Part 1: Decisions that we could have avoided
Saviour Balzan
Change for the sake of change is not always beneficial and there is nothing wrong in admitting to a mistake and addressing the problem by going back to the drawing board
A new dawn for Europe, where democracy is reimagined | Matthias Portelli
Together, as a united front, we can turn the tide, ensuring that the European project remains a beacon of hope for generations to come. The time to act is now; the future of...
Traffic jams, Francis and a tongue-tied EU
Frank Psaila

Public trust has hit rock bottom, falling 17 places over last year's. Malta...

Public trust has hit rock bottom, falling 17 places over...

Empowering our girls
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

On 11 October we mark the International Day of the Girl Child, by acknowledging the value and contribution being made by some 1.1 billion girls, who form part...

On 11 October we mark the International Day of the Girl...

The business perspective

Reading through the budget speech, one gets the feeling that there are a lot of positive measures... Stephen Muscat looks into it

Reading through the budget speech, one gets the feeling...

A necessary evil
Michael Falzon

Reports of Public Procurement regulations being breached or even ignored are not uncommon. Such situations are an indication of bad governance, of course but...

Reports of Public Procurement regulations being breached or...

Adrian Delia vs 'the Lesbians'
Raphael Vassallo

Well, what can I say? No prizes for guessing whom the bookies expect to win

Well, what can I say? No prizes for guessing whom the...

Life in plastic, it’s fantastic
Josanne Cassar

Everywhere you go shopping, it is as if people want to continuously shove plastic at you, whether it is for produce or an item of clothing

Everywhere you go shopping, it is as if people want to...

If only it was about gender
Saviour Balzan

There is little doubt in my mind that Joseph Muscat’s drive for addressing gender imbalance is not a genuine concern, or an issue he believes in

There is little doubt in my mind that Joseph Muscat’s...

Merkel feels the populist bite
Matthew Bugeja

If a political colossus such as Angela Merkel can be dealt a blow by populists, then other Western politicians would do well to take note (Mr Macron in...

If a political colossus such as Angela Merkel can be dealt...

Malta returns to the global stage on ocean protection

With Our Ocean 2017, Malta is returning to the global stage

With Our Ocean 2017, Malta is returning to the global stage

The right to religious broadcasting vs the rights of women
Josanne Cassar

Broadcasting carries a certain amount of responsibility, and a TV presenter...

Broadcasting carries a certain amount of responsibility,...

What happened to the EU, anyway?
Raphael Vassallo

Wasn’t it supposed to be a beacon of democracy and human rights? 

Wasn’t it supposed to be a beacon of democracy and...

Seizing the future
Evarist Bartolo

Automation is no longer some distant robotic prospect but a reality. How long, or bad, the turbulance lasts depends on how prepared we are

Automation is no longer some distant robotic prospect but a...

As the economy grows, a need to address Malta’s labour gap
Julia Farrugia

Malta’s thriving economy is expected to remain well above the EU...

Malta’s thriving economy is expected to remain...

Some debts are more equal than others
Raphael Vassallo

Adrian Delia has been called many names in recent weeks; but whatever you or I make of him in his new political role... he is ultimately just another ordinary...

Adrian Delia has been called many names in recent weeks;...

An uncanny parallel
Michael Falzon

The majority of Opposition MPs - not so surprisingly - shied away from taking sides. Yet, the claim that the majority do not support Adrian Delia is no...

The majority of Opposition MPs - not so surprisingly -...

Act 1, Scene 2 at Pietà
Saviour Balzan

I can see the leadership taking shape: Delia flanked by the lacklustre Clyde Puli and David Agius, and ambitious Pierre Portelli pulling the strings from...

I can see the leadership taking shape: Delia flanked...

School tracksuits are the least of our problems
Josanne Cassar

A child who is good at school will be good at whichever school he is sent...

A child who is good at school will be good at whichever...

Who will bite the bullet on car restrictions?
Josanne Cassar

We can continue to complain and blame everyone (but ourselves) for all this...

We can continue to complain and blame everyone (but...