picking up again after two years where most of the world paused, it’s critical that we continue to invest in our infrastructure. A sure way to guarantee economic success in the years to come, hopeful that these tumultuous times will be short-lived and behind us sooner than later.
We will continue to invest in systems that ensure quality in all that we do, from our procurement cycle to the actual delivery of projects. IM will launch an R&I arm to work on delivering the first Asset Management Register for roads infrastructure in the country, an AMR supported by a robust standards manual meant to ensure the highest levels of delivery but not only, ongoing maintenance to maximise the lifetime of each of the projects we deliver. We will collaborate with main stakeholders like Enemalta and WSC to ensure that the integrity of our networks is maintained at the highest levels possible at all times. Better coordination between the main players meant to address the growing weariness of the people we serve when faced with the unavoidable disruptions these projects bring with them. Unavoidable disruptions and inconveniences yes, but certainly we can do better together. Better site management, less disruptions, less inconveniences, better planning, better coordination.
More quality
More quality, a must. As from this month we’re eliminating the use of plastic-based manhole covers and using ductile iron instead, better quality, better durability. These are the small actions we will continue to take every day, to deliver improved projects in our communities.
A central role in our strategy is safety by design. We will continue to deliver projects that address accident black spots all over the island and introduce measures and new emerging technologies to help different road users reach their destination safely both on land and at sea. Despite the challenges, and the space limitations, we remain committed to provide active mobility routes that are segregated, provide more peace of mind to road users, encouraging the population to explore other modes of transport to reach their destination. We are allocating a dedicated budget of €2.1 million for safety measures that IM will implement. These measures include road diets, gateway treatments, improved pedestrian facilities and crossings, better speed management and more importantly making road networks easier to understand and navigate. A dedicated safety budget that will make a difference, a set of measures that are critical for us to improve on what we have today.
Unless we grow more sustainable, we will die a natural death.
It may sound extreme, but it’s a fact. Our projects require and produce materials that leave a significant impact on the environment around us. Infrastructure Malta is binding itself to work with its partners to significantly address this fact knowing that the opportunities to improve in this area are real, tangible. From production methods of asphalt to materials used in our projects, to how we dispose of our waste, the usage of recycled materials, we will leave no stone unturned to improve our environmental credentials. Not only that, as a significant player in the industry, we will take the lead to bring change in the local industry, partnering up with other key players to have a clear strategy on the subject.
We will work with stakeholders to launch the National Active Mobility routes, including incentives for local councils to join this national drive.
Above all, we will continue to work to deliver network improvements across the island, minimising bottlenecks and traffic congestion, a sure way to reduce related emissions. Major projects like the Marsa-Qormi area, Msida Creek and the area of St Paul’s Bay/Bugibba will be planned, funded and delivered.
Infrastructure Malta is entrusted to manage more than €100 million per annum in national and EU funds. This is a responsibility in itself under normal circumstance but becomes more pressing during such times. The agency will double its efforts to ensure maximum accountability and transparency in all its operations. It is binding itself not only to publish its business plan but will commit itself to publish an annual report detailing the actions taken for each of the following years covered by the business plan, 2023-2025.
The agency will set up specialised working groups with different stakeholders ranging from NGOs, local councils and other key players to explain its operations, to enhance cooperation, strengthen consultation and avoid unnecessary controversies arising from lack of communication.
The above is only a summary of what we intend to do, we’re looking forward to conclude the detailed business plan: a plan that will be shared with all. A plan that will involve many partners, as IM alone will not make it. Not even Government alone can make it. But we’re reassured with our past, the difference we brought to the table. IM’s team of dedicated skilled professionals is ready to deliver, for you, for Malta.
Infrastructure for the people. We believe it. We will deliver it.