Striking the right note for Christmas Eve 
Josanne Cassar
One could say that it is this blind optimism that “everything will be alright” which is necessary for the human spirit to keep going. And, I suppose, that is not a bad...
Two friends, two destinies, one life
Saviour Balzan
They lived worlds apart; the only thing they shared was that they lived in Malta. It was great to have been your friend. Saħħiet Sandro Mallia; adieu Zvezdan Reljic
Is Labour already fed up of governing?
Josanne Cassar

There is enough ugliness roaming around on the Internet. The only way to counter that ugliness is to ignore it, rise above it, and be better than that. So it...

There is enough ugliness roaming around on the Internet....

Journalism of the Stone Age
Raphael Vassallo

The Le Iene feature did not even come close to establishing that Filiberti is owed any money. Isn’t it incumbent on the journalist presenting the feature...

The Le Iene feature did not even come close to establishing...

Not buried alive any more
Evarist Bartolo

So far the public sector has been the major employer of registered disabled persons while the private sector has been catching up since the government...

So far the public sector has been the major employer of...

The dark side of COP21’s ‘success’
Edward Mallia

Compared to what it could have been it is a miracle; compared to what it should have been it is a disaster

Compared to what it could have been it is a miracle;...

The curious case of Toni Abela
Michael Falzon

The PN’s silly attack on him during the election campaign, regarding the infamous ‘block of ice’ incident, never really dented his perceived...

The PN’s silly attack on him during the election...

All in the family, Labour style
Raphael Vassallo

This week, the Justice Ministry announced two new appointees to the magistrates’ bench… and within seconds, both nominations were mired in...

This week, the Justice Ministry announced two new...

Things that make one think ‘wtf?’
Saviour Balzan

Did no one in the justice ministry or the Attorney General’s office check their facts before nominating the two women to the judiciary?

Did no one in the justice ministry or the Attorney...

Who’s mocking whom?
Josanne Cassar

When absurdities by too many pizellu politicians are happening on a daily basis, a penchant for the ludicrous yet, in their own way, eloquently voiced,...

When absurdities by too many pizellu politicians are...

The Europe I want to live in
Jurgen Balzan

Migration poses a number of challenges which we must address. However, these changes cannot be stopped or pushed back. We can either embrace it or resist it...

Migration poses a number of challenges which we must...

Pot calling kettle, do you read me…
Raphael Vassallo

It’s almost like an immutable law of physics. For each Donald Trump opinion, there will be an equal and opposite Donald Trump opinion. 

It’s almost like an immutable law of physics. For...

A Twitter comment that says it all
Leo Brincat

Paris was a ground-breaker because we set out to craft the enduring framework that would attract the most ambitious action from the widest possible set of...

Paris was a ground-breaker because we set out to craft the...

Storm in a teacup
Carmel Vassallo

Our political and religious gatekeepers need to wake up and smell the coffee. It is not Muslims in Europe who need more tolerance

Our political and religious gatekeepers need to wake up and...

Twixt green and clean
Michael Falzon

While concern about the environment dropped, in the last four months there was a substantial increase in concerns regarding buses and corruption. This says it...

While concern about the environment dropped, in the last...

€12,000 on Tribali is money well spent
Raphael Vassallo

When it emerged that Tribali were engaged to perform at a national festivity for €12,000, some people reacted as if it were some sort of scandal

When it emerged that Tribali were engaged to perform at a...

Yale, Michael and hate
Saviour Balzan

This week was the incredible week of Yale University, which came out with the implausible story that Malta ranked 9th of all countries in the world when it...

This week was the incredible week of Yale University, which...

The rights of children
Josanne Cassar

Women need to understand that when they decide to have a baby, especially with someone in a foreign country, they are basically tying their future to that man...

Women need to understand that when they decide to have a...

Fear is the real threat to the ‘Maltese identity’
Jurgen Balzan

The biggest threat to the ‘Maltese identity’ is the scaremongering...

The biggest threat to the ‘Maltese identity’ is...

Je suis Emmy…
Raphael Vassallo

How is it even possible, that a State regulator which routinely ignores core aspects of its Constitutional mandate suddenly kicks into action only when faced...

How is it even possible, that a State regulator which...