What’s growth got to do with it? GDP and the measure of success | Maria Giulia Borg
Unity | Studies indicate that greater income could indeed improve the quality of life of individuals, especially when it can help them fulfil their basic needs
Child marriage in Malta: An emerging hidden reality | Lara Sammut Debono
Unity | An exploratory study presents a practice involving minors and elements of potential human rights violations
Interests of the children should always come first
Josanne Cassar

The lives of vulnerable children are at stake and both sides must come to an...

The lives of vulnerable children are at stake and both...

Still premature to pathologise gamers | Andy Przybylski and Amy Orben

The diagnosis of video game addiction is not stable over time, because scholars...

The diagnosis of video game addiction is not stable over...

Gun control is about democracy, not guns
Raphael Vassallo

Perhaps we should be thankful, then, that our systemic failure hasn’t so far resulted in dozens of schoolchildren dead... as it continues to do in America

Perhaps we should be thankful, then, that our systemic...

International Mother Language Day in multilingual Malta | Phyllisienne Vassallo Gauci

Today more than ever, it is crucial in teaching and educational contexts to sustain the development of plurilingual and pluricultural competence in our learners

Today more than ever, it is crucial in teaching and...

Let’s talk about organ donation
Evarist Bartolo

It seems that critics were questioning the level of government’s authority after your life

It seems that critics were questioning the level of...

Is it the more the merrier?
Michael Falzon

It’s about time for Malta to take a look at the future and see how we would like it to be, and plan accordingly

It’s about time for Malta to take a look at the...

An inauspicious proposal
Raphael Vassallo

What started out as a personal reaction to a single act of vandalism – directed at those (admittedly hideous) polystyrene sculptures – quickly...

What started out as a personal reaction to a single act of...

Just let it be
Saviour Balzan

The removal of the ‘three billboards’ was petty, considering that so many billboards, originally illegal, have now been ‘legalised’ and...

The removal of the ‘three billboards’ was...

Gorging ourselves, gobbling our land
Josanne Cassar

Our legacy will be towns and villages which have merged into one another, dotted by petrol stations for the cars we cannot live without, to drive us to the...

Our legacy will be towns and villages which have merged...

In Daphne Caruana Galizia's own words
Josanne Cassar

While plenty of documented material has been publishe about Daphne Caruana Galizia’s journalistic work, little attention is paid to the equally...

While plenty of documented material has been publishe about...

A joke about Mount Carmel? They must be crazy...
Raphael Vassallo

 all this internet outrage would be far better directed at the problem...

 all this internet outrage would be far better...

A world urban forum and why it matters | Corina Cretu

Europe is indeed a beacon, an example to follow for tens of millions of people...

Europe is indeed a beacon, an example to follow for tens of...

No need to re-invent the wheel
Evarist Bartolo

The challenges in assessment, diverse abilities and educator development are things we do not face alone, but can be found everywhere

The challenges in assessment, diverse abilities and...

Zonqor campus. Much worse than a bad deal | Adrian Delia

Eddie Fenech Adami’s fight was about freedom: our freedom to live our...

Eddie Fenech Adami’s fight was about freedom: our...

Why Konrad Mizzi might cost Chris Fearne the Labour leadership
Frank Psaila

When the health baton was passed on to Chris Fearne, he had to face the music...

When the health baton was passed on to Chris Fearne, he had...

This thing we call ‘art’
Raphael Vassallo

The arts? Oh, it’s just one of the boxes on the official bucket-list that must be ticked. It doesn’t really matter who you tick it with, or why

The arts? Oh, it’s just one of the boxes on the...

The politics of pettiness
Michael Falzon

Germany shares joint top spot on infringements with Spain… Malta is one of the most obedient member states. Yet German politicians have been imbued by...

Germany shares joint top spot on infringements with...

Moving forward, together
Kahin Ismail

Download here the UNHCR’s magazine ‘Moving Forward, Together’ here: a celebration of people’s resilience after fleeing persecution and...

Download here the UNHCR’s magazine ‘Moving...