A tribute to Isabelle Bonnici
Mark Said
Jean Paul’s demise and the consequent permanent grief within his parents are just one of many other disastrous unintended consequences that occur as the direct consequence...
Suppressing foreign owned media
Michael Falzon
Even in public pedestrian areas like the area of the entrance to Valletta, heavy vehicles should not be allowed when maintenance works are carried out
Even professionals won’t talk about abortion
Tia Reljic

My question was simple and non-controversial: Do Maltese patients ever seek...

My question was simple and non-controversial: Do Maltese...

Nice ‘abortion debate’ we’re all having, huh?
Raphael Vassallo

Our ‘total abortion ban’ is, in fact, a survivor of Malta’s...

Our ‘total abortion ban’ is, in fact, a...

Pope Francis won’t support women priests – Here’s what he could do
The Conversation

Although Pope Francis is unlikely to allow women into the priesthood, it is within reason that he could lead in ordaining women to become deacons, as this...

Although Pope Francis is unlikely to allow women into the...

The lazy and difficult student
Evarist Bartolo

At a time where lack of knowledge is sometimes revered, and where a common baseline of reality is not there, Stephen Hawking exemplified reason, modesty and...

At a time where lack of knowledge is sometimes revered, and...

It’s ‘Doctor’ Evil, thank you very much...
Raphael Vassallo

If this article comes to a sudden halt in mid-sentence, just assume I’ve...

If this article comes to a sudden halt in mid-sentence,...

The petrol importation monopoly
Michael Falzon

Governments have come and governments have gone and Malta became an EU member state but the situation has hardly changed, save for the hiving off of...

Governments have come and governments have gone and Malta...

It's called our mother tongue for a reason
Josanne Cassar

I can never figure out why there are those who are Maltese born and bred who...

I can never figure out why there are those who are Maltese...

Teaching children how to connect again
Josanne Cassar

Unless we instill the importance of emotional intelligence in children from a young age, I fear we will end up in a world which is like something out of...

Unless we instill the importance of emotional intelligence...

Muscat’s agenda is to undermine our Christian values | Edwin Vassallo

Whether on issues like the legal notice on leave for IVF, same sex marriage or the latest act on domestic violence, Muscat has always characterised his actions...

Whether on issues like the legal notice on leave for IVF,...

Face it, Maltese media: we screwed up
Raphael Vassallo

From this perspective, the way we got the Zach Meli story so totally wrong is only a natural progression from the way the Maltese media has approached its...

From this perspective, the way we got the Zach Meli story...

Moving forward
Evarist Bartolo

It might not be the most popular thing right now, but let’s not forget that Western Europe has been free from conflict for the past 73 years, mainly...

It might not be the most popular thing right now, but...

The Joseph Muscat party
Frank Psaila

For now, they are ‘happy’ in the knowledge that their party continues to lead in the polls; wishing that tomorrow never comes – or oblivious...

For now, they are ‘happy’ in the knowledge that...

Wasting time on burning waste
Michael Falzon

Wasteserv is hardly the entity to do it: politicians seem to have decided that it exists to give voters a government job for doing next to nothing

Wasteserv is hardly the entity to do it: politicians seem...

The politics of crack wrestling
Raphael Vassallo

You cannot call someone a ‘gbejna’ one minute, then become that someone’s ally and accomplice the next.... and all along expect nobody to...

You cannot call someone a ‘gbejna’ one minute,...

On reputation and the death of a gentle friend
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan on the the death of veteran poverty campaigner Charles Miceli...

Saviour Balzan on the the death of veteran poverty...

Who will speak up for the poor now?
Josanne Cassar

He was indefatigable on the issues which count: the harsh rental market which is seeing people resort to living in garages, and foreign workers who are being...

He was indefatigable on the issues which count: the harsh...

Comedian Tiffany Haddish is a shining example of single-minded determination
Josanne Cassar

I admire Tiffany Haddish for persevering rather than giving up. In an age where too many people expect free handouts, she is someone who fought with a...

I admire Tiffany Haddish for persevering rather than giving...

How many referendums does it take, anyway?
Raphael Vassallo

Sorry, folks, but it just doesn’t work that way: not in Italy, not in the...

Sorry, folks, but it just doesn’t work that way: not...