Financing corruption and dying to live
Don’t expect any proper reform on party financing by parties who are so cosy with the unaccountable system of political money laundering.
Don’t expect any proper reform on party financing...
Gaddafi's crackpot diplomacy
Gaddafi looks and sounds like a crackpot who reinforces his exotic 'otherness'. But we should see him for what he is a political survivor...
Gaddafi looks and sounds like a crackpot who reinforces...
Even closer to Harare
For 74 years broadcasting has been used crudely or subtly by the government of the day as its mouthpiece.
For 74 years broadcasting has been used crudely or subtly...
The silence of the lambs
The muffled announcement of PBS’s new CEO, Anton Attard, compounds what is already a problematic situation in terms of freedom of the press in Malta.
The muffled announcement of PBS’s new CEO, Anton...
It’s the season, silly!
The sagas of some of the appointments of PBS executives in recent years strongly suggest political influence at that level too.
The sagas of some of the appointments of PBS...
Unsurprising Sliema
Should we be surprised with the hurly-burly that is taking place at the Sliema Local Council?
Should we be surprised with the hurly-burly that is...
Sliema is choking to death
The Valletta and Sliema agglomeration is a zone where pollution limits are being exceeded due to the Marsa Power Station and heavy traffic.
The Valletta and Sliema agglomeration is a zone where...
Democracy down under
The Australian electoral system could offer a timid first step to break the stagnant Maltese duopoly.
The Australian electoral system could offer a timid first...
Nothing will change, if you do nothing to make it change
I remember someone once telling me, ‘you have to create your own Garden...
I remember someone once telling me, ‘you have to...
A question of choice or opportunity?
Even if the State gives parents vouchers to send their kids to private schools, the fees for extra curricular activities, club memberships and social...
Even if the State gives parents vouchers to send their...
So long, Father Mark!
Will Mark Montebello be as outspoken in Saltillo as he was in Malta?
Will Mark Montebello be as outspoken in Saltillo as he...
€170,000 from the health ministry to give babies with Down’s a better future
Inspire needs the Ministry of Health to fund the therapies for the babies being born with Down’s and other similar conditions.
Inspire needs the Ministry of Health to fund the...
This land is your land: Obama stands up for the real America
By defending the right of Muslims to build a community centre next to the...
By defending the right of Muslims to build a community...
Malta in the web of Mitsui
The major players based in Tokyo, Copenhagen and Malta worked hand in hand to leave no stone unturned to enable BWSC to get the Delimara contract.
The major players based in Tokyo, Copenhagen and Malta...
I guess the problems with Nationalist councilors in so many local councils can only be blamed on the poor vetting that takes place before candidates are...
I guess the problems with Nationalist councilors in so...
Top priority: a future for thousands of young people left by the wayside
The top priority of the Pre-Budget Document for 2011 in education should be “reducing the number of early school-leavers”.
The top priority of the Pre-Budget Document for 2011 in...
The devil is in the question
In a referendum on divorce people will have to answer a direct question. The problem is what question?
In a referendum on divorce people will have to answer a...
Am I a traitor by voting for the introduction of divorce in Malta?
A constituent wrote warning me that only Jesus Christ is the real saviour of...
A constituent wrote warning me that only Jesus Christ is...