Youth rebellion, dissent and social change | Albert Bell
Unity |  A national critical mindset and effective political and media literacy are essential for meaningful dissent to foster. Our education system is pivotal to this effect
Appointing the president
Michael Falzon
Bickering on who should be president would have done the country more harm
An unstoppable ODZ landgrab
Raphael Vassallo

Let's all just buy up the countryside for cheap, turn it into a giant residential compound and become millionaires overnight

Let's all just buy up the countryside for cheap, turn...

Malta's PIRLS score: uncertain pathway in education
Therese Comodini Cachia

Therese Comodini Cahica | Unless the administration forges a way forward...

Therese Comodini Cahica | Unless the administration forges...

How to save the Maltese language from extinction
Evarist Bartolo

While Maltese literature is doing very well and publications are relatively...

While Maltese literature is doing very well and...

It’s all about PPPs
Michael Falzon

The sinister thing about the Vitals contract is that the idea and the principle are good but the way it was put into practice is completely unacceptable

The sinister thing about the Vitals contract is that the...

The only ‘vital’ things are transparency and accountability
Raphael Vassallo

The debate sounded uncannily familiar to my ears... only the party now in...

The debate sounded uncannily familiar to my ears... only...

Air Malta – managing expectations

We should not lose sight of the prevailing financial situation of the airline, irrespective of how painful to our patriotic self this may be

We should not lose sight of the prevailing financial...

It could never happen here, could it?
Josanne Cassar

Hopefully in Malta we will never come across anything remotely similar to the 'California captivity case', but there still needs to be more vigilance

Hopefully in Malta we will never come across anything...

Saviour Balzan

  Start this little campaign and go for it.

  Start this little campaign and go for it.

Labour’s Vitals charade was an insult to our intelligence
Kurt Sansone

Konrad Mizzi’s and Joseph Muscat’s attitudes in Parliament during...

Konrad Mizzi’s and Joseph Muscat’s attitudes in...

[WATCH] Another fuel station? Something has got to give
Saviour Balzan

SAVIOUR BALZAN's videblog | Saving our countryside has become an even...

SAVIOUR BALZAN's videblog | Saving our countryside has...

Let the real truth come out
Josanne Cassar

A new development in Egrant-gate seems to indicate we are seeing an end in sight to this inquiry which continues to haunt the Muscat administration almost...

A new development in Egrant-gate seems to indicate we...

In times of extremes...
Raphael Vassallo

No point in having a discussion when arguments are reasoned through partisan logic alone

No point in having a discussion when arguments are reasoned...

Life is fragile
Frank Psaila

Life is truly perplexing. One second you’re here, next you’re gone

Life is truly perplexing. One second you’re here,...

Why excessive screen time is a major danger
Evarist Bartolo

Technology has transformed the way we live but not everything that is digital...

Technology has transformed the way we live but not...

The artful dodger
Michael Falzon

It was obvious that Sweeney got his information from people who depict Muscat in the darkest hues and who push the theory that whatever he does is wrong or...

It was obvious that Sweeney got his information from people...

Oh ye of little proof...
Raphael Vassallo

What you, me, the PANA committee, or anyone else under the sun thinks is entirely irrelevant... Justice without proof is not justice at all

What you, me, the PANA committee, or anyone else under the...

Are children being deprived of their childhoods?
Josanne Cassar

The homework debate is one that has long been raging in Malta, and is one of...

The homework debate is one that has long been raging in...

A new hat needed
Saviour Balzan

what we need is a very important game changer, a new player who can stand up and be taken seriously. And this has to come from elsewhere, not from the ranks of...

what we need is a very important game changer, a new player...