Beyond the porn debate

It’s cool and easy to defend the progressive agenda from Vassallo’s Jurassic views

Various young progressives have taken veteran labour MP Adrian Vassallo to task for his stand on porn. It is so cool and easy to defend the progressive agenda from Vassallo’s Jurassic views. Even a mainstream, level-headed conservative would feel a sense of embarrassment by Vassallo’s persistence on fighting windmills.

But he is easy prey for the young Turks who fully know that the leadership is on their side on this issue.

What is lacking in the Labour Party are young people with the stamina to question more fundamental issues like the party’s views on the economy, fiscal policy and a civil rights agenda, which includes issues which are mainstream in Europe but anathema even to the present progressive leadership.

Labour may have its LBTG section but is anyone discussing gay marriages?

And with all this talk on progressive agenda, only one young Labour party member I know of had the moral courage to question the Labour Party’s immigration policy.

And as regards the environment, Labour might have a very competent spokesperson but a wider discussion is expected on the fundamental choices it has to make on waste, energy and land use issues... not to mention hunting and tuna penning. Any progressive dare raises his voice against the vested interests in this sector?

While I am averse to anything with the smell of old Labour, I still would like to see a discussion in Labour on wealth redistribution through pragmatic and non-authoritarian approaches. Anyone dare proposes a tax on vacant properties?

Is anybody in Labour discussing progressive fiscal policies like Tony Blair’s windfall tax on privatized companies or the Lib-Con commitment to subsidize tax reductions for lower-income people through a rise in capital gains tax on second homes?

And what about electoral reform? Are the young progressives happy with a system which creates the need for people like Adrian Vassallo to ensure that both parties can attract votes across the entire political spectrum? Is this not the root of our zero-sum politics?
In many ways Maltese youth politics has degenerated from the Mintoff vs Eddie years.
Perhaps the harsher political climate did contribute to this. Back then, both parties had a vibrant left-wing orbiting around them with a solid political agenda. Many of these later joined the establishment but at least they had a short spell of idealism.

Even more worrying is the drift to the hard right by many young PN activists in SDM which once stood on the left of the party.

It seems that with some few exceptions who tend to join groups like Graffitti and later drift into AD, many tend to jump directly on the official bandwagon towards a political career.

doris cassar
My query is why do we presume that progression and change have to be initiated by the young and upcoming? After all most of the decision makers in society are anything but that. As Claire commented , many just utilise their exposure to ameliorate their political credit and their actions are often preconditioned and guided by big brother, or sister that is. With local elections often decided by a mere handful of votes, no political party will antagonise a significant section of the local population. Take PN and the hunters. They screwed them over big time and yet they still try to suck up to them. And please this has got nothing to do with the issue of hunting itself but on the principle that a political party will try to appease and not irk the electorate. Regarding Dr Vassallo. I just do not know what the fuss is all about. He voiced an opinion, which he made quite clear is his own.Agree or disagree with it, he had a right to his opinion. Maybe he should have voiced it elsewhere rather then in parliament but as to date he still lives in a democratic country he should have a right to say it. People who voted for him know about his convictions and still wanted him to represent them. Next time round, if he contests the election , they have the right not to vote him in again. On a personal note what annoyed me was the fact that Dr Vassallo was proud to be artistically photographed happilly tugging on his pipe. This gave mixed messages as on one hand Dr Vassallo should be complemented on having reduced his body weight and yet on the other I cannot understand why he would want to be visualised practicing such an unhealthy practice
Emm Cachia
Well written James....agree that there are many students who use their positions in student organizations as a springboard to a political career and post and little else