Silver Economy in Malta: A Growing Opportunity | Steve Ellul
Maltese and Gozitan families want a dynamic and growing economy that provides for them, for their children’s education and future, but also an economy that caters for their...
Oh, so you punched someone? It’s ok, everyone makes mistakes…
Josanne Cassar
Meanwhile, the actual victim has almost been forgotten because the new TV schedule is starting and you know, life goes on… 
Eddie: my assessment
Saviour Balzan

My final assessment of Eddie Fenech Adami is more than good. He was perhaps, more than ripe for the country at the time and the best we could ever been served...

My final assessment of Eddie Fenech Adami is more than...

Death of a junkie
Raphael Vassallo

If Philip Seymour Hoffmann were Maltese consistency would demand that we treat him as a criminal

If Philip Seymour Hoffmann were Maltese consistency would...

Who are we?
Saviour Balzan

Instead of asking me who the Maltese are, I guess it is best to ask what the Maltese want.

Instead of asking me who the Maltese are, I guess it is...

When it’s wrong to be right
Raphael Vassallo

Funny how certain memories trigger themselves off every now and again.

Funny how certain memories trigger themselves off every now...

Safeguarding a national asset – bilingualism
Evarist Bartolo

We consider our efforts to improve levels of literacy to be an important factor...

We consider our efforts to improve levels of literacy to be...

Citizenship for common mortals
James Debono

The introduction of a short term ‘effective residence’ before the granting of citizenship to the rich, should embolden a campaign for amendments to the...

The introduction of a short term ‘effective residence’...

Destined for embarrassment
Raphael Vassallo

If the European Court rules that the scheme is illegal… Busuttil’s own refusal to refund an estimated €1 billion will suddenly look uncomfortably like...

If the European Court rules that the scheme is illegal…...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

What is with Labour's infatuation with the developers' lobby?

What is with Labour's infatuation with the developers'...

Marlene Farrugia and World War Z
Saviour Balzan

Very much like World War Z, all politicians eventually succumb to the same virus and turn into zombies

Very much like World War Z, all politicians eventually...

Can we have our country back, please?
Raphael Vassallo

There is nothing ‘patriotic’ about an obsessive teenage crush on a party which doesn’t actually represent anything but its own interests

There is nothing ‘patriotic’ about an obsessive teenage...

The girls and the selfie story
Carmen Sammut

Men and women are now inhabiting a hyper-sexualised scenario but the selfies can be interpreted as an act of defiance against the restraints of the past.

Men and women are now inhabiting a hyper-sexualised...

The market rules OK
Jurgen Balzan

Muscat’s audacity on citizenship has not only given rise to nationalistic fervour on both sides of the tribal divide, but raises questions on the...

Muscat’s audacity on citizenship has not only given rise...

Reveal and be damned
Saviour Balzan

Without wanting to sound like a prima donna, had it not been for MaltaToday, no oil scandal would have ever materialised

Without wanting to sound like a prima donna, had it not...

Addressing the skills deficit
Evarist Bartolo

Statistical data shows that we have an increase in employment coupled with an increase in unemployment

Statistical data shows that we have an increase in...

Having your cake and eating it too
Claudine Cassar

It is not the major political parties that are to blame for the sorry state of affairs, but the electorate

It is not the major political parties that are to blame for...

Europe is not for sale. Unless you make a really, really good offer…
Raphael Vassallo

Why has Commissioner Reding not already called upon all EU member states which have such investor programmes in place, to instantly withdraw those programmes...

Why has Commissioner Reding not already called upon all EU...

The aftermath of a vote
James Debono

Unfortunately the Labour Party is sending all the wrong messages to the very people who are most ready to offer Malta solidarity on themes like migration.

Unfortunately the Labour Party is sending all the wrong...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog