This land is your land: Obama stands up for the real America
By defending the right of Muslims to build a community centre next to the ground zero site, Obama is standing for the constitutional freedoms which make America a great nation. The fact that he is being savaged by the rabid right-wing makes him a proud American hero.
In my days on the far left of the political spectrum I used to blame the
Once I used to detest American patriotism as some sort of secular religion based on dogmatic subservience to the capitalist state.
But while still cringing at the kind of patriotism which animates Fox news, I admire a people who express pride in their constitution rather than base their nationalism on racial and cultural exclusivity.
Its social model is still unable to grant something as fundamental as free and universal health care for all, an aspect taken for granted in
It was a million times easier for Ronald Reagan to cut taxes for the super rich than for Obama to ensure private health insurance for the poor .
And its foreign policy is still torn between the defense of universal democratic principles and the sheer defense of powerful political and economic lobbies which defy these same principles.
If it comes to a choice between Barack Obama and Sarah Palin, it will be a clear cut choice between redneck and liberal

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg- who is not a democrat had this to say: (see full article on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-bloomberg/mayor-bloomberg-on-the-ne_b_669338.html)
"The World Trade Center Site will forever hold a special place in our City, in our hearts. But we would be untrue to the best part of ourselves - and who we are as New Yorkers and Americans - if we said 'no' to a mosque in Lower Manhattan.
Let us not forget that Muslims were among those murdered on 9/11 and that our Muslim neighbors grieved with us as New Yorkers and as Americans. We would betray our values - and play into our enemies' hands - if we were to treat Muslims differently than anyone else. In fact, to cave to popular sentiment would be to hand a victory to the terrorists - and we should not stand for that".

Banning the muslim community center simply because it is close to ground zero would mean equating Islam with 9/11.
Allowing the community center would send a big loud message to jihadists (and Islamic states like Saudi Arabia) that America practices what it preaches. This is important in a country fighting a war against Islamic fascists in Afghanistan.