Regulating temping agencies
Mark Said
Even before introducing new legislation governing the operation of private employment agencies, the government should be required to develop a monitoring and enforcing mechanism...
Dual-language books as a tool to disseminate information
Laura Calleja
Despite English being commonly spoken by Maltese, there is still deep-rooted objection to English being spoken at an official level
Insults, car bombs and ISIS
Frank Psaila

Car bombs endanger Malta’s reputation as a safe and secure country

Car bombs endanger Malta’s reputation as a safe and...

When the ‘villain’ becomes the star
Josanne Cassar

In hindsight, the more the media pushed Clinton and the more it ridiculed The Donald, the more entrenched Trump supporters became.

In hindsight, the more the media pushed Clinton and the...

Things fall apart
Raphael Vassallo

Unless something is eventually conceded to the growing chorus of voices demanding genuine change – in the United States of America, as everywhere else...

Unless something is eventually conceded to the growing...

The minimum wage conundrum
Michael Falzon

Increasing the minimum wage by more than the annual COLA adjustment might be seen as the panacea for social problems. I fear it is not.

Increasing the minimum wage by more than the annual COLA...

Why Paceville is Malta’s Standing Rock
Raphael Vassallo

By what stretch of mental gymnastics are we to conclude that expropriation for the sake of purely private speculative development serves anybody’s...

By what stretch of mental gymnastics are we to conclude...

It is a mad world
Saviour Balzan

In-Nazzjon missed out on a serious administrative enquiry that is currently being conducted in Luxembourg at the offices of the European Parliament’s...

In-Nazzjon missed out on a serious administrative enquiry...

Our lives played out for all to see: the future is now
Josanne Cassar

If the day comes where our past is stored digitally and can be reviewed and...

If the day comes where our past is stored digitally and can...

Bury them in paperwork, they’ll never notice
Josanne Cassar

While businesses flourish, employers sharply shoot down any suggestion that...

While businesses flourish, employers sharply shoot down any...

The Paceville master plan is a violent form of gentrification
Matthew Vella

There is nothing organic about proposing a €150 million expropriation plan...

There is nothing organic about proposing a €150...

With ‘star candidates’ like that...
Raphael Vassallo

The only thing that can really make a difference in Maltese politics is an evolutionary quantum leap among the younger generations of politicians -...

The only thing that can really make a difference in Maltese...

A knowledge industry with high standards
Evarist Bartolo

Education Malta, a not-for-profit initiative, will promote the internationalisation of education in Malta, encouraging foreign educational entities to...

Education Malta, a not-for-profit initiative, will promote...

Malta's publishing industry and the copyright exception
Mark Camilleri

The government should engage publishers further and guarantee that their...

The government should engage publishers further and...

Prejudice and objectivity: when the blogs rule the game
Michael Falzon

Malta is a country where ‘objectivity’ is the end result of...

Malta is a country where ‘objectivity’ is the...

It really is a jungle out there...
Raphael Vassallo

In both Delimara and Siggiewi, the entire issue revolved around the lack of valid planning permits

In both Delimara and Siggiewi, the entire issue revolved...

The missing link in sex education
Josanne Cassar

As with most issues, schools and educators can only do so much without the backing and co-operation of parents

As with most issues, schools and educators can only do so...

The other side
Saviour Balzan

Malta is not the Somme, it is just another country with problems, but not with gargantuan complications… that alone should make everyone stop to...

Malta is not the Somme, it is just another country with...

The non-discussion about energy
Ralph Cassar

What we need is as many different sources of energy as possible; What we really need is to move at a faster rate toward more energy independence, through...

What we need is as many different sources of energy as...

Sometimes, a court ban on person’s name has the opposite effect
Josanne Cassar

If we are serious about protecting women from sexual harassment, there should...

If we are serious about protecting women from sexual...