Can Manuel Delia stop lying, just for once?
Raphael Vassallo
As for myself, however: I’m going to (try to) revert to my earlier resolution… and hopefully never write about this case again
In the pursuit of stability
Stephanie Fabri / JP Fabri
At first glance, this is definitely a budget with a heart and one which pursues stability. The main challenge is how to address the longer-term vision of enhancing productivity...
Need to plan ahead in financial services sector
Evarist Bartolo

Two main issues are lack of qualifications and lack of experience. We must...

Two main issues are lack of qualifications and lack of...

Kicking the nostalgia habit and showing the way forward
Frank Psaila

Musing over what happened a decade ago will hardly help to solve the challenges...

Musing over what happened a decade ago will hardly help to...

Can dignified home care for the elderly become a feasible reality?
Simon Fiorini Lowell

Until the government figures out how to help the elderly at home with some...

Until the government figures out how to help the elderly at...

Fifty years young
Michael Falzon

Today there are practically no differences between the PN and Labour on Malta’s status as a valid EU member, on foreign policy, on the importance of...

Today there are practically no differences between the PN...

And a Happy Banality to you, too…
Raphael Vassallo

Traditionally, ‘independence’ has always been viewed as a good thing, yet this week we saw the same concept reviled, spat upon and humiliated, held...

Traditionally, ‘independence’ has always been...

Fifty years on
Saviour Balzan

I discovered that politicians are replaced in office by others who turn out to be no different from their predecessors

I discovered that politicians are replaced in office by...

Spare the rod
Josanne Cassar

Children are notorious at sniffing out any waffling or hesitancy and will exploit your weakness until they make you weep at your own inadequacies. But is a...

Children are notorious at sniffing out any waffling or...

My interview with Simon Busuttil
James Debono

Simon Busuttil is waiting for Joseph Muscat’s mask to fall... while not moving an inch from his party’s centre-right identity.

Simon Busuttil is waiting for Joseph Muscat’s mask to...

Early literacy: everyone’s responsibility
Evarist Bartolo

The Leipzig conference developed a whole set of recommendations on how to...

The Leipzig conference developed a whole set of...

Changing times
Ryan Callus

We all believe in a day when all the citizens of the world can live together. For that to happen – hopefully some day it will – it is necessary to...

We all believe in a day when all the citizens of the world...

Who’s abusing whom?
Manuel Mangani

Paradoxically – almost perversely – the ordeal of a MUSEUM volunteer accused of sexual abuse, on top of a couple of other situations where...

Paradoxically – almost perversely – the ordeal...

Plastic in our seas ends up on our plates
Leo Brincat

The prevalent ‘throw away’ consumer culture tends to flagrantly...

The prevalent ‘throw away’ consumer culture...

Europe’s incredible shrinking environmental commitment
Raphael Vassallo

If Juncker’s Commission is approved by the European Parliament, it would...

If Juncker’s Commission is approved by the European...

Why women stay
Josanne Cassar

There comes a point when we have to stop being so overly concerned with the wellbeing of the adults in the picture, and turn our focus on the children

There comes a point when we have to stop being so overly...

Erdogan needs a spasm of lucidity
Alon Ben-Meir

Turkey’s Islamization under Erdogan and his deliberate compromising of Turkey’s democratic principles by jailing journalists without trial, point...

Turkey’s Islamization under Erdogan and his...

Something’s got to give
Raphael Vassallo

A lot of Scots – certainly the majority who voted for the SNP at the last election – are unhappy with the same status quo, and want it changed......

A lot of Scots – certainly the majority who voted for...

Lobbying must become transparent and regularised
Andrew Azzopardi

We need to do all that is possible to avoid having our social policy stained by...

We need to do all that is possible to avoid having our...

Subsidy is not a dirty word
James Debono

The Chamber of Commerce would rather have society subsidise the energy bills of its members, than invest in a public transport system for all.

The Chamber of Commerce would rather have society subsidise...