Crime: Why are we so fascinated by it? | Sandra Scicluna
Unity |  Crime seems to activate that curiosity within us, perhaps in a way that enables us to distinguish between good and bad, between us and them
Women, invisible illnesses and sexuality | Mariella Micallef
Unity | Perceptions of healthcare professionals towards clients with invisible illnesses can influence clients’ behaviour and interactions, affecting medical decisions,...
Over the top
Michael Falzon

The creators of the allegations that Malta is a country where the rule of law does not exist have gone over the top, provoking a negative reaction among the...

The creators of the allegations that Malta is a country...

From ‘no rule of law’ to a military state...
Raphael Vassallo

We are now brought to a truly overwhelming irony: Who will now complain,...

We are now brought to a truly overwhelming irony: Who...

Class. Not yet extinct
Saviour Balzan

There’s a real divide between those who have an anglicised upbringing with, perhaps, a refined lifestyle, and the rest of us who have moved up the social...

There’s a real divide between those who have an...

In politics, perception is everything
Josanne Cassar

I can appreciate that Michelle Muscat has lent her name, time and energy to raise funds for organisations such as the Marigold Foundation, but it should not...

I can appreciate that Michelle Muscat has lent her name,...

Who sets the agenda and who controls the narrative?
Josanne Cassar

It’s not the media or the political class who are deciding what’s...

It’s not the media or the political class who are...

Political prejudice has never solved a crime
Raphael Vassallo

If you want evidence of just how incurable our political cancer has become, you...

If you want evidence of just how incurable our political...

Towards an  HIV-free world
G. Kathleen Hill

Through transparency, accountability and the power of partnership, we can accelerate progress toward reaching our goal of an HIV/AIDS free world

Through transparency, accountability and the power of...

Why teachers still need a union
Marco Bonnici

'Whatever your sector and grade, to unite and stand together for each other. You only stand to benefit'

'Whatever your sector and grade, to unite and stand...

Violence against half of our planet
Evarist Bartolo

Averages show that some 27% suffered some sort of physical violence whereas in Malta the number of respondents corresponds to 16%

Averages show that some 27% suffered some sort of physical...

Feeding the online trolls
Frank Psaila

Joseph Muscat repeatedly states, and is then echoed by his trolls on online news portals, that ‘let’s argue locally, but stick together...

Joseph Muscat repeatedly states, and is then echoed by his...

Bubble, bubble... toil and trouble
Michael Falzon

The most important issue is whether Malta is experiencing a bubble in the property industry and the resounding reply was simply ‘no’...

The most important issue is whether Malta is experiencing a...

Shouldn’t the ‘facts’ have come before the ‘judgment’?
Raphael Vassallo

As I write, a crowd of activists is gathering outside the European Parliament...

As I write, a crowd of activists is gathering outside the...

Be careful what you wish for
Josanne Cassar

As a result of the way Malta is being unfairly portrayed, resentment against what being in the EU means, is growing. You know, the kind of swelling resentment...

As a result of the way Malta is being unfairly portrayed,...

Comfortably numb
Saviour Balzan

I am against sharing breathing room with those who were comfortably numb when Malta was no different than it is today, with the same structures that made their...

I am against sharing breathing room with those who were...

Simple: more roads, more traffic, more pollution
Ralph Cassar

We need to reclaim our roads and squeeze a substantial number of cars off the...

We need to reclaim our roads and squeeze a substantial...

China’s time to shine
Matthew Bugeja

With a disinterested US administration, China’s power and influence will grow faster than anticipated

With a disinterested US administration, China’s power...

The poverty trap: Sometimes it is a matter of luck
Josanne Cassar

As isolation and loneliness become more important than compassion and empathy,...

As isolation and loneliness become more important than...

We’re no millennials, but we’re changing the rules of the game
Tia Reljic

Most still think the millennial are the new generation, but distinctive world...

Most still think the millennial are the new generation, but...