In defence of all families
Let us not kid ourselves; these fringe political voices want a traditional society where diversity is shunned and non-conformists silenced. No thank you; we’re way past that...
Bringing Air Malta back from the dead… just to watch it die again
Raphael Vassallo
And if that really does prove to be the case: well, do I even need to go on? ‘KM Malta Airlines’ would have about as much chance as a turtle-dove in Spring, of ever...
The forgotten 8th September anniversary
Michael Falzon

The two-year war against the French was the one and only exception when the Maltese fought a war for their country – even if misguidedly – and not...

The two-year war against the French was the one and only...

Fortnite: When does a harmless hobby turn into an addiction?
Josanne Cassar

It has been compared to heroine and cocaine

It has been compared to heroine and cocaine

The Mueller investigation and the mid-terms
Matthew Bugeja

Barring some spectacular revelations, the Special Counsel’s investigation...

Barring some spectacular revelations, the Special...

Why social media is making us anti-social
Josanne Cassar

Instead of social media helping us to understand and tolerate those with...

Instead of social media helping us to understand and...

Facing the climate change threat
Evarist Bartolo

Today’s “dominant economic theories” and conceptions of modern capitalism are inadequate because they falsely assume societies will have...

Today’s “dominant economic theories” and...

Needed: a coherent Opposition
Michael Falzon

Malta needs a coherent Opposition led by people that do not have to check for potential back-stabbers every time they take a decision

Malta needs a coherent Opposition led by people that do not...

‘In case of fire, argue about politics...’
Raphael Vassallo

Let’s face it: nobody is discussing the issues at the sizzling core of...

Let’s face it: nobody is discussing the issues at the...

Tear down, excavate, develop, repeat
Josanne Cassar

A street can go from a place where “everyone knows your name” to an anonymous, faceless row of blocks of apartments of displaced people who have no...

A street can go from a place where “everyone knows...

Numbers never count when  arguments fail
Saviour Balzan

This time around, the middle or high officials in agencies and government structures and even private companies are willingly active in a culture of corruption...

This time around, the middle or high officials in agencies...

Here’s how that €11.4 million could be better spent
Josanne Cassar

There is psychology at work here, where the government is attempting to foster...

There is psychology at work here, where the government is...

Central Link: government’s own policies ignored
Ralph Cassar

It is highly irresponsible if not downright stupid to build an expensive...

It is highly irresponsible if not downright stupid to build...

‘Politics not done by tweets’? Could have fooled me...
Raphael Vassallo

Matteo Salvini’s tweets somehow manage to combine the inane narcissism of...

Matteo Salvini’s tweets somehow manage to combine the...

Poverty and social exclusion statistics explained

The European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions explained and how they...

The European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions...

Carrots improve your eyesight at night…
Evarist Bartolo

We can’t just go backwards because falsehoods are gaining currency. It is...

We can’t just go backwards because falsehoods are...

Not all that glitters is gold in Gozitan healthcare
Simon Mizzi

The Gozo hospital privatisation process has so far been no more than a badly...

The Gozo hospital privatisation process has so far been no...

‘Tigers’ and ‘jaguars’... in the Serengeti?
Raphael Vassallo

I can perfectly understand why some people are so doggedly determined to...

I can perfectly understand why some people are so doggedly...

Playing the victim card
Michael Falzon

Politicians are over-using the victim card while not realising how they have become the laughing stock of the ordinary man in the street

Politicians are over-using the victim card while not...

The prediction that went very wrong
Saviour Balzan

Maltese and their patrons continue to suck up to firework enthusiasts and play to their tune, even when their antics go beyond every limit and are indeed,...

Maltese and their patrons continue to suck up to firework...