STAR WARS Episode XXXVIII: ‘Joseph Portelli Strikes Back!’
Raphael Vassallo
Not-News | And on what grounds was he ‘eligible’ to play for Hamrun Spartans, anyway... if not by just buying up the entire football club, and installing himself as...
Failure is not an option: Malta’s waste management crisis | Martin Galea De Giovanni
Managing our waste should not start at the point from when the waste is already generated but from the point of manufacturing, down to the supply chain and consumption
The legitimacy of a government after an EP election defeat
Kevin Aquilina

Maltese political parties do not seem to suffer from this legitimacy syndrome....

Maltese political parties do not seem to suffer from this...

We could all learn a thing or two from Tal-Ajkla
Raphael Vassallo

We all need Zaren Bonnici in politics because he has so much to teach us all...

We all need Zaren Bonnici in politics because he has so...

The country needs strong opposition(s)
James Debono

Democracy is not served well by supersized governments confronted by weak and entrenched oppositions

Democracy is not served well by supersized governments...

Elegy for farmers
Evarist Bartolo

We have to strengthen vocational education in agriculture and veterinary services, at both secondary and post-secondary level.

We have to strengthen vocational education in agriculture...

The 'association by guilt' trump card
Saviour Balzan

The Panini album stunt was an attempt to portray to what extent the Muscat slogan Malta Tagħna lkoll had become a bad joke. It could have been a great idea,...

The Panini album stunt was an attempt to portray to what...

Can I kick it? Yelkouan!
Raphael Vassallo

The sight of an infuriated pair of Yelkouans, fighting for the survival of their young in a fiercely competitive world, is both spectacular… and...

The sight of an infuriated pair of Yelkouans, fighting for...

The resurgence of Alfred Sant
Josanne Cassar

Sant's elections was a validation of someone many thought was politically finished; it was the kind of comeback which I doubt has ever been seen in...

Sant's elections was a validation of someone many...

Towards a Labour hegemony?
Michael Briguglio

The masses make history, and in the current moment, the masses are pointing towards a Labour hegemony

The masses make history, and in the current moment, the...

Simon Busuttil: A diminished leader
James Debono

Simon Busuttil's stature is diminished by the 53% confidence vote in the government.

Simon Busuttil's stature is diminished by the 53%...

[WATCH] Carmen Sammut and Michael Falzon: the campaign analysis
Michael Falzon / Carmen Sammut

Carmen Sammut and Michael Falzon have stripped down the 2014's European...

Carmen Sammut and Michael Falzon have stripped down the...

Saviour Balzan’s videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan on the European Parliament campiagn

MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan on the European...

Using education to generate wealth
Evarist Bartolo

The National Employment Policy sets out a comprehensive strategy to enhance the quality of jobs and of employees. We will legislate against precarious work and...

The National Employment Policy sets out a comprehensive...

The song remains the same
Raphael Vassallo

This election isn’t about Europe, it’s about promising to keep alive a tradition of political backtracking and a culture of political division

This election isn’t about Europe, it’s about...

That sixth seat
Arnold Cassola

A vote for the Greens is a vote for a real alternative energy, contrary to positive energy slogans that pay lip-service to equal opportunities for all and to a...

A vote for the Greens is a vote for a real alternative...

What type of Europe do we want?
Michael Briguglio

In Malta we had a European election without Europe, when the European Parliament has a relatively high degree of power on issues such as the European budget...

In Malta we had a European election without Europe, when...

A boring, repetitive campaign
James Debono

The campaign for MEP elections was repetitive, boring and based on the short-term interests of party leaders.

The campaign for MEP elections was repetitive, boring and...

Losing the moral high ground
Michael Falzon

I do get the feeling that Muscat’s attempt at using the Engerer case in the way he did must have lost him more votes than he might have possibly won back.

I do get the feeling that Muscat’s attempt at using...

Vote for the Doughnut Man. Who else?
Raphael Vassallo

How much simpler, to use our vote to support those in life who tell us simple things we know to be true. Like how goddamn good their doughnuts are.

How much simpler, to use our vote to support those in life...