People beg for donations while public money is squandered
Josanne Cassar
When one is hit like a bolt of lightning out of the blue by a health issue which completely turns your life upside down... There should not be any need for begging or grovelling,...
The case for a judiciary ombudsman
Mark Said
Yes, there is a dire need for an Office of the Judiciary Ombudsman with four unique characteristics: neutrality, confidentiality, independence and sufficient authority to...
Democracy and petty politics
Michael Falzon

Is there a ‘normal’ democracy in the USA, the UK, Poland or Hungary? This doesn’t mean Malta’s democracy doesn’t need sprucing...

Is there a ‘normal’ democracy in the USA, the...

Over-development: We are reaching breaking point
Josanne Cassar

When people start being directly and personally affected by planning (or...

When people start being directly and personally affected by...

Game of thrones
Saviour Balzan

If Simon Busuttil were not around offering coffee, biscuits and useless pleasantries, what would these four candidates truly be saying in their debates and...

If Simon Busuttil were not around offering coffee, biscuits...

Sexual assault within a marriage is no laughing matter
Josanne Cassar

For many who posted cruel comments online about a husband’s violent...

For many who posted cruel comments online about a...

The best time to act is now
Martin Galea De Giovanni

Sorry to break your spell, but if you sow concrete don't expect to reap fruits and flowers

Sorry to break your spell, but if you sow concrete...

Let’s burst the bubble
Evarist Bartolo

The relevance of the education system will only remain if it adapts to the needs of the modern world

The relevance of the education system will only remain if...

Climate change and islands
The Conversation

In Tuvalu, freshwater supply from reservoirs is already gradually being replaced by seawater. In parallel, it is also being contaminated by sewage

In Tuvalu, freshwater supply from reservoirs is already...

‘Scarface’: proof that prohibition doesn’t work
Raphael Vassallo

If marijuana is a ‘gateway drug’, it is partly due to the present...

If marijuana is a ‘gateway drug’, it is partly...

Party loyalty vs conscience
Michael Falzon

In retrospect, it is obvious that the PN leadership should have given a free vote to the Opposition MPs regarding the gay marriage law. Using the party whip on...

In retrospect, it is obvious that the PN leadership should...

No cure for the summertime blues
Saviour Balzan

If the government is serious on national reconciliation it cannot go after the protagonists as if they were criminals

If the government is serious on national reconciliation it...

Women in politics? Force the change
Josanne Cassar

I think the time for complaining is over. Women, who excel so much at multi-tasking, should not sell themselves short, but need to come together and join forces

I think the time for complaining is over. Women, who excel...

'Daddy, what is a tree?'
Josanne Cassar

If this culture change by those in charge doesn’t happen fast, we will one day wake up to a world where little children look up from their electronic...

If this culture change by those in charge doesn’t...

There is a ‘new way’... but nobody’s tried it
Raphael Vassallo

The electorate had no difficulty making that quantum evolutionary leap when the...

The electorate had no difficulty making that quantum...

What’s behind the sudden rise in measles deaths in Europe?
The Conversation

The recent European outbreaks have been recorded in areas with low vaccination...

The recent European outbreaks have been recorded in areas...

Great things can happen
Evarist Bartolo

We still live in a country where inequality exists. We still live in a country where racism, in different shapes and forms, is widespread

We still live in a country where inequality exists. We...

A letter to Simon and friends
Michael Falzon

The broad vision of an all encompassing political party that manages to find common ground between different sectors of the population has never managed to...

The broad vision of an all encompassing political party...

Orange you glad you’re not a carob?
Raphael Vassallo

Is it possible that the only thing a carob and an orange tree would strike up a conversation about was a minor legislative amendment concerning marriage...

Is it possible that the only thing a carob and an orange...

[WATCH] Nothing positive about overdevelopment
Saviour Balzan

MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan lambasts the unbridled construction...

MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan lambasts the...