A new dawn for Europe, where democracy is reimagined | Matthias Portelli
Together, as a united front, we can turn the tide, ensuring that the European project remains a beacon of hope for generations to come. The time to act is now;...
Together, as a united front, we can turn the tide, ensuring...
From compassion to action: A call for change in mental health | Steve Ellul
Stress management seminars, self-care initiatives, and preventive measures emerge as essential components of a resilient and thriving community, mirroring a...
Stress management seminars, self-care initiatives, and...
Graduate education and mountain climbing | Nicole Falzon
As I gird myself for this adventure, I cannot help but draw parallels between...
As I gird myself for this adventure, I cannot help but draw...
Maltese and European women deserve better | Claudette Abela Baldacchino
I am committed to working further towards a future where gender equality is a given, rather than a debate
I am committed to working further towards a future where...
The status of women is the status of democracy | Constance J. Milstein, US ambassador
Malta is a trusted partner in our efforts to promote shared values and to advance peace and stability... Malta’s leadership at both the UNSC and...
Malta is a trusted partner in our efforts to promote shared...
Rent law amendment: Socialist PR but exploitative reality | Matthew Attard
The minister, likely after much lobbying from the MDA, has decided to remove all rent-calming measures that were in law. The most impactful was the extension...
The minister, likely after much lobbying from the MDA, has...