Water audit at St Augustine College reveals student habits and perspectives | Mikael Balzan, Mattia Stafrace
The focus of the Committee is an educational campaign through information posters, contributions in the student-led newsletter, and a Campus-wide quiz
Why Bernard Grech must go | Frank Camilleri
That is why Labour wins in the surveys and the Nationalists do not budge
Creating a centre for books in Valletta
Mark Camilleri

As more people opted to buy books online, local bookshops took a hit and Maltese consumers increasingly became less exposed to Maltese books

As more people opted to buy books online, local bookshops...

Standing up for journalism before it’s too late
Yannick Pace

Yannick Pace, Chris Peregin, Tim Diacono • For the public and key...

Yannick Pace, Chris Peregin, Tim Diacono • For the...

Is it cos they isn’t black?
Raphael Vassallo

Which streets did she walk through, I wonder? And who the hell did she talk to? It certainly couldn’t have been anyone who happens to share her prejudice...

Which streets did she walk through, I wonder? And who the...

Another brick in the wall
Michael Falzon

This is just another brick in the wall of some castle that is continually being expanded

This is just another brick in the wall of some castle that...

[WATCH] A sense of vindication
Saviour Balzan

Aaron Bugeja’s inquiry report leaves very little hope to those who wished the allegations against the Prime Minister and his wife to be true, Saviour...

Aaron Bugeja’s inquiry report leaves very little hope...

Our fascination with bling
Josanne Cassar

News websites are also sliding down this slippery slope in running PR pieces thinly disguised as ‘news’, in exchange for often hefty sponsorships

News websites are also sliding down this slippery slope in...

Barra, barra, barra… oops!
Kurt Sansone

Egrant symbolises the willingness of a PN that was ready to latch on to anything, even a lie, that reinforced the belief that Joseph Muscat and his government...

Egrant symbolises the willingness of a PN that was ready to...

Terinu, part II
Saviour Balzan

If the inquiry completely absolves the Muscat couple, there is little doubt in my mind that Muscat’s ascendancy will be stratospheric

If the inquiry completely absolves the Muscat couple, there...

No need to sanctify someone after their death
Josanne Cassar

When a tragic death occurs, tributes get reproduced verbatim as ‘news...

When a tragic death occurs, tributes get reproduced...

Why is Malta not Iceland?
Raphael Vassallo

Iceland seems to have no difficulty achieving that sort of unity, in both football and politics. Malta? In football, it would fall apart the moment we came up...

Iceland seems to have no difficulty achieving that sort of...

Lingua Nostra, Lingue Nostre | Kurt Gabriel Meli

The Emma Muscat ‘incident’ on Maltese and English provokes the...

The Emma Muscat ‘incident’ on Maltese and...

Not just a football game
Evarist Bartolo

The World Cup is the special one. It brings people together in a way nothing else does. It’s not just about football, but also about the human spirit

The World Cup is the special one. It brings people together...

On being a captive colony
Michael Falzon

The people who campaigned for Brexit had no idea on how to go about it… the British have now discovered it was all pie in the sky

The people who campaigned for Brexit had no idea on how to...

Yes, God was talking to us. He said: ‘You’re a superstitious lot, aren’t you?’...
Raphael Vassallo

Ah, but.... the timing, the timing! Why would God decide to strike down the Azure Window on that particular day?

Ah, but.... the timing, the timing! Why would God decide to...

Why copyright in the DSM Directive should be saved
Mark Camilleri

With all its faults and serious economic problems, the EU has proved itself an...

With all its faults and serious economic problems, the EU...

When lack of enforcement lets us down
Josanne Cassar

If enforcement were really in place, we would not keep waking up on a regular basis to the news of horrific accidents and needless loss of life

If enforcement were really in place, we would not keep...

It’s all coming home now...
Raphael Vassallo

What? Football? Me? Don’t be daft. I was talking about the brutal truth about one’s past actions returning to haunt one’s present. That all...

What? Football? Me? Don’t be daft. I was talking...

The shared experience of a global sport
Josanne Cassar

In a world where the Internet has eliminated the concept of anticipation, the World Cup still has the capacity to clear the roads of traffic and unite...

In a world where the Internet has eliminated the concept of...