Stop fucking defending Joseph Muscat
Muscat’s posse of followers argue that he has done so much good for the country that the actions referred to are simple misdemeanours. This argument is flawed. Nothing and nothing justifies the greed and the crime

I have tried very hard to find one comforting fact that would make me figure out and justify Joseph Muscat’s motives, or perhaps agree that he is only a naive man who did not know what the others were up to. Or perhaps we were naive and too stupid to realise who Joseph Muscat is. At least I was.
But Muscat has previously used this argument when it came to the Panama accounts and when it came to Yorgen Fenech.
I now know and I am certain that I took the right decision to erase any form of esteem and admiration or advocacy for Muscat in November 2019 when the Yorgen Fenech story came to light. When in 2013 he was elected with a landslide victory I really thought he would bring sensible change.
It turned out that he created an economic revival by passing on the country to greedy businessmen and tearing down the most crucial planning laws, allowing for a construction boom.
The Gabriella Vella inquiry published online in MaltaToday may have many flaws and gratuitous comments - it also ignores certain individuals and professionals, lawyers, and auditors - but the undeniable facts are there for you to see. They prove beyond any doubt that people involved in politics were only in the political milieu simply to enrich themselves at the expense of others and public funds.
The whole episode confirms the existence of a mafia structure.
For Muscat to argue that he did not know what the others were up to, either means that he is a very stupid and dumb man, or else takes us to be outright imbeciles.
More worrying is the fact that the Labour Party today is standing by Joseph Muscat. It is not only inviting him to talk on ONE but allowing its candidates to invite him in promotional events and enabling dangerous propagandists like Manwel Cuschieri to stir up emotions for a man who has erred in no small way. This is a big mistake.
Muscat’s posse of followers argue that he has done so much good for the country that the actions referred to are simple misdemeanours. This argument is flawed. Nothing and nothing justifies the greed and the crime.
What has happened is that the whole political project has been a camouflage for Muscat and his closest aides to create structures which would benefit them personally at that moment or in the future.
I would take it one step further; all this talk of socialism is one big charade. An excuse to give the whole episode a crusader motive.
There is no holy war in Muscat’s grand plan, but only a personal motive to become richer and richer. Those who do not support him are now being accused of not being appreciative, loyal, or anti-Labour. So be it.
It is very clear that every step they (Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi) took was intended to serve them. That taxpayers’ money intended for valuable public service was used to finance these grand devious plans, did not make a fucking difference to them. They acted with impunity.
In March 2022, Robert Abela won an election on his own steam. He did this without Muscat’s support. This time around, Muscat is back. And even though the PL may possibly win with a comfortable majority, the measure of the win will be attributed to Muscat’s presence. This is bad news for Abela and the Labour Party.
Because what we will see in the next months is proof of Muscat’s involvement with companies and individuals who were in Malta for only one reason – to pillage our gold chest on the premise that they would provide a sterling health service.
Something Muscat and his closest aides knew was complete hogwash. And yet they allowed this to continue.
We all have our opinions about the judiciary, the NGO Repubblika and its lawyer. They can be caustic and hypocritical but let us be fair, they were given a silver plate by Muscat himself who embarked on a dubious path from the first days in office, starting from the Cafe Premier incident.
Every step taken from the Golden passport scheme to the granting of a licence to Pilatus Bank, to the Electrogas deal and the American University of Malta, to the Montenegro windfarm investment by Enemalta, and the several privatisation schemes; have all been peppered by revelations of impropriety. Not to mention the hospitals takeover by the obscure Vitals and the subsequent transfer of the concession to Steward.
Those who defend Muscat and his associates should at least differentiate the good from the bad and right from wrong.
The Labour government cannot escape the truth. It cannot ignore the complex schemes devised to siphon off monies from kickbacks. The government and the Labour Party must not defend Joseph Muscat anymore.
The ugliest and most unforgivable part in all this malaise was the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. With all her faults and prejudices and gossipmongering, she was still crucial in pinpointing corruption. Nothing will beat the devious plan to murder her and erase her completely from this earth. Nothing will convince me that there was not a political finger in the plot.
And all this comes at an important juncture, where we are being asked to vote.
We are being encouraged to choose between one party and another for representation in an institution – the European Parliament – which frankly has little influence on the visible deliverables in my home country (the traffic, the education of my children, the planning laws, the over population, the shabbiness, or the type of political class we have).
It might explain why in Sunday's MT survey over 30% are opting not to vote.
I hesitate to guess they will stay home because they are shocked by what they see and to add insult to injury they are now receiving a cheque of some €60 or €160 days before polling day.
In their heart of hearts, they simply want to avoid believing that the statement that we are living in a Mafia state is an exaggeration and not the truth.