A dirty red flag of convenience
Saviour Balzan
Muscat’s flirtations on the Manuel Cuschieri show weaken Abela’s standing. If Muscat stands as an MEP candidate it will signal the demise of the Abela administration.
A repeat of 2017 in 2024? No thank you Joseph
James Debono
Do we really want to spend the next months discussing Egrant, Panama and Muscat’s consultancy on exotic birds?  The bitter after taste this will leave on a nation still...
The fight against exclusion
Evarist Bartolo

Areas with disadvantaged children have to be identified as early as possible and these areas have to be given priority and special assistance

Areas with disadvantaged children have to be identified as...

Wilders thrown in the wilderness
Michael Falzon

Having small parties in Parliament with the big needing a coalition to govern can be the right antidote for the political mess Malta finds itself in

Having small parties in Parliament with the big needing a...

How many hats can you wear in politics, anyway?
Raphael Vassallo

Try as I might I cannot see any other way out, than to turn Parliament into a...

Try as I might I cannot see any other way out, than to turn...

Fall from grace
Saviour Balzan

Most vote with their pockets first and could not give two hoots if there is corruption, so long as they can continue to live well and still make more money

Most vote with their pockets first and could not give two...

‘It’s his money, he can do what he likes with it’
Josanne Cassar

If many of us common mortals do it, the reasoning goes, surely a Prime Minister...

If many of us common mortals do it, the reasoning goes,...

The system must change, starting from the electoral system
Saviour Balzan

Killing nepotism and patronage in Malta will mean changing the electoral system...

Killing nepotism and patronage in Malta will mean changing...

A window of opportunity
Anthony Buttigieg

Each and every day we Maltese are contributing to the wanton destruction of both our natural and man-made heritage either by direct action, collusion or...

Each and every day we Maltese are contributing to the...

Fractured marriages don’t have to mean fractured children
Josanne Cassar

The very least estranged couples can do is stop thinking up 100 million ways of...

The very least estranged couples can do is stop thinking up...

‘This is the system’ is not an answer
Raphael Vassallo

Business donations are not acceptable...as many seem suddenly to understand

Business donations are not acceptable...as many seem...

Three commissioners, one exception
Frank Psaila

The Police Commissioner’s inaction is causing great harm to the Police Force

The Police Commissioner’s inaction is causing great...

The proof of the pudding
Evarist Bartolo

 We have worked hard and we will work even harder because the ultimate aim is to improve and raise the standard of living in our country to the highest...

 We have worked hard and we will work even harder...

Cleaning the Augean stables
Michael Falzon

Simon Busuttil’s bravado knee-jerk reaction was simply that – bravado that solves nothing but exposes everything

Simon Busuttil’s bravado knee-jerk reaction was...

Sorry, but we never had  an ‘Azure Window’
Raphael Vassallo

Let’s cut all this crap about losing an ‘Azure Window’, and...

Let’s cut all this crap about losing an ‘Azure...

Can it get worse? Yes, it can
Saviour Balzan

Simon Busuttil forgot how important inclusion is in politics, and this has thwarted the party’s ability to reach out to others

Simon Busuttil forgot how important inclusion is in...

Pride and prejudice
Josanne Cassar

The more Nationalists you have who sneer and look down their nose at Labour supporters, the more the latter will embrace their own lack of airs and graces

The more Nationalists you have who sneer and look down...

[WATCH] On conflicts of interest and party financing
Saviour Balzan

The PN will have a problem attracting business donors to its cause after Simon...

The PN will have a problem attracting business donors to...

A timely message from Mother Nature
Josanne Cassar

As the Azure Window showed us, we are all going to perish, whether we are dirt poor or mega rich

As the Azure Window showed us, we are all going to perish,...

Laughing all the way to the Seabank...
Raphael Vassallo

The two parties have spent their energies assiduously weakening and sabotaging the system of checks and balances

The two parties have spent their energies assiduously...