No Speakeasy about drink-driving
Lower the present legal limit for alcohol
During the era of prohibition in America, many barmen had become astute and developed a knack of quickly recognizing those individuals who sought to buy alcohol illegally. The bartender would rush to the customer and tell him to speak in a low voice – “speakeasy” was the term.
These bars soon became known as “Speakeasy’ in American jargon.
In Malta, prohibition applies to individuals under the age of 17 years. However statistics show that only one (underage) person a week is being caught drinking alcohol in a public place. To be exact, a total of 25 persons under the age of 17 were caught in the first five months of 2010.
As to those selling alcohol only one person every two months has been arraigned in court for selling alcohol to underage persons during the last six years. Admittedly last year nine persons were arraigned, it’s quite possible that we are an extremely law-abiding nation or perhaps it’s a case of “speakeasy”.
What you don’t know can hurt you. A recent Eurobarometer study showed that only 1% of the Maltese knew what the legally-permissible level of alcohol in the blood is. I would like to think that they would be readers of this blog! Blood alcohol levels are measured in mgs per 100 mls. The legal limit for blood alcohol level in Malta is 80 mg/100ml of blood (which may be reported as 80%). Alcohol in the breath is measured by a breathalyzer and is reported in micro-grams (µgms) – a micro gram being one millionth of a gram. The legal limit of alcohol in the breath is 35µmg. The conversion ratio from blood-levels to breath-levels is to divide by 2,100 – because 1ml of blood contains the same amount of alcohol that is found in 2,100 cc /cubic centimetres of lung air.
Strictly speaking, an 80 mg blood level converts to 38µgm in the breath – and the law has chosen to round off the number to 35µgm. Driving with a blood alcohol of just above 80mg increases the risk of having an accident ten-fold. With binge drinking on the rise are you surprised at the number of accidents on our roads?
I personally consider the present legal limit for alcohol as being far too high. I propose that legislation should be passed to lower the limit to 50mg. So I say we must legislate and lower the blood alcohol limit to 50mg and lower the breathalyzer limit accordingly to 23µgm. I have seen enough people dying or maimed on our roads.
Just do it – legislate now.