A dirty red flag of convenience
Saviour Balzan
Muscat’s flirtations on the Manuel Cuschieri show weaken Abela’s standing. If Muscat stands as an MEP candidate it will signal the demise of the Abela administration.
A repeat of 2017 in 2024? No thank you Joseph
James Debono
Do we really want to spend the next months discussing Egrant, Panama and Muscat’s consultancy on exotic birds?  The bitter after taste this will leave on a nation still...
Ram it down our throats
Saviour Balzan

The reform itself also sends the wrong message: that society should be looking to the younger generation for direction, and not the elderly folk. Because at...

The reform itself also sends the wrong message: that...

The couple relationship in the 21st century
Josanne Cassar

Each phase has its ups and downs, but one thing which all the academics agreed...

Each phase has its ups and downs, but one thing which all...

Why we still need to teach youths about the Holocaust
The Conversation

Young people today are the future leaders of the world tomorrow – so it...

Young people today are the future leaders of the world...

Reflecting on Davos
Matthew Bugeja

Global leaders emphasise the importance of cooperation at Davos whilst Trump strikes a more moderate tone

Global leaders emphasise the importance of cooperation at...

Being open to pro-abortion arguments contradicts a defence of the right to life | Edwin Vassallo

By refusing to answer in a clear and unequivocal way against abortion when probed, Joseph Muscat shows the true nature of his regime

By refusing to answer in a clear and unequivocal way...

Caught in the poverty trap or simply irresponsible?
Josanne Cassar

Providing a safety net and social welfare for those like Graziella Bonello who...

Providing a safety net and social welfare for those like...

A monumental irony
Raphael Vassallo

How does one reconcile a monument to the Knights’ victory over the Ottomans in 1565, with a tribute to the principles of justice, decency and freedom of...

How does one reconcile a monument to the Knights’...

Painting a true picture of literacy standards
Evarist Bartolo

In literacy, there can be no quick-fix solutions based on reactions to...

In literacy, there can be no quick-fix solutions based on...

We are right, you are wrong, so there!
Raphael Vassallo

We are not clearly going to improve the system much, by simply digging our heels and insisting that all our critics are always wrong about absolutely everything

We are not clearly going to improve the system much, by...

From slapstick to SLAPP
Michael Falzon

Ditching the principle that the accused are presumed innocent until they are proven guilty is a dangerous ‘modus operandi’ and can be too easily...

Ditching the principle that the accused are presumed...

Next: voting while still in their nappies
Josanne Cassar

At this rate, why not just keep making the voting age younger and younger in...

At this rate, why not just keep making the voting age...

Crooks everywhere, same as it ever was
Saviour Balzan

There is no space for ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ – they are all trading in influence and this is corrupt … and we need to get to the...

There is no space for ‘ifs’ and...

[WATCH] We have to question a court decision that looks the other way on racist comments
Saviour Balzan

As journalists and opinion-makers we have an obligation to question the judiciary on certain decisions that interpret our freedoms in society

As journalists and opinion-makers we have an...

Downsizing our lives
Josanne Cassar

Most of the big names behind all these towers, luxury developments and petrol stations already have more money than they could possibly spend in one lifetime

Most of the big names behind all these towers, luxury...

‘Vote PN, get’... what, exactly?
Raphael Vassallo

Um... really? That's how democracy works, huh? You vote for a party... and that's the party you get if it wins the election? Hmmm

Um... really? That's how democracy works, huh? You vote...

Bulgaria at the helm of the EU presidency
Frank Psaila

The EU as a whole has entered a critical phase in its history as it comes to...

The EU as a whole has entered a critical phase in its...

The world we live in
Evarist Bartolo

The battle is rough as it is - we must work together to continue bringing investment and jobs to this country

The battle is rough as it is - we must work together to...

Contradictory messages on the IIP
Michael Falzon

Donald Trump has popularised the term fake news, using it to criticise unfavourable news in the media

Donald Trump has popularised the term fake news, using it...