Reining in inflation
Michael Falzon
The parallelism between what has happened in Ireland and what is happening in Malta is glaring
‘Why vote for others to be cheated? Vote for us instead!’
Raphael Vassallo
Elsewhere, both the Socialists and Liberals are equally keen to appease Far-Right sympathisers in other, arguably less ‘contentious’ ways: for instance, by supporting...
A lesson on how to deal with bad publicity
Josanne Cassar

The beauty of study purely for the love of it does not look at going to...

The beauty of study purely for the love of it does not look...

If they’re illegal, set them free
Raphael Vassallo

A person found to be in possession of ‘illegally acquired property’ would clearly not be allowed to keep the ill-gotten good, but the Planning...

A person found to be in possession of ‘illegally...

Cheap tricks and party ploys
Roberta Metsola

The public is disappointed and disillusioned with the daily stories of irregularities, blatant partisan appointments and outright corruption under the Labour...

The public is disappointed and disillusioned with the daily...

Disrespecting the public
Evarist Bartolo

There needs to be a change in culture across the country whereby business and the public respect the environment

There needs to be a change in culture across the country...

Malta’s political divide is a myth
Raphael Vassallo

The Labour/PN divide made sense in the 1980s, but nowadays there seems to have been a change of heart

The Labour/PN divide made sense in the 1980s, but nowadays...

Planning amnesty: when the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Michael Falzon

The conditions of the planning amnesty are too vague and practically any breach...

The conditions of the planning amnesty are too vague and...

Hey, I want an amnesty too!
Josanne Cassar

There should be some kind of Supreme Court where I can open a lawsuit to claim discrimination because this practice should be fairly distributed among...

There should be some kind of Supreme Court where I can open...

Once upon a time the Jerma thrived
Saviour Balzan

The power of the press release cannot be matched by a deed that buys land - this is the perfect middle finger to both speculator and government

The power of the press release cannot be matched by a deed...

If we don’t object now, then when will we?
Josanne Cassar

At the end of the day, leaders and political parties come and go, but all of us...

At the end of the day, leaders and political parties come...

Why does Enemalta still have a monopoly?
Raphael Vassallo

Enemalta is still allowed to keep a harmful, unhealthy stranglehold on all aspects of power production and distribution in this country

Enemalta is still allowed to keep a harmful, unhealthy...

On Air Malta, the government is barking up the wrong tree
Michael Falzon

The problem the government is facing is not just Air Malta, but a misguided...

The problem the government is facing is not just Air Malta,...

Sustainability: Beyond the buzzword
Evarist Bartolo

As a relatively young nation, we’re facing challenges that will take us to the next level in terms of development and growth

As a relatively young nation, we’re facing challenges...

On much-needed reform at PBS
Mark Camilleri

TVM needs more cultural and intelligent content and a quantum leap in the quality of artistic productions

TVM needs more cultural and intelligent content and a...

Forgive and forget…
Raphael Vassallo

The government considers law enforcement to be an impossible pipe-dream when applied to construction and development

The government considers law enforcement to be an...

From boycotts to cocaine busts
Saviour Balzan

Politicians need to start talking about vision and convince themselves that winning elections is not the most important thing that counts

Politicians need to start talking about vision and convince...

The future of Maltese TV in the Internet age
Josanne Cassar

As happened with newspapers and print journalism, the direction in which TV is...

As happened with newspapers and print journalism, the...

Home schooling: More cons than pros
Josanne Cassar

Schooling can be an often bumpy path, but it is also a microcosm of life – because nothing else can prepares you for dealing with all types of people and...

Schooling can be an often bumpy path, but it is also a...

What’s ‘public’ about public broadcasting, anyway?
Raphael Vassallo

Audience ratings have repeatedly confirmed that most people trust PBS more than...

Audience ratings have repeatedly confirmed that most people...