[WATCH] 25 years of MaltaToday
MaltaToday started being published on this day, 25 years ago. It started off as a weekly newspaper published on a Friday. Saviour Balzan reminisces about a quarter of a century of irreverent journalism.

MaltaToday is 25 years old today. It started off as a weekly newspaper published every Friday until 2001 when it shifted to a Sunday.
The newspaper started off as a small, liberal and progressive newspaper that clawed its way into the Maltese media landscape to become an agenda-setter.
In 1999, newspapers were still the preferred go-to news source for people at a time when the internet was still in its infancy.
MaltaToday was born to chase stories that mattered, getting involved in campaign journalism on issues like divorce, hunting and accountability by politicians. It was also a pioneer in the polling field. MaltaToday is the only newspaper to have a long history of carrying out and publishing regular polls.
Today, with print taking a backseat in an ever-digitalised environment, the independent media remains an important tool to challenge power and provide context in a crowded and clouded environment.
The journalists at MaltaToday retain the energy to continue delivering good stories by shedding light where darkness prevails.
I must thank the journalists and media workers who over the past 25 years dedicated long hours to make MaltaToday what it is today. I also thank our loyal readers who continue to support us and our journalism.