White Rocks? √ Just do it!
There are many critics of the White Rocks project: I say just do it!
√ Just Do It. I cannot mention the name in case it’s considered blatant advertising. I am allowed though, to recall that the Greek goddess of victory was called Nike and that she was usually depicted as having wings. A brilliant marketing brainwave introduced the positive check mark √ to the sporting world.
√ is immediately recognized as a “very good sign” internationally – and associating it with the shape of the wing of the goddess Nike was the logical step that completed the visual message. The √ Just Do It logo simplified the company’s identity to such an extent that the name of the goddess is now well nigh superfluous, and it is often not even reproduced in the adverts. The words ‘Just Do It’ emphasize the positive “can do” message. The rest is history.
The White Rocks complex’s name is now being associated with sports too. There is a proposal to convert this dilapidated area into a sports and leisure village in partnership with the private sector. It’s a massive area to be sure. As everyone who lives in Malta knows by now, the area in question measures 221,000 square metres of land. It’s still in the negotiating stage – but nonetheless some are already trying to shoot down the project. It’s in the genes.
As I understand it, the deal is that the government leases – not sells – the land, for a definite period of time (cens). In return the private company will be obliged to build the whole complex and to maintain it at its own expense – the estimated initial cost will not be less than €200 million. Add to this the running costs which have to be borne by the private company. The land will still belong to us because it is not being sold – except for the area where the 300 apartments are going to be built.
This area appears to be less than 10% of the total foot-print. Entrance to the sport and leisure complex will be free to the public to enjoy walking, cycling, as well as the adventure park. Sporting organisations will benefit from free facilities to train and enjoy their sport at agreed times. The plans include multipurpose stadiums for football, rugby, a tennis complex and a BMX track, and indoor facilities for different sports basketball, volleyball, fencing, table tennis, billiards, martial arts. A sports science centre to help enhance performance will be operational.
Of course there are those who are against it: you tell me who, I will tell you why To the government I say: √ Just Do It!