So many ruined lives… all for the love of money
Josanne Cassar
The trauma which victims’ families go through when a loved one is viciously attacked will remain with them, probably for life
The double-edged sword of ChatGPT | Alexiei Dingli
 The challenges are multifaceted, from biases to environmental concerns, data privacy issues to potential misuse
‘Il paese dei balocchi’
James Debono

In the next weeks Malta will look like a fantastic amusement park where everything is possible. The question is: can all the expectations raised in the...

In the next weeks Malta will look like a fantastic...

Invisible people
Raphael Vassallo

The TV station formerly known as ‘Xandir Malta’ celebrated its 50th anniversary without a single mention or a single image of virtually any of the people...

The TV station formerly known as ‘Xandir Malta’...

Giving money, but strangers not welcome
Evarist Bartolo

This year a record €3.29 million were collected during l-Istrina, Malta’s major charity event.

This year a record €3.29 million were collected during...

Pantomime all year round
Saviour Balzan

There’s no need to visit a pantomime to appreciate political satire. Most politicians offer a plethora of quotes and sound bites that working in a newsroom...

There’s no need to visit a pantomime to appreciate...

Farewell 2012
Claudine Cassar

It’s been a long year and to a certain extent a newspaperman’s dream.

It’s been a long year and to a certain extent a...

It’s the end of the world as we know it
Michael Falzon

The end of the Mayan calendar has been surpassed and the end of the world has...

The end of the Mayan calendar has been surpassed and the...

A Christmas present for this country
Saviour Balzan

It is perfectly uncontroversial to say that Louis Grech’s nomination (coupled with Anglu Farrugia’s resignation), is more of a plus for Labour than a...

It is perfectly uncontroversial to say that Louis Grech’s...

Armageddon outa here…
Raphael Vassallo

Oh well: as I have had occasion to comment elsewhere this week: “Christmas truce”, my pretty little pink posterior…

Oh well: as I have had occasion to comment elsewhere this...

An unhappy run up to Christmas
Claudine Cassar

The last few days have been singularly unpleasant – and no, I am not referring to the ‘xenati’ at Xarabank on Friday evening or the subsequent...

The last few days have been singularly unpleasant – and...

Improving education: all together now
Evarist Bartolo

One of the first decisions that must be taken in education is to set up a task force to cut the red tape that is strangling teachers.

One of the first decisions that must be taken in education...

Schizoid nation
Raphael Vassallo

Nationalists celebrate their own little ‘national day’ on 21 September… Labour celebrate their version on December 13: and never the twain shall meet.

Nationalists celebrate their own little ‘national day’...

At last!
Claudine Cassar

PN has clearly done a good SWOT analysis before heading into its electoral campaign – it is playing to its strengths and also leveraging people’s fears...

PN has clearly done a good SWOT analysis before heading...

Reading survey: Malta deserves better
Evarist Bartolo

Our teachers and head teachers are suffering from reform fatigue

Our teachers and head teachers are suffering from reform...

And for the next act...
Michael Falzon

Gonzi’s speech was a justification of all that he did with a ‘je ne regrette rien’ underlying message – no Brazilian gaffes, of course!

Gonzi’s speech was a justification of all that he did...

Always ask: why?
Saviour Balzan

I would imagine and still hope that he takes political decisions for the general good and not for electoral reasons. I would like to believe that Gonzi is...

I would imagine and still hope that he takes political...

Joe Azzopardi – the Montesin the PN depends upon
Saviour Balzan

Azzopardi is right to think his future under a Labour government is...

Azzopardi is right to think his future under a Labour...

Wading in the water
James Debono

As Anglu Farrugia literally waded in the water, Simon Busuttil could not resist playing the populist card and stoke the fears of Labour increasing water bills,...

As Anglu Farrugia literally waded in the water, Simon...

Election’s funny season opens with a bang
Jurgen Balzan

After such a big bang and with the electoral campaign still in its infancy, we...

After such a big bang and with the electoral campaign still...