Newsflash: David Casa discovers that his own medicine doesn’t taste all that great, after all…
Raphael Vassallo
David Casa cannot so easily distance himself from the (entirely predictable) consequences of his own actions
Mistreating migrants
Michael Falzon
Treating migrants shoddily will neither honour Malta nor help to avoid - let alone solve -the problems created by the migration phenomenon across the Mediterranean
Why our brains can’t cope with tragedy overload
Josanne Cassar

Many of these world events are so completely out of our control that if we...

Many of these world events are so completely out of our...

It’s not a ‘song’.  It’s a distress call
Raphael Vassallo

By his own admission Roderick Galdes found a loophole that would allow bird...

By his own admission Roderick Galdes found a loophole that...

Teachers as leaders
Evarist Bartolo

The Ministry of Education is convinced of the importance of teachers. They can contribute to their school’s success. We want teachers to take on a...

The Ministry of Education is convinced of the importance of...

Change or be damned
Frank Psaila

Simon Busuttil has what it takes to implement radical changes within the PN – but he has to make sure that all his MPs and party officials are on the...

Simon Busuttil has what it takes to implement radical...

Condemning the Gaza atrocity
James Debono

What Israel is doing in Gaza is criminal. Full stop.

What Israel is doing in Gaza is criminal. Full stop.

A bipartisan policy on health
Michael Falzon

The two political parties that allowed themselves to be swayed by the doctors’ lobby working in its own interest also used the project and the hospital...

The two political parties that allowed themselves to be...

‘E ci si pulisca il culo!’
Raphael Vassallo

Unless you count purely accidental deaths such as people who fall off balconies while stoned, the corresponding mortality statistic for cannabis on its own...

Unless you count purely accidental deaths such as people...

Beyond the delicious Peking duck
Saviour Balzan

To criticise this relationship simply because it appears easy to hit out at a former communist giant would, I believe, be puerile.

To criticise this relationship simply because it appears...

Doing the right thing
Josanne Cassar

The direct appointment of politicians’ relatives to government posts is just not done, and I don’t care if people argue until they are blue in the...

The direct appointment of politicians’ relatives to...

What will this World Cup be remembered for?
Angelo Chetcuti

Foam and referees, chronic biters, the demise of England and Italy, and that...

Foam and referees, chronic biters, the demise of England...

Occupy the (Cite Gate) steps
James Debono

Renzo Piano's City Gate project creates valuable and beatiful public space. But why are so few of us sitting on the steps?  

Renzo Piano's City Gate project creates valuable and...

Common sense? It’s overrated, anyway…
Raphael Vassallo

From a legal system that at every step of the way benefitted the trafficker at...

From a legal system that at every step of the way...

Getting parents to help in their children’s education
Evarist Bartolo

We want active parental involvement and this, through discussion and not...

We want active parental involvement and this, through...

Let’s not lose our public libraries
Mark Camilleri

By Mark Camilleri, chairman of the National Book Council

By Mark Camilleri, chairman of the National Book Council

Granting bail to murderers
Saviour Balzan

If we are talking of premeditated and multiple cold blooded murders, then surely granting bail should be denied in the best interests of society.

If we are talking of premeditated and multiple cold blooded...

Mixed signals
Josanne Cassar

The language question in Malta is a source of continuous ongoing debate and often leads to irritation, exasperation and mutual antagonism on both sides.

The language question in Malta is a source of continuous...

Can’t pay your bills? Don’t worry, that’s what foreigners are for…
Raphael Vassallo

We now also know that while the PN was busy avoiding its own financial commitments to at least one of its many creditors, it was also regularly defaulting...

We now also know that while the PN was busy avoiding its...

The right path to success
Evarist Bartolo

Adaptation is important in today’s labour market – if we prepare our youths to adapt to new ideas, technologies and concepts we are gearing them up...

Adaptation is important in today’s labour market...