A force to be reckoned with
Cyrus Engerer
I am glad to see that our work was approved by all democratic parties in the European Parliament, from left to right, and now look forward to the implementation of our...
If the PN reinvented itself in the 1970s… why can’t it do the same today?
Raphael Vassallo
… the likeliest outcome of this ‘tug-of-war’, by far, is that the rope itself will very simply ‘snap, somewhere in the middle’…
A week is a long time in politics | Alex Perici Calascione

... and a political week is also a good way of judging politicians and their...

... and a political week is also a good way of judging...

Bilingualism, part of our Maltese identity
Evarist Bartolo

We should have the courage to offer programmes and accreditation to those...

We should have the courage to offer programmes and...

The Dubai-ification of Paceville
Michael Falzon

People seem to think that Malta should stop the clock and remain where it is as far as physical development is concerned – something that is impossible...

People seem to think that Malta should stop the clock and...

Protest against the establishment? You must be bonkers...
Raphael Vassallo

A Constitutional Court ruled that Nicholas Busuttil's fundamental rights...

A Constitutional Court ruled that Nicholas Busuttil's...

The right to practise one’s religion
Saviour Balzan

If Graziella Galea lived in France, she could easily embrace Marine Le Pen, the leader of the extremist National Front. I am not too sure she would...

If Graziella Galea lived in France, she could easily...

It’s definitely not me, so it must be you
Josanne Cassar

Our culture fosters a mentality which is the diametric opposite of...

Our culture fosters a mentality which is the diametric...

Old enough to pay taxes, old enough to be exploited?
Raphael Vassallo

We are looking at the entire 16-18 age group as a glorified life support unit,...

We are looking at the entire 16-18 age group as a glorified...

The casual sprawl of moneyed entitlement
Josanne Cassar

No one likes arrogance. And there is something particularly unpleasant about those who have been born into privilege who go swanning around as if they own the...

No one likes arrogance. And there is something particularly...

More jobs, higher skills
Evarist Bartolo

A strong economy also means that our young people who are in education or training know they have opportunities

A strong economy also means that our young people who are...

Wealth disparity can’t be ignored
Frank Psaila

Despite a booming economy in many sectors, it’s a fact that wealth generated is not being enjoyed by all

Despite a booming economy in many sectors, it’s a...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan’s videoblog
Saviour Balzan

How far could 16-year-olds be interested in politics? Should they be given the right to vote in the general election?

How far could 16-year-olds be interested in politics?...

Simon Busuttil and his honesty card
Michael Falzon

Independence Day was a transparent ploy by Muscat to steal the headlines… in public relations, Muscat is miles ahead of the PN

Independence Day was a transparent ploy by Muscat to steal...

A ‘coalition against corruption’ should be made of sterner stuff
Raphael Vassallo

The PN sends out totally incompatible messages about the tuna industry…...

The PN sends out totally incompatible messages about the...

Blame it on ourselves
Saviour Balzan

Coupled with the impossibility of having our children walk to their school because their school is several kilometres away, we are dependent on our cars

Coupled with the impossibility of having our children walk...

#YOLO has a lot to answer for
Josanne Cassar

Adults are behaving with the same temperament as spoiled little brats… it’s no wonder so many children and teenagers are uncontrollable

Adults are behaving with the same temperament as spoiled...

When the last square inch has been developed…
Raphael Vassallo

It is as though we are all eagerly anticipating the day when what little we...

It is as though we are all eagerly anticipating the day...

Conflicts of interest: How many truly have nothing to declare?
Josanne Cassar

It always makes me wonder whether some people have actually lost the ability to...

It always makes me wonder whether some people have actually...

Government is not Malta
Ralph Cassar

There is this plainly stupid idea of ‘working in favour of Malta’ – where the government of the day and its minions define whatever that means

There is this plainly stupid idea of ‘working in...