‘Blaming climate change’ is just another way for Robert Abela to ‘blame himself’...
Raphael Vassallo
And after all that... Robert Abela still has the gall to ‘blame climate change’, for his own failures?! I mean, come on. There’s a limit to how...
An avoidable national crisis and our plan forward
Mark Anthony Sammut
They made it almost sound as if this crisis was unavoidable, out of our control. The Prime Minister at one point even compared it to the COVID pandemic
Ghost in the machine
Raphael Vassallo

If something offends people who are (mostly) Catholic, it is not the religion that has been vilified, but the people. Yet the police take action to protect an...

If something offends people who are (mostly) Catholic, it...

When all fails, it is time for the Maltese to speak up
Saviour Balzan

The thing about the European Union is that it is becoming more and more evident...

The thing about the European Union is that it is becoming...

Since 1951, rights for refugees remain sacred
Farah Abdi

As we enter a new phase both in conflict resolution and international relations...

As we enter a new phase both in conflict resolution and...

Standing in judgment from behind your keyboard
Josanne Cassar

The speculation being generated on the media's online comments boards has...

The speculation being generated on the media's online...

Fis-sema, fl-art u kullimkien
Immanuel Mifsud

Għad irrid nara televixin statali serju ta’ stat serju li waqt programm imxandar fuqu live fi prime time il-preżentatur jibda jgħajjat mal-udjenza...

Għad irrid nara televixin statali serju ta’ stat...

From energy oligarchs to electoral circuses
Michael Briguglio

Malta will still be dependent on external sources of energy without the...

Malta will still be dependent on external sources of energy...

Yes, women have rights. The right to remain silent…
Raphael Vassallo

The starkest irony of Michelle Muscat’s speech on women was that no...

The starkest irony of Michelle Muscat’s speech on...

Beyond the call of duty
Evarist Bartolo

Sometimes we overlook the fact that teaching is not a one-size-fits-all exercise

Sometimes we overlook the fact that teaching is not a...

The season to be Ornis
Raphael Vassallo

In their eagerness to accommodate hunters in all things, both political parties would be perfectly willing to move not only mountains, but also the entire...

In their eagerness to accommodate hunters in all things,...

Women. Phenomenally, phenomenal women
Farah Abdi

Oprah has Gayle, Beyonce has Kelly, Barack has Michelle. I have my mum.

Oprah has Gayle, Beyonce has Kelly, Barack has Michelle. I...

The privatisation of energy
James Debono

Privatisation has enabled Joseph Muscat to honour his major electoral pledge to reduce electricity bills without increasing spending. But what are the...

Privatisation has enabled Joseph Muscat to honour his major...

Signs of waning interest
Josanne Cassar

Reactions to the Muscat-Busuttil Xarabank debate suggest that local politicians should fear one thing above all: indifference.

Reactions to the Muscat-Busuttil Xarabank debate suggest...

Saving Syria and its children
Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley

Aid organizations need more support but it is not too late to make a difference and be a part of the movement to help save a generation of Syria’s...

Aid organizations need more support but it is not too late...

Idleness is not an option
Evarist Bartolo

The government is being proactive in making inroads for unemployed individuals to break out of an unemployed life

The government is being proactive in making inroads for...

Invasion of the closet skeletons
Raphael Vassallo

When you turn to the Opposition to enquire how it intends opposing the political lunacy of the government, all you see are the somnambulating skeletons of all...

When you turn to the Opposition to enquire how it intends...

Of accents, governments and oppositions
John Baldacchino

One year in, the weight of governance has somewhat frustrated Joseph Muscat’s ambition to sustain his inclusive 'movement'

One year in, the weight of governance has somewhat...

Stuff their mouths with gold
Saviour Balzan

Labour’s new brand of political appointees attract a lot of gossip. Some of that talk is unjustified and simply driven by envy. In other cases, however,...

Labour’s new brand of political appointees attract a...

Detention is a cage that spurs frustration
Farah Abdi

As a person who has gone through the system myself, I can attest to the...

As a person who has gone through the system myself, I can...