Saying ‘we’re sorry for the inconvenience’, just won’t cut it
Josanne Cassar
Despite flyovers, wider roads, millions of euros and countless promises of how much our commuting time will be reduced, traffic is a topic we keep coming back to time and again...
The erudite judge and the perky judge
Saviour Balzan
The two judgments and the two judges confirm, whether we like it or not, that the judiciary and the courts espouse more influence and power than the Opposition and the media put...
The priority list
Saviour Balzan

I am informed that the legal representatives of a business concern in the locality passed on a message to the Archbishop on the matter well before the story...

I am informed that the legal representatives of a business...

We don’t need another hero
Josanne Cassar

As a nation I think many have this real need to look up to a political leader in the same way that they hero-worship their favourite footballer

As a nation I think many have this real need to look up to...

Why all the fuss?
Raphael Vassallo

While Malta may really be small and insignificant in the bigger European picture... we’re not entirely ‘powerless’, you know

While Malta may really be small and insignificant in the...

Emma is better off out of the toxic atmosphere of ‘Amici’
Josanne Cassar

Time will tell if Emma Muscat makes it big. As for Amici... with...

Time will tell if Emma Muscat makes it big. As for...

Emma, making Malta proud
Frank Psaila

Frank Psaila talks about Emma Muscat, double standards in the European Parliament, cheated consumers, and Italy's political crisis  

Frank Psaila talks about Emma Muscat, double standards in...

When sweeping under the carpet just won’t do
Evarist Bartolo

We must make sure we’re there for our family, friends and those close to...

We must make sure we’re there for our family, friends...

[WATCH] Visiting MEPs, holy deals and Joseph Muscat's electoral supremacy
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan shares his thoughts on the unorthodox meeting between visiting MEPs and magistrates probing the Egrant affair and Daphne Caruana Galizia's...

Saviour Balzan shares his thoughts on the unorthodox...

Saving bandsman Borg... but what about landlords’ rights?
Michael Falzon

Band clubs do serve a social purpose and bandsman Borg needs a place where to...

Band clubs do serve a social purpose and bandsman Borg...

Historical revisionism? Mintoff in a tie...
Raphael Vassallo

The Malta of my childhood was overshadowed by fear: the fear of Mintoff, which...

The Malta of my childhood was overshadowed by fear: the...

Understanding government’s remit on IVF and surrogacy | Maria Brown

Those who marry in Church for reasons of faith are also capable of reconciling...

Those who marry in Church for reasons of faith are also...

Two Maltese judges walk into a meeting to brief three MEPs...
Saviour Balzan

It’s no joke: it’s insulting that two members of the judiciary...

It’s no joke: it’s insulting that two members...

A whole lot of issues make one big issue
Josanne Cassar

Complacency is a dangerously seductive state of mind – after all, it is much easier to throw in the towel, kick back and let others get all worked up and...

Complacency is a dangerously seductive state of mind...

Italy’s shadow looms large over Europe
Matthew Bugeja

Rome’s problems have been decades in the making – but the proposed solutions are high-risk at a time in which Italy can ill afford them

Rome’s problems have been decades in the making...

No, it was not the educational system which failed Liam Debono
Josanne Cassar

No school can replace what is missing from home: the sense of feeling grounded,...

No school can replace what is missing from home: the sense...

Female prison blues...
Raphael Vassallo

Have the conditions at Corradino Prison changed? Now that the law courts (no less) have phrased it so eloquently for us... well, perhaps it’s time...

Have the conditions at Corradino Prison changed? Now...

Re-inventing the wheel through blockchain
Evarist Bartolo

Malta is the first to do this, and other countries are quickly realising the...

Malta is the first to do this, and other countries are...

No to violence against children
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Violence against children, including corporal punishment, can have no part in a culture that is built on the values of dignity, of justice, and of peace.

Violence against children, including corporal punishment,...

[WATCH] Even Malta needs to have a debate on abortion
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan's videoblog | In 2018, Malta too has to hold a debate on...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog | In 2018, Malta too has to...