Lived experiences: Young and N.E.E.T. | Audrey Friggieri
Unity | This research study seeks to shed more light on NEET young people’s life worlds to inform policy decision-making about education, training, and employment during...
What’s growth got to do with it? GDP and the measure of success | Maria Giulia Borg
Unity | Studies indicate that greater income could indeed improve the quality of life of individuals, especially when it can help them fulfil their basic needs
Who will speak up for the poor now?
Josanne Cassar

He was indefatigable on the issues which count: the harsh rental market which is seeing people resort to living in garages, and foreign workers who are being...

He was indefatigable on the issues which count: the harsh...

Comedian Tiffany Haddish is a shining example of single-minded determination
Josanne Cassar

I admire Tiffany Haddish for persevering rather than giving up. In an age where too many people expect free handouts, she is someone who fought with a...

I admire Tiffany Haddish for persevering rather than giving...

How many referendums does it take, anyway?
Raphael Vassallo

Sorry, folks, but it just doesn’t work that way: not in Italy, not in the...

Sorry, folks, but it just doesn’t work that way: not...

A breath of fresh air in education
Evarist Bartolo

The students’ group put to shame a lot of other stakeholders through constant engagement with policymakers, and publication of high quality documents and...

The students’ group put to shame a lot of other...

You can vote, but you can’t contest...
Raphael Vassallo

I may be reaching that age when I start looking at ‘16-year-olds’ and actually assume they’re much closer to 10 or 12. It might be an unfair...

I may be reaching that age when I start looking at...

The BOV La Valette property fund: a saga worth recalling
Michael Falzon

The reaction of BoV was a public relations disaster. Rather than engaging with...

The reaction of BoV was a public relations disaster. Rather...

Transforming social responsibility to social advocacy for legacy | Jesmond Saliba

While companies may initially fear the sectarian mentality in a tiny nation-state like ours, corporate social advocacy can be a catalyst to overcome this same...

While companies may initially fear the sectarian mentality...

Are we serious about getting rid of cronyism?
Josanne Cassar

Election after election, there are many who have obtained their positions,...

Election after election, there are many who have obtained...

The ambassador for the promotion of ugliness
Saviour Balzan

Many talk of referenda for hunting and trapping, but perhaps it is time to...

Many talk of referenda for hunting and trapping, but...

Syrian conflict heightens dangers of US-Russian confrontation
Matthew Bugeja

US troops and Russian mercenaries exchanging fire in Syria is a dangerous twist...

US troops and Russian mercenaries exchanging fire in Syria...

Deconstructing the foreign critique about Malta
Josanne Cassar

If we are to improve the country and fix what is wrong before it is too late,...

If we are to improve the country and fix what is wrong...

Direct orders, directly in breach of regulations
Raphael Vassallo

Governments routinely break all the rules and regulations they set for everyone...

Governments routinely break all the rules and regulations...

Fearne, Muscat and the Labour leadership
Frank Psaila

Muscat’s Qormi statement makes Fearne’s ambitions increasingly difficult to attain. Muscat has – in not so many words – told him to...

Muscat’s Qormi statement makes Fearne’s...

Truth is in the eye of the beholder
Evarist Bartolo

Do we really want an authority, whether Facebook or someone else, that controls what is shared and posted? It’s not like the truth has any chance

Do we really want an authority, whether Facebook or someone...

Lobbying is good for you
Michael Falzon

Someone must have lobbied to get the Planning Authority’s approval for the absurd platform... but many more lobbied for its removal. In this case, common...

Someone must have lobbied to get the Planning...

Money as a measure of success? Only ‘now’. And only ‘here’...
Raphael Vassallo

The rest of the EU is driven by ‘higher values’. It is only here in...

The rest of the EU is driven by ‘higher...

What will Muscat’s legacy be?
Josanne Cassar

The downside of Muscat’s “let’s do it” attitude is that he has forgotten (or chosen to forget) that the Labour party’s roots are...

The downside of Muscat’s “let’s do...

Well, well, it’s Consuelo…
Saviour Balzan

I see her appointment as Judge to be only a matter of time

I see her appointment as Judge to be only a matter of time