That’s a whole new definition of ‘Pensions Time Bomb’…
Raphael Vassallo
Let’s face it, folks… Clyde Caruana is not exactly the first Maltese government minister – in any administration of government - to dangle the fabled...
A celebration of readers | Daniel Xerri
Given the peculiar nature of many of the collective nouns found in English, perhaps it would not be entirely amiss if we borrow from the celebratory nature that is typically...
Not fashionable to speak up
Saviour Balzan

The reason for ‘normal’ folk not to come out in favour of Palestine, I guess, is that rubbishing Israel is not the fashionable thing for those...

The reason for ‘normal’ folk not to come out in...

Panic button
Josanne Cassar

In a real scenario happening right under our nose, what is required are concrete steps because panic, whining, finger-pointing and getting ourselves worked up...

In a real scenario happening right under our nose, what is...

Boycott on Israel only solution to Gaza hell
Jurgen Balzan

A military, political and trade embargo will drive Israel into isolation since...

A military, political and trade embargo will drive Israel...

History repeats itself so much it stutters
Raphael Vassallo

In the past weeks, we have heard calls for the extermination of Palestinians...

In the past weeks, we have heard calls for the...

Gaza: This is no life
Karl Schembri

A ceasefire without an end to the Israeli blockade will not last long, and today’s six-year-old will be living through their fourth war in a couple of...

A ceasefire without an end to the Israeli blockade will not...

Pushing for more tertiary education
Evarist Bartolo

Tertiary education is another important step towards the consolidation of the knowledge-based economy

Tertiary education is another important step towards the...

Guido de Marco’s lingering presence
Henry Frendo

Prof. Henry Frendo • Gudio de Marco had a sense of history, as shown in his well-known quip from Nerik Mizzi: that politics was neither a vocation nor a...

Prof. Henry Frendo • Gudio de Marco had a sense of...

Squeezing the stuffiness out of the Nationalist Party
Frank Psaila

The stuffiness of the Nationalist Party on a number of social issues has driven...

The stuffiness of the Nationalist Party on a number of...

Gaza: Kudos for George but…
James Debono

Malta’s objection to Israel’s bid to win a UN security council seat should also take into consideration Israel's repeated failure to abide by...

Malta’s objection to Israel’s bid to win a UN...

More than a tad too cynical
Michael Falzon

Muscat had hinted at probable impending changes some time ago, just after the EP elections, saying that holding local elections frequently was a recurring...

Muscat had hinted at probable impending changes some time...

‘Absurd’? ‘Illogical’? ‘Nonsensical’? – must be the justice system…
Raphael Vassallo

I am tempted to draw analogies with Monty Python’s dead parrot sketch here, but seriously: the real life experience is more surreal.

I am tempted to draw analogies with Monty Python’s...

Better the dictator you know…
Saviour Balzan

There is little or nothing we can do to change the international situation.  We are if anything insignificant and without influence and to believe that we...

There is little or nothing we can do to change the...

To stay or to flee
Josanne Cassar

If my life or that of my family were in danger I would not be quibbling about having to pay money in order to get the heck out of a dangerous, war-torn country.

If my life or that of my family were in danger I would not...

Air Malta, beer and sauerkraut
George M. Mangion

Today Air Malta is on its knees scraping though the intravenous intervention of a massive rescue operation. The sad truth is that during its chequered history...

Today Air Malta is on its knees scraping though the...

Suspending local elections to help out hunters?
Arnold Cassola

The real motive behind the plan to suspend local council elections is the Prime...

The real motive behind the plan to suspend local council...

King of the Hill
Raphael Vassallo

Without your finger on the big red button, it is quite simply impossible to turn to building contractors and big businesses for donations – or...

Without your finger on the big red button, it is quite...

Raising the profile of vocational education
Evarist Bartolo

Vocational education should not be seen as a competitor to academic...

Vocational education should not be seen as a competitor to...

A saga ‘not well handled’ at all
Ryan Callus

Ultimately, this country is bogged down with two ambassadors for China. That is an expense we can do without.

Ultimately, this country is bogged down with two...