Calculating the worth of a housewife
Josanne Cassar
The shocking story of a woman who was left with a piece of gauze in her abdomen following a hernia operation, which caused her endless physical pain and emotional distress when...
Major surgery is needed
Saviour Balzan
Founded in 1961 when Malta was still a British colony and the world was a very different place, the BA’s functions need to be revisited and based on one guiding principle,...
Casualties of ‘war’
Raphael Vassallo

‘Sticks and stones’ may indeed ‘break your bones’... but words will hurt you far, far more in the long term

‘Sticks and stones’ may indeed ‘break...

After Egrant… a lesson to be learnt
Michael Briguglio

Unlike Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri’s involvement in Panama papers, no one has admitted he/she owns Egrant

Unlike Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri’s involvement...

Comment is free, but facts are sacred
Evarist Bartolo

The same time the media must not fall into the same trap as politicians and divide itself into camps. It should remain focused, vociferous and impartial

The same time the media must not fall into the same trap as...

A case of conspiracy fatigue
Michael Falzon

Do I see a conspiracy here? Of course not: all that would be correct and above board so long as it was not Malta’s Attorney General making similar...

Do I see a conspiracy here? Of course not: all that would...

Midnight in the garden of good and evil
Raphael Vassallo

Did the PN genuinely believe the truth in the Egrant allegation, when it so unwisely hitched its entire fate to that one issue? Or did it just shrug its...

Did the PN genuinely believe the truth in the Egrant...

And what if no one wants to use the metro / monorail either?
Josanne Cassar

It is all very well to come up with glossy, futuristic designs of what this...

It is all very well to come up with glossy, futuristic...

Delia must get the Opposition in shape
Saviour Balzan

This is not about being a President of a football club where you occasionally write your thoughts in a badly scripted poem, this is politics. And politics is...

This is not about being a President of a football club...

Greed begets sludge
Ralph Cassar

Sludge from tuna farms has polluted bathing areas as the growth philosophy allows big business to get greedier at the expense of ordinary people’s...

Sludge from tuna farms has polluted bathing areas as the...

When a newsroom gets it wrong, the public deserves an apology
Josanne Cassar

With the Egrant story in particular, an apology should be...

With the Egrant story in particular, an...

Turkeys clamouring for Christmas
Raphael Vassallo

The PN cannot keep insisting on Mizzi and Schembri’s resignation, when Simon Busuttil – now embroiled in an infinitely worse scandal –...

The PN cannot keep insisting on Mizzi and Schembri’s...

Egrant… and bread and butter issues
Frank Psaila

The Nationalist Party was wrong about Egrant, and it had to admit that to move forward

The Nationalist Party was wrong about Egrant, and it had to...

History will be damning
Evarist Bartolo

If Simon Busuttil had won the 2017 election based on a lie we would have a crisis on our hands nothing short of catastrophic

If Simon Busuttil had won the 2017 election based on a lie...

The ‘burden of proof’ still applies, you know
Raphael Vassallo

Our newly discovered ‘burden of proof’ applies just as much to this...

Our newly discovered ‘burden of proof’ applies...

Rushing recklessly to judgement
Michael Falzon

People who insist that Egrant belongs to the Prime Minister’s wife have come up with a lot of silly excuses because they do not want to accept the truth

People who insist that Egrant belongs to the Prime...

Macbeth, the Lady, and the witches
Saviour Balzan

For years to come, Caruana Galizia’s Egrant affair and the connivance of the PN will be a textbook case of rotten journalism, and politics

For years to come, Caruana Galizia’s Egrant affair...

The Egrant fall-out has  affected both parties
Josanne Cassar

If those who perpetuated and fanned the flames of this lie are now suddenly...

If those who perpetuated and fanned the flames of this lie...

The siege of Attard… and Malta
Ralph Cassar

Policies based on the now and with no view of the future. Policies which are a continuation of the development frenzy and car-centred transport policies of the...

Policies based on the now and with no view of the future....

Can you handle the truth?
Josanne Cassar

Jaħasra, if Magistrate Bugeja only knew how many homegrown experts he had at his fingertips on FB, he could have saved the taxpayers piles of money and...

Jaħasra, if Magistrate Bugeja only knew how many homegrown...