Reining in inflation
Michael Falzon
The parallelism between what has happened in Ireland and what is happening in Malta is glaring
‘Why vote for others to be cheated? Vote for us instead!’
Raphael Vassallo
Elsewhere, both the Socialists and Liberals are equally keen to appease Far-Right sympathisers in other, arguably less ‘contentious’ ways: for instance, by supporting...
When you resort to name-calling, you’ve already lost the argument
Josanne Cassar

The unacceptable comments made lately have also made me realise, not for the...

The unacceptable comments made lately have also made me...

Why IVF matters... even to the ‘justice’ crusade
Raphael Vassallo

An Opposition party that threatens to repeal aspects of important,...

An Opposition party that threatens to repeal aspects of...

Laying the cards on the table

Prof Andrew Azzopardi says that the changes proposed to the Embryo Protection Act dilute the focus on the dignity and protection of the human embryo and they...

Prof Andrew Azzopardi says that the changes proposed to the...

The disappearance of Labour’s ‘moral minority’
James Debono

Joseph Muscat made Malta a happier place for minorities but has Labour become...

Joseph Muscat made Malta a happier place for minorities but...

But it’s not ‘your Malta’, is it?
Raphael Vassallo

I feel a lot of sympathy for poor old Nas: who came here all smiles and enthusiasm for what he took to be an undiscovered island paradise...

I feel a lot of sympathy for poor old Nas: who came here...

The PN’s problem is its lack of consistency
Josanne Cassar

It is glaringly obvious that the PN has been split into two camps: those...

It is glaringly obvious that the PN has been split into two...

The battle of the Little Bighorn
Saviour Balzan

If that referendum on EU accession had happened today, I’d only vote if someone pointed a gun at my temple

If that referendum on EU accession had happened today,...

Crime, poverty, recidivism and restorative justice | Joseph Borg

Studies in family research confirm that crime tends to be concentrated in...

Studies in family research confirm that crime tends to be...

Our relationship with politics: it’s complicated
Josanne Cassar

There may be many who are happy to be led by the nose, but the number of those...

There may be many who are happy to be led by the nose, but...

Good question. Now try and answer it
Raphael Vassallo

In any case: it seems we are left with quite a few possible answers to the question posed by civil society NGOs this week. Strange, though, that no one else is...

In any case: it seems we are left with quite a few possible...

Jobs are not an issue, but salaries are
Frank Psaila

Needed: new economic sectors, which pay well

Needed: new economic sectors, which pay well

Giving them a fighting chance
Evarist Bartolo

The NSO statistics show that one in 20 children are still living in a state of severe material deprivation. 16% of those questioned say they would not be able...

The NSO statistics show that one in 20 children are still...

What was that, my Lord?
Michael Falzon

Rather than drawing a new line and taking a lead in European affairs after they joined the bloc, the British stuck to their nostalgic dream of reliving the past

Rather than drawing a new line and taking a lead in...

Shocked, are we? Too bad...
Raphael Vassallo

The same people who demand ‘justice’ are perfectly content to cling to almost any hypothesis simply because it conforms to their own suspicions

The same people who demand ‘justice’ are...

On the same side, when they want to
Josanne Cassar

In what is probably one of the few times there has been such amazing consensus, all our MPs unanimously changed the law allowing the Commissioner of Police to...

In what is probably one of the few times there has been...

The narrative played out
Saviour Balzan

Had the events that unfolded two years ago had led to the necessary resignations, today we would be discussing the matter in a very different manner

Had the events that unfolded two years ago had led to the...

Six months is not that long to wait for justice
Raphael Vassallo

While the mills of our own justice system grind exceedingly slow... and not...

While the mills of our own justice system grind exceedingly...

The latest trend: I’ll get you fired
Josanne Cassar

We need to learn how to attack the argument and not go after the person and their livelihood just because what they are saying does not fit in with what we...

We need to learn how to attack the argument and not go...