Paceville bouncers were supposed to have been ‘regulated’. What happened?
Raphael Vassallo
Clearly, there has been an intensification of the street-crime associated with Paceville, over the years: both in terms of numbers, and also the severity of the violence itself
Restoring Selmun Palace
Michael Falzon
If the Palace needs a hotel or some other commercial venture to be maintained, it should be designed with taste and with the full awareness of the status of Selmun Palace as a...
Muddying the waters on Panama
James Debono

Intermediaries opening offshore companies in secretive locations have to answer for their role in an immoral global economy.  But that does not absolve...

Intermediaries opening offshore companies in secretive...

Same sameness, different difference …
Raphael Vassallo

Scandal wears thin as both parties are involved

Scandal wears thin as both parties are involved

Star quality: Ira’s got it
Josanne Cassar

Now that she is going to become a mother, a new womanly maturity has taken over Ira Losco, probably in the knowledge that no matter the result on Saturday, she...

Now that she is going to become a mother, a new womanly...

Books in our education system
Mark Camilleri

We must not allow to have generations of students leaving school thinking that books are the equivalent of a users’ manual to a consumerist object. Books...

We must not allow to have generations of students leaving...

Creating more jobs
Evarist Bartolo

Generating inclusive employment opportunities was highlighted in our election manifesto and statistics show that we have now made significant progress with the...

Generating inclusive employment opportunities was...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan’s videoblog
Saviour Balzan

In this new video blog, Saviour Balzan once again takes a look at the court procedures in the Gozo works-for-votes case and debates the new revelations in the...

In this new video blog, Saviour Balzan once again takes a...

The charlatan threat
Michael Falzon

Guido de Marco used to converse privately with so many Labour personalities as if they were his bosom friends. Some of them were actually friends of his, I...

Guido de Marco used to converse privately with so many...

Case closed… regrettably
Raphael Vassallo

Joseph Muscat now has multiple reasons to limit his response to Panamagate to the ridiculous game of musical chairs we all witnessed last week.

Joseph Muscat now has multiple reasons to limit his...

[WATCH] Gozo works-for-votes: blatant corruption and clear abuse of power
Saviour Balzan

Ahead of another court sitting on the Gozo works-for-votes, MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan takes a look at the case and questions how the police...

Ahead of another court sitting on the Gozo works-for-votes,...

Nobody’s going to hell. We’re all angry
Saviour Balzan

Panamagate is bloody wrong, and thousands upon thousands, including yours...

Panamagate is bloody wrong, and thousands upon thousands,...

Free to express yourself, free to disagree
Josanne Cassar

You have the right to write what you like, I have the right not to like it and...

You have the right to write what you like, I have the right...

Reinforcing prejudice and stereotypes
Josanne Cassar

It so facile to be scathing and cruel about a young girl wearing a tight red T-shirt proclaiming her staunch loyalty “to the death” of a...

It so facile to be scathing and cruel about a young...

When brothers kill each other
Evarist Bartolo

The current political climate and the tone with which we deliver our speeches does not bode well for the future. We have exceeded all limitations and we are...

The current political climate and the tone with which we...

The state of Labour today
Frank Psaila

Joseph Muscat and his party strategists must go right back to the drawing board. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister is not in a listening mode.

Joseph Muscat and his party strategists must go right back...

Ruining Air Malta to win elections
Ralph Cassar

Air Malta was brought to its knees by a history of corrupt political system of favours-for-votes and rampant clientelism

Air Malta was brought to its knees by a history of corrupt...

‘As you were’
Michael Falzon

The Panama story fires people’s imagination more than Manuel Mallia’s appointment as minister of competitiveness. It could well be that Joseph...

The Panama story fires people’s imagination more than...

Let’s do the time warp again
Raphael Vassallo

Anyone outside that universe might conceivably be concerned with how a situation like Panamagate (or the equivalent in a non-political context) would pan out...

Anyone outside that universe might conceivably be concerned...

Toni should be Labour’s choice
Saviour Balzan

Muscat’s action sends a wrong message: that fiscal impropriety is tolerated. But he also presents a formula that could win him the next election, because...

Muscat’s action sends a wrong message: that fiscal...