Prime Ministerial hot air

After Independence 2010, how long are we going to reminisce over the cuts and bruises of yesteryear?

A two-week vacation has, as expected, left me unenthusiastic about returning to the rock. There is nothing more pleasant than reading a French political mag with Sarkozy’s face on the front with the title: Is this man dangerous? with some fresh Breton cider to down the read. Imagine placing a similar title for Gonzi or Muscat in MaltaToday!

I have to say that I was shocked by the banality of the Labour party to allow Charlon Gouder - a PL journalist - to interview Gonzi at the Independence celebrations and allow the Delimara corruption allegations to get pigeonholed so easily.

Gonzi has skillfully given the impression that their is no scandal. If Gonzi has a God, I sure hope we do not share the same one. I for one would not want to embrace the same God. Gonzi knows that at Delimara, there is good reason to be concerned.

I was thrilled to hear a pretentious and self-righteous Prime Minister denying that there was such a thing as any wrongdoing at Delimara. But I was sad listening to him scream hysterically at Gouder, and asking him to run over to the Commissioner John Rizzo and give him all the details about corruption into the power station scandal.

Well, Mr Prime Minister, I have written it and I will write it again: there is corruption at Delimara, your government officials know it, and have done very well hiding it.

The PN of course are well prepared for the flak, so to avoid debate they bring along the lackeys from newspapers like The Independent. And if they wish to kick allegations out of the political radar, they invite Charlon Gouder. Needless to say, they never invite journalists from Mediatoday.

The Prime Minister may NOW wish to ask the Police Commissioner to call for me. I would be more than willing to explain to the poor Police Commissioner what all these serious allegations are all about.

At the Granaries, the same Gonzi who was castigating Gouder for talking only about corruption, was proposing for the umpteenth time the Whistleblowers’ Act. He was not talking about the reduced spending power in Maltese hands, or the crass mismanagement in his government. No, he was wasting our time by promising yet again that he was about to introduce a Whistleblowers’ Act to fight corruption.

If only I could spill the beans on all those who have tried to be whistleblowers on the Prime Minister’s sycophants, but ended up being ignored or worse still, accused of being villains themselves.

The last time we heard about this Whistleblowers’ Act was when Frank Portelli was promised by the PM that he would introduce this Act. Portelli had then made some very serious allegation which were never proven, and will in my mind never be proved. Perhaps we should start listing all the promises Gonzi has made and when he made them.

My final note goes to the visual display at the Granaries, depicting Guido de Marco with the enduring image of his head injury incurred when Labour supporters interrupted Independence celebrations in the late 70s.

That was 34 years ago!

Yes, 34 years ago. Has anyone cared to tell the Prime Minister and his very unimpressive secretary-general that countries with far more historical earthquakes involving civil war, genocide, torture and gulags have opted to move on, after 34 years? South Africa, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Soviet Union, Spain, Greece, Argentina and countless others have moved on.

How long are we going to reminisce over the cuts and bruises of yesteryear? If they want to make Guido an icon for the young generation of Christian Democrats that is not the way to do it. For how long are we going to try and absolve the mistakes of 2010 by reminding us of the excesses of over three decades ago?

More so when it is Gonzi who reminds us of these things. Before 1987, he was nowhere to be seen, a non-entity in politics and someone who never ever lifted a finger to fight the Mintoffian mob. Someone who was President of the Azzjoni Kattolika and who only got into politics on Richard Cachia Caruana’s insistence.

Once again, I am reminded of Gonzi’s famous promise when he was elected leader after allowing others such as Tonio Fenech to wage a dirty campaign against his rival John Dalli. “I promise a new way of doing politics,” he said as Pierre Portelli and Gordon Pisani stared at him in awe. New way of doing politics, my foot!

Even I am fed up by the corruption..Why don't ministers work for people..Its quite annoying actually because we have chosen them to serve people but nothing is going right at all-châteaux à vendre
Somewhat belatedly - I know- but..................I now understand the indirect comment made by Lawrence Gonzi to Saviour Balzan when the latter 'interviewed' him late last year!! Gonzi made a reference to 'those who think that me being in the AZZJONI KATTOLIKA is somewhat a negative - well I think it's a positive. It's their problem if they think it's a negative!!' - or words to that effect!! Having read this blog above I now know why he said that and to whom he was directing the comment!!! A little underhanded but that must be his style!
Albert Zammit
You mention Richard Cachia Caruana. That reminds me: some years ago, you started a crusade against him, and a weekly article about the man. Suddendly, it stopped. Can you tell us what had happened, then? We wait with baited breathe.
Jon Sciberras
34 years ago the Nationalist party made so many promises. Made all us stupid 40 year olds go out and demonstrate, how stupid I was. For what, Xoghol, giustizzja u liberta. The same old same, we're still waiting for the Justice, 34 years ago the National Bank of Malta Scandal took place, where are the promises made to get back what was a theft on a grand scale. Work, yes and no and maybe yes and probably with problems, thank you. Freedom, its still not all there, but maybe we'll get there someday. The rent las are still there, EU and all. Hot air indeed.
Stephen Proudfoot
basta tiftah halqekk biex tiqdeheb imbaaghad id daawar il kliem. Joe South, huwa giddieb u Bla Bajd......
Alfred Galea
The Three Mouseketeers................ Larry, Curly and Moe........... Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest.......I'm wasting bandwidth talking to you. Go learn to talk and form good sentences, then come back here ok.
The attacker begins the action chain by using one verbal attack pattern. the intended victiom takes the bait and responds directly, there is a volley of verbal abuse from both parties, until one Expires.........
Clayton Saliba
Yep its a mouse from South
Stephen Proudfoot
Inti jekk trid tarani ghidli fejn trid tiltaqa, halli tkun tak jekk jiena nexistix , ruhi.. Parali si, fatti no - inti tkun zibel meta tistahba wara isem South, jiena nghid, int Zibel bla bajt.
Alfred Galea
Joe, you need help, any help, real fast. What conspiracies are you and your friend talking about?? The one against Dalli?? Or the one against Dimech?? Manuel, you don't even exist. Period.
Everyone understands why you can't get along with any of the commentators, Mr South -
Clayton Saliba
South , when one is at war the truth is accompanied by a bodyguard of lies, including hiding behind a false name. You are at War , you attack and suggest conspiracies ( as Manuel Sammut points out) and all without proving a single thing. You try to provoke and when people do that , they must accept the results. So far you have behaved like a mouse and not a man hiding behind a name whilst throwing manure around - now its time for the mouse to become snagged in a trap designed for him - We know you are not busy at work anymore and will give you some work in Valletta for winter, all dressed up. This was your choice, Mr Snake in The grass
Stephen Proudfoot
Int kem tahseb taf ? F'kollox trid timposa l'ideat tighek biss, tahlat u tatakka lill min ma jibza jgid il verita. Tiporva thallaght consiparcy , ahna issa dlawaqt ikunu nafu min int , kompli ghajd il gideb.
Alfred Galea
Mutt and Jeff....Frick and Frack.....Dumb and Dumber.....especially Spitty.....can't even stay on the subject, rambling along like a steamroller down a hill.I mention Canada as an example of minority governments and he comes back with NKorea and other dictatorships, only a lowly moron would do that. Portelli and his threats, knowing he doesn't have a clue of what he's talking about. Portelli, go learn about minority governments, then come back, that way you don't make a fool of yourself like you're doing now. By the way, anybody knows what's going on in the negotiations between the government and St Philip's Hospital??
Charles Caruana
Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of European Malta-as they are undoubtedly today. Its time for a new beginning.
Stephen Proudfoot
Quota :we cannot continue to be lost in the wilderness..., why don't you join the Partit Nazjoinalista ? Mhemx bzonn toghod fil widerness. Min fejn igibu dal paroli kbir, jien nahseb dan qraijtu f'articoli ta Duminku u ohrajn Gorg, hanzir taqtalu dembu, jibqa hanzir - hsiebtna ghamja , jgibli lohra Lol.....
Mona Ali
The local major political parties have different mothers; they are not the children of the same parent as you are insinuating. One is the harbinger of change and progress as witnessed by the major reforms enacted in this country country..indeed being so thrifty that it even managed to harm itself....since it was manged by a very prudent leader. The PN on the other hand,( under GonziPN) has persuaded the Maltese to forget about savings about risks, about being prudent and thrifty, and now we are paying the price of a monumental debt. But, there is no other system to Parliamentary Democracy, we cannot kick out the everyone, that is the good , the bad and the ugly; we have to choose, we cannot continue to be lost in the wilderness...and our only hope lies with the PL, at least it is not tarred by corruption, arrogance and sleeze.
Gilbert Bartolo
got your point Joe Smith... vote labour hux, ha nibqghu imbellhin bil-bidla tal-ghageb li se jgibu... Marlene , Joe Sammut, Whatsit Parnis... I do not give a hoot if the PL or PN get their absolute majority in parliament with a relative majority of votes... and yes being in favour of EU accession etc. amongst other things is progressive and supporting EU accession/Yes vote in referendum is ot equal to being Nationalist (of course in provincial silly Malta you expect these type of arguemts: 'you supported EU accession so you are nationalist' and other bullshit)... how could progressive people go alnog woth rightist labout policies? It is not calling yourself progressive which makes you progressive it is your POLCIES got it?? it is clear that you are labour whaever their policies Joe Smith since you feel so stongly that labour is the solution to the tribal mentalitylabour is just one of the two tribes, if PN says 'EU...', Labour says 'partnership', if PN says 'VAT' labour says 'CET'... if labour leader says divorce, his MPs say 'no way'... funny funny funny
I can't help get the feeling that a few people have been cut down to size by the new kid on the block and even some older ones. Whilst at it, the grass has been mowed and along with the banal article above from an author with less intellect than a fly, the snake has also gone quiet by the same sweep. Stop living in the Past, the answers for todays problems are here, but some would led us to believe they are in the Past.
Since when is anyone against corruption and runaway expenditures that has crippled the middle class and is punishing the working vlass, classified a COMMUNIST? My guess would be that here is government mouthpiece who has his nose in the public trough and enjoying the fruit of supporting a corrupt administration.
Charles Caruana
"Throw out all the money- changers", wow!
Micheal Bonanno
Jien bhalek nahsibha. Imma l-buzillis qieghed hawn. Kemm il-darba Joseph Muscat offra l-id ta' l-ghajnuna? Kemm il-darba giet irrifjutata? Sa jumejn ilu stess wera x-xewqa li z-zewg festi nazzjonali mportanti jibdew jigi ccellebrati miz-zewg partiti flimkien. Ha xi risposta Joseph? Sal-lum xejn. Skiet perfett!
Quote:Rather interesting that we have a debate about third party politics when the issue is all about hot air at the granaries. Comment: With all due respect Saviour, by your own statement you declare the fiasco at the Granaries HOT AIR. People are so fed up with these two immoral and unprincipled parties that they are looking for ways to declare both of them, unacceptable to govern Malta anymore. Malta has come to the end of the road with corrupt politics. ENGLAND & GERMANY are working with coalition governments because the times dictate that this is the only way you can curb runaway expenditures due to cultivated corruption in government. MALTA needs to learn from its bigger EU states. Now you can promote HOT AIR in your NEWSPAPER or you can join the national discontent and do something about it for sake of the middle class, the working families, pensioners and the students that eventually will be trying to establish themselves in a Maltese society where the divide between the haves and the have-nots continue to grow. In these next two years someone, somewhere ought to sit down with others and draw out a plan to end this two party system that has ruined this country. A genuine plan to halt the immoral way Maltese wit is being manipulated. It's about time Malta started electing a NEW BREED of POLITICIAN that cultivate the intelligence, harness the principles, bridle the greed and possess the guts to stand up to the old guards who has been at the trough for too long and are now greedily fighting within themselves to devour the last remaining pieces from the Maltese carcass still left on this island. CHRIST OUR LORD threw the MONEY-CHANGERS out from the Temple. The Maltese electorate need to throw the MONEY-CHANGERS out from CASTILLE & PARLIAMENT.
Stephen Proudfoot
Issa qed tgid sewwa. Titkellem ta ragel issa, u min huwwa xhih bhal Salvu u kif tghid int, is-sur Gonzi qeddien jitilfu ir rispet. Ras kbira bhall tabib Frank Portelli pero ghandhom hafna rispet ghaliex jghidhu li iridu minghajr biza li ill partit jaqbel jew le. Jien nixtieq li PL u PN jaqtaw il glied u issibu soluzjoniet ghal problemi tal ljum.
Micheal Bonanno
Int min int, biex tghidli nghalaqlu? Ghandi dritt nitkellem daqskemm ghandu dritt kulhadd! Jaqaw m'ghogbokx is-sarkazmu tieghi? U fuq kollox, jekk trid nitkellmu bis-serjeta' ara min qieghed jghid nofs kliem. Vera s-Sur Balzan ma jghidx kollox, nammettiha dik, imma l-Prim Ministru, li hu suppost fuq kollox, qieghed ikun xhih ukoll fli jghid. Ezempju dwar il-BSWC, jew inkella x'jaghmlu l-ministri tieghu. Jew inkella dik l-ittra l-famuza li baghtulu minn Brussels. Il-pika, sakemm hi healthy, hi sabiha, imma f'dan il-kaz, inti qbizt fin-nofs, ghax tniggizlek il-PN. Min jaf x'kont tghid kieku ghidtha ghal- PL?
Stephen Proudfoot
Ghalaqlu Salgistar, fix tifhemm ? Is Portelli qal sew, mhux sewwa illi tighd nofs storja , jew tkexkex lin nies. Wara kollox, bil glied , hsara biss insiebu. Il Malti irid jithallem biex ma is sahhanx bil paroli ghax jek jrid jghiex bhan nies.
Good for you Frankie and trust you are not getting too sick - if it helps I personally don't give a hoot about the PN and less about the PL. What I do owe a duty to is lill din l'Art Helwa, Malta and its normally warm and loving people , even if easily raffled (buts that's Island Nations everywhere) I therefore feel that NO ONE had a right to Claim on Guido DeMarco , such as Saviour did in the above article, typical national strategy to generate hate amongst their supporters against Mintoff and PL, now that Mintoff is gaining so much sympathy by most Maltese regardless of politics - seen by some hot heads as a threat, how silly really, when people like you still exist Frankie, hearing your despicable comments against a world renown communicator Dr G DeMarco , how could anyone ever join Frankie if he is a PL supporter. If you think my head is buried in the sand, reading the rest of your anti clerical comments makes me realise your head us up you own backside and it is no wonder everything you hear stinks - so I forgive you if you think I am a PN, that Mintoff did not sell our soul , which will allow drilling for oil in Maltese waters when the next PL governement is inplace if approved by Mintoff and sanctioned by Gaddafi, that Americans are crafty - now that I find myself feeling particularly sorry for you. You must be reading comics or watching too many westerns . As Ann Wright (ex US General and now UN rep) USA may have the largest arsenal but all they got themselves in is to parade their muscles like a young man on a beach - they dont have the maturity to obtain peace through words of finesse or the art of persuasion. If they had more like Ann Wright, and hope they will, they would not need arms to conquer their enemies. If you dont like Saviour Balzans article speak to him , I am off to Libya as its my right to work there,
Micheal Bonanno
Mr. Balzan, I think that Mr. Portelli has posed you a veiled threat. That's democracy PN style.
Clayton Saliba
Saviour if you were half the man Frank Portelli is, you would have included your latest admitition "It does not mean that Mater Dei did not experience the culture of kick backs or other unethical examples." in the first place - its seems that only when threatened (like most animals) you are persuaded. Bad taste, just as it is to raise anit Labour emotions using a theme on the late Guido Demarco who has only been buried a few days back and Dom Mintoff near death in ICU , a perfect atmosphere for a FIREBALL amongst politicatal battlefields. Neither Guido nor Mintoff would have used such cowardly tactics - those are normally left for lone Hot Heads, will keep watch on you Mr Certain Saviour
joseph mercieca
Chris Spiteri that is what makes me sick about you Nats, you always blame your shit on Labour. So now Mintoff sold our souls to Gaddafi. What happened to that guy who when Gaddafi came to Malta wanted to send him home in a sack. Face it like a man wirh a spine that after demonising, deriding and calling tal-habbziz now YOU ARE LICKING HIS ASS and tacitly giving him support in the slaughter of hundreds if not thousands of imigrants and for what? just to be in his good books. To lighten your conscience you bury your head in the sand and blame Mintoff; how bloody pathetic can you get? But fact is fact and by your own admition your CHRISTIAN (what joke) party is happy to leave the country's soul in the clutches of the devil. Your party that is European and shares Europes ideas and ideals is a flanky of a dictator that treats human rights like toilet paper. Is it Mintoff's fault that, at least, you don't denounce these atrocities. About America being clumsy I would say that America is being crafty. You know it has the angst to obliterate him but so long as he keeps quite and let's the yanks make a buck why rock the boat? Pity that for all Demarco's (Santo Subito) politics of persuasion he did not persuade the EU to give us the 100 million (Euro or Pounds?) a year that he promised us during the referendum campaign!
Charles Caruana
Up until recently, we had Profs Cassola mixing with the Communists and Socialists in Italy ( something to be lauded)...but in Malta he retained his(tribal sorry RC) Nationalist credentials. always attacking the PL........laughable! The AD were tricked 6 times by their mentors...the Nationalists and by the look of it...they are going to be tricked again, or rather, they will give( again) a helping hand their friends and families in the PN.!
Micheal Bonanno
I have to agree with you 100%. That is a reason why the PL can never seem to be doing anything right. Yes Mr. Balzan, there is a democratic deficit in Malta, but it favours the PN. That's why these last 20 years we've had a PN government. Of course there are other reasons, but this is the main one. The PL's road to success in the election is uphill all the time. The PN's with all it's networks, and backscratchers, is a holiday compared to the PL's. As for the third party in Malta, instead of having 2 parties, who sometimes appear in cahoots with each other, we would have 3. As for the minority ruling over the majority, if there is a third party in Parliament, well it's blackmail all the way to the polls.
shyam sundar
@RC This "modern" PN is so right wing that it calls "left" anything to their flank; but that does not make you a lefty No? voted Green, that is AD many times, until I saw the futility of it all. The local Greens are all closet Nationalists, that is why they hate the Labourites. They are mostly young and to look "fashionable" they invented (and wear) this Greeness, especially when they talk and mix with foreigners...(biex ma jaqghux ghan nejk) but when it comes to the nitty gritty, they bare it all...closet Nationalist. If you continue this way you will never make head way! I bet you never discussed this laughable contradiction...u mela tig toqghodu zizzi kwiet fuq l-isfregu u l-korruzzjoni li hawn fil-pajjiz...tattakkaw lil PL fl-Opposizzjoni bhal majaghmel Xarabank+Bondi+ PN. You are part of the problems facing Malta not a solution.
Rather interesting that we have a debate about third party politics when the issue is all about hot air at the granaries. Could it be that people are simply frustrated with the way political parties act? I think it is deeper than that, it has to do with the democratic deficit in our society. We have forgotten what good governance and democracy is all about. Most of the time, politics has been reduced to surviving and electing oneself in the next legislature. A last note about what a certain Joe Portelli says: he suggests that it is libellous to state that allegations made by Frank Portelli about Mater Dei were never proven. Really, Joe Portelli must be living in cuckoo land. Yes they were never proven. That is a fact. It does not mean that Mater Dei did not experience the culture of kick backs or other unethical examples. But there was no proof or evidence provided by anyone. In the case of the Delimara power station, well that is a very different story. But then we had no Knight in shining armour to champion this cause. Now if that is libellous ... well really I think Joe Portelli should align himself to the times.
Gilbert Bartolo
kemm qeghdin sew ukoll! labourite joe smith calls the greens 'rightists' and nationalist pundits call the 'red'... ara vera mentalita ta' min mhux maghna ma l-ohrajn!!! ridiculous and laughable joe smith mentality... only in malta... the most rightist politicians i know came from labour! kollox ta' taht fuq f'dan il-pajjiz... capcpilhom Joe Smith!
shyam sundar
I remember most of the local Greens at the universty, and they were thorough bred Nationalists. Nothing wrong with this, except that these Greens live a contradiciton: Euroean Geens are Lefties and not closet rightwingers like the local Greens. So please make up your mind; unless you decide to become real Greens you will continue to be the local wannebe laughablee third Party in Malta.
Poor show Saviour - in the same article , the PM promised Frank Portelli a WBA , why choose him ? because obviously Franks Allegations have bases and stating that in your mind they will never be proven is witholding the full story, perhaps because the Police dragged their feet, or perhaps because there was no WDA in place to provide for whisle blowers - so saying that they will not be proven , to me comes across poor show, from someone who should know better. The final insult is the phrase Knight in Shining Armour, Frank Portelli's actions are and have been , whiter than white and requires no armour. dissapointed, if your return to the rock following your 2 week vacation left you unenthusiastic then warm up before putting words to paper or on the internet.
Is it possible that you believe what you just said about a third party. Countries within the EU and other countries around the world are working just fine with a minority government. Please don't tell us this is the mentality that the PL were promoting when in collusion with the PN they legislated to ignore third party votes in total popular voting. For the last 20 years the PL has not been able to be a good opposition but it has neither been trustworthy to govern because there has not been anyone capable of uniting this disjointed party. One look at the media department alone exposes how badly managed this department really is. For example MUSCAT is always advocating in the press that the government should hold its people accountable. Well and good. But at least, he should practice what he preaches within his own party and hold the media department responsible for the fiasco at Floriana. Checking up on how KURT FARRUGIA got to lead the media department is a story in itself. Unable to run Maltastar, suddenly he got promoted to be the managerial head of the PL madia department. Quite an achievement. Please don't take for granted that a serious third party might not form a majority government. This Maltese nation is fed up with these two parties and rightly so, the Maltese people deserve better leadership than the two puppets they have now. One has his strings pulled by business and corruption. The other has old labour who had done the party enough damage pulling his strings.
Stephen Proudfoot
F'qaijt il buzzieqa Salvu? Min flokk tispiega, mort ghad defence. Sewwa eh, taijba di - hadd ma jist ikellhemm lill hadd hawn Malta. Basta tissugerixxi , jien tahseh qedd tghir. ciaw ciaw
Frankie, if our 'Missier' Mintoff sold our sole to a neighbouring dictator, what choice would the children have, but to try and keep humouring the dictator because , like a terrorists do they do not follow rules and even the great clumsy US could not get to him so, the late G DeMarco was smart in avoiding any confrontations and always protected Malta's interest, but never sold them as did our dear Dom Mintoff.
Clayton Saliba
I would suggest it would be libelious if one was to write , distribute through media, internet, something on the lines as "Portelli had then made some very serious allegation which were never proven, and will in my mind never be proved." and when given an opportunity to use the same distribiution tools to Explain, why they were not proven , one thenadds insult to injury, and introduces Malice calling Portelli not by name now, but refferred to as a "knight in shining armour ". Now if only that Portelli was me , I would apply for an injunction on The Press Medium first and then a personal interlocatory injuntion on Author and accuse the named defendant of gross defamation with malice. If that where the case , if only - yep I am back
In 2007 Frank Portelli had alleged that there were serious cases of corruption in the construction of Mater Dei. No action was taken. In 2007 the PM promises a whistleblowers act. In August 2009 the Times reveals that the PM will introduce a whistleblower's act by end of year. A year later we are told by the PM that the Act will see the light of day. For the record, corruption and reports about kickbacks and favours and selective choice of contractors has been reported by MaltaToday and others before the arrival of any knight in shining armour. If anyone needs reminding about the list of corruption scandals in the last thirty years I suggest they start reading through the archives of MaltaToday.
joseph mercieca
Mr. Spiteri don't you Nats ever learn? How the bloody do you have the cheek to mention Gaddafi and the Labour Government. Don't you remember Demarco (Santo Subito) and EFA hurrying to Libya when Mintoff had the trouble with Gaddafi on the continental shelf. But the way has your mickey mouse government severed relations with the dictator. Indeed not! Gonzi is trying his hardest to strenghten these relations and is doing this by licking Gaddafi's ass as the Libyan is solving for him the emigrants problem by confining them in concentartion camps and butchering them in the desert or on the sea. He also has alot of habbaziz and if we are good he may prove godsent to our economy. Gonzi's ass licking of Gaddafi has plunged to such an absymal state, that together with the pint sized latin lover Berlusconi are backing Gaddafi in his five billion euros blackmail of Europe. Who would have thought that the Partito Nazzionalista has become the lackey of the Dictator tal-habbaziz! At least Mintoff got something from from his blood brother. What did your Mickey Mouse goverment get? f***k all. Saviour is right, let's look foreward admit mistakes were done and move on. But you Nats cannot do so becasuse you have nothing to show. The only stunt to catch votes apart, from Labour shooting itself in the leg, is the mention the violence so as to scare people from voting Labour. But that is now growing thin. Now people can compare. For example; our Tal-Barrani and with your BWSC. If I am not mistaken smoke is involved in both cases.
Hear, Hear . Saviour - please explain yourself.
Stephen Proudfoot
Vera Savlu, Ghalfejn ma tispiegax sewwa ? Kieku ma kiens at Tabib Frankie kieku anke int tibza t'ghid li fi Delimara hemm corruzioni. Niespera to tispiega ta' , gahx mhux sewwa tis suggerixi li qal Jo Portelli
Clayton Saliba
Thanks RC - I had not seen the actual figures in black and white, but one can see the shift. I do understand your point more now, however regretably I am not of the opinion that the time is right in Malta, there is too much personality issues that seems like dark clouds when a yound person express a different opinion (on whom we and the future will rely on) to detach us from the stigma of having to support one party for fear of the other. Many thanks RC for the follow-up.
Clayton Saliba
Saviour: re "The last time we heard about this Whistleblowers’ Act was when Frank Portelli was promised by the PM that he would introduce this Act. Portelli had then made some very serious allegation which were never proven, and will in my mind never be proved. " Are you insinuating that Frank Portelli was lying or are you suggesting that no action by the authorities to establish proof is not completed? Or whatever you wish to say, I would suggest revising and explaining clearly, as I feel you have left this open to careless interpretation. Facts are that the Whistleblowers’ Act was promised to Dr Portelli as a result of him raising some serious issues. Instead of the authorities investigating the concerns made, it was Frank Portelli who was investigated by the Police – Of course this has now changed to even be promised an Act to prevent such ignoramus and savage way to deal with modernising transparency in politics. Dr Frank Portelli seems to me as a candle in the dark, even when I read your article above , I see such carelessness, quote “and will in my mind never be proved” without explain why – that’s a slip and falling hurts.
Gilbert Bartolo
Joe I think you missed my point... I did not say people should vote for this or that, just said that countries with functioning democracies and people who think have a plurality of views in parliament (yes, including rightists...).. here is the composition of the new swedish parliament: Social Democratic Party (S) – 113 Moderate Party (M) – 107 Green Party (MP) – 25 Liberal Party (FP) – 24 Center Party (C) – 22 Sweden Democrats (SD) – 20 Christian Democratic Party (KD) – 19 Left Party (V) – 19
Clayton Saliba
Changes are afoot in the Scandinavion countries you mention - they are fed up of the so called " do gooders" and are choosing right wing policies even though they have been so liberal for so long. They have paid for their mistakes, they gave away their wealth to lazy people who abused benefit aimed for the poorer folks, they tolerated large amounts of political refugees who abuse the humane condition these countries believed in. Today however, a new generation is putting its foot down, perhaps too quuick and too hard but nevertheless, change is afoot because what you say, does nothing garauntee fairness, it sounds good if all people behave equally good but as you know , over here Might is Right and one cannot compare even the crime levels between Malta and Sweden let alone any liberal or detached feelings that would be required. Your time is not right - emigrate, I'd say.
Clayton Saliba
WOW - Markanthony , dont give them any ideas they may be on to a new weapon........ God forbid Muscat being elected let alone surviving the first 30 days. RC has a point in that neither the PL nor PN are indespensible - they both take things for granted and the PL in particular has adopted an arrogance of the ruling parting waiting in the wings and lost complete focus on generating ideas that work today, they simple look back on the Mintoff nostalgia because thats theonly way they can raise emotional contact. PN seems to be satisfied because the PL are basically not offering opposition, so Mr RC has certaining raised a realisation , perhaps futuristic because the calm civilised atmosphere to have advanced politics are yet out of reach on this liitle nation, for the moment. The people will decide what right.
I do not agrre entirely with you, that Gonzi's theatrics managed to sideline the Delimara issue. For one thing I was taught that when one starts shouting it is a sign of losing the argument and gonzi's hysterics last week proved this. Secondly by his invitation to Charlon to go to the police HQ across the street shows how pathetic the man is, now he is duty bound to get the police to investigate Charlon. He won't because gonziPN's strategy is to down play the matter and get the people to forget all about it, hoping that with more than two years to go for elections they'll manage it.
John Camilleri
Joe South: tghid mhux hekk. Issa naghzlu lil Lowell bhal Prim! Jien dejjem Nazzjonalist ivvotajt imma nippreferi 10 snin b'Muscat fil-gvern minn 10 minuti taht dak in-Nazist Lowell.
Clayton Saliba
I see South's comment ' And a third party has to be more careful of what it does and how it votes or else it'll lose its support very quickly in the following election ' i.e. Nothing gets done, power to act gets compromised or else the minority party losses support from inside. What a shmuck - When a government sets out to be liked, they would have to be prepared to compromise all the time, on everything with the result of achieving NOTHING. South , just get a life - keep your mouth shut and get that head out of you know where.
Gilbert Bartolo
Yes sure, Salgister! Sweden, Norway, Denmark have all gone to the dogs because of their pluralist multi-party system! Go tell it to the marines... yes you love your tribe too much and cannot bare somebody else ruining their grip on absolute power when they get it.... it's amazing how some people just shoot from the hip and invent stories without having a good look around them.... just what PL and PN want them to believe... that the PL and PN are Malta's saviours and are 'indispensible'... for laughing out loud!
Its re-assuring to hear such comment from Joe South, pretending to be philosophical - With the mask of South is like standing in the middle of the road and is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. "there are numerous countries that are ruled by either minority givts." these would be Socilaist countries and Communists , such as North Korea, Kim's legacy great friend of MLP and ofcourse the Col , brothers in arms with the MLP in the 70's, 80's, 90's and even the very past decade. The fictious name 'South' sounds stupid and opening your mouth proves this.
Alfred Galea
Salgister, there are numerous countries that are ruled by either minority givts. or coalitions.....having a third party doesn't mean that IT will govern, it just means that it won't be a csae of "il maggoranza taghna u nghamlu li irridu" by either party. And a third party has to be more careful of what it does and how it votes or else it'll lose its support very quickly in the following election. Canada has had a minority govt. for quite a number of years, with the two big parties each having a go at it.....seems to be working just fine.
Perhaps we should all go back to ground zero. This country has and is intrinsically corruptible. Perhaps all those who share John Vella's belief in the institutions should calmly read through the history of all the major projects and adventures in this country. Whether it was Mater Dei, the airport, the privatisation of banks, the nationalisation of banks, the local plans, the issuing of permits for land development over the last 40 years etc. All these projects involved the same grouping of people who were close to the administration of the day. Perhaps the John Vellas of this world should take a close look at the lifestyle of those people who were involved in these projects. The sycophants of red and blue hue who hover around politicians only because it benefits them. I am a journalist not a police officer, when I wrote articles about the inertia on the part of the police to take action against those who committed and were involved in serious crimes before 1987, no action was taken. No politician from the PN stood before silly journalists and demanded that they run off to the Police. Gonzi is today like all other politicians has a selective memory. We are witnesses to rthetoric and hot air. It is John Vella's choice to accept to be party to a fickle and gullible audience.
Micheal Bonanno
If a third party elects members inparliament, it would be a catastrophe for our country. It would no longer be a democratic institution. It will be the will of the minoriity instead of the majority. And you confirmed this fear from your own lips. Heavens forbid if ever a third party is elected in parliament. It would be a parliament of tit for tat, and you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. No thanks, I prefer the bi-party system. I love my country to much to see it go to the dogs. Even now, that it has reached the pits, there is still hope. And the Opposition is ready to take the helm. I'm quite sure of that. And please I'm no PL activist. I'm just Ganni Borg.
Alfred Galea
There will never be a third party able to elect MPs in Malta unless the church decides to come out with its own parties like it did in 1960-62.....that might happen if the PN decides to go ahead and table JPO's bill on divorce. You guys had a chance in 08, you had two more parties to vote for but you still either voted for the two lezzies or stayed home, not having the balls to do just tell them that you don't trust them anymore. You didn't even have the balls to vote out the arrogant, corrupt, incompetent and unaccountable government who's burdening you with all that debt. Excuse" Sant is incompetent".....I'd rather vote for an incompetent that a proven thief. You made your beds, you lie in them.
carmel duca
The police force is (supposed to be) an autonomous institution and can take the initiative to investigate anything it chooses. The allegations regarding the power station have been in the public domain for over a year, and are currently being investigated by the European Commission. And yet, the police have never to date investigated the matter of its own accord. Why not? Does the Police Commissioner need the PM or Opposition leader's permission to take action? When the force decides to stop acting like an extension of the country's political establishment, maybe private citizens will be able to trust it enough to report proof of corruption involving politicians. Until then, sayonara.
Your subject is quite right,"A PENNY'S WORTH," because that is exactly what this Maltese nation is receiving from this present opposition. How can the electorate have any faith in electing MUSCAT PL when his leadership resembles a three stooges comedy hour. As MR.BALZAN quite rightly pointed out the fiasco of CHARLON GOUDER,this amateur journalist ought to go and bury his head in the sand and the media department that sent him led by KURT FARRUGIA ought to resign and let somebody with half a brain take over this department. It is absolutely disgusting that LABOUR supporters who give their hard earned monies to support this party have to witness this kind of leadership and watch with humiliation this kind of performance. The general election is still two years away and Mr. Balzan holds the keys to promote a REPUBLICAN party that can control this dysfunctional political drama. MALTA as a republic deserve a Republican party. Obviously this government is not interested in stopping this corruption because they are the major benefactors, however the opposition is uselss and too timid, weak and brainless to come up with ideas to stop the hemorraging of this country. Only a third party with politicians that have Maltese principles ingrained in their character and who are not afraid to get directly involved to stop this disgraceful administration need apply. The Maltese people on either side of the divide have it within your power, otherwise as a middle and working class, you are both doomed. MR.BALZAN PLEASE TAKE THE LEAD IN THIS MUCH NEEDED ACTION. YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS A LOT MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU and not someone defending the opposition.
Charles Caruana
Democracy without a whistleblowers.s act, it is said at the Council of Europe, is like Christianity without hell. With all the scandals sprouting out, notwithstanding the gatekeeping at local English speaking newspapers, few people believe the Prime Minister and his cohorts, that corruption is just a perception. A leading indicator for this corruption, is the lavish state of the art and digital equipment at Net TV and media...nothwithstanding that the PN only surpassed the Pl by a mere 1800 votes! How come PN collects five times as much as the Opposition with nearly the same number of votes??? Unfortunately, we are passing through difficult, though interesting times and once again, we are seeing the wiping out of the new middle-class, and the birth of a new super rich Maltese whose wealth is remarkable, given the minute local market,and, incredibly so, when these same individuals manufacture nothing and have no major overseas operations, that is access to a huge market. Indeed, a close look at these new super rich, seems to indicate that their only entepreneurial acumen and skills are their political connections. Unless we get the whistleblowers act, something Dr Gonzi will always promise but never delivers,Malta will continue to get poorer whilst the Nationalist Party.... well by the perception of it....... dirty rich!
Micheal Bonanno
All said and done, there remains one thing. The PN still has to govern the remaining days of this legislature. Mr. Balzan, I respect you for your blunt but straightforward statements, but why do you have to bring the opposition into this rigmarole of a government? The opposition is doing its duty as democratically as possible. I, for one, don't want to repeat itself what happened in 2007-2008 regarding any proposals the opposition brings forward. Be it good or bad, we all know how the government and the PN have all the weapons (democratic of course) to shoot down all of the opposition's proposals. We all know that if the Opposition errs, the PN and its allies will make of it a major catastrophe. So, yes, I think, it is the opposition's democratic right to oppose the Government, but within its limits. And yes, I agree that the opposition needs to be more proactive, but, you know what? If that happens, the PN and its cohorts will come and cry foul and say that we're back in the bad old 70's and 80's. The Opposition is walking a political tightrope, and can do no more or less!
chris musct
Let us wait and wait and wait and ahhhhhhhh for the whistle blowers act that the prim minister has been promising for ages and then there is a lot of individuals that are more than willing to come forward, until then ................... We are all paying for the PN JS list and for the future funding of the party that has made our life miserable to live.
Welcome back Saviour ! Quote:I have to say that I was shocked by the banality of the Labour party. Comment:Can anyone deny how utterly hopeless the PL leadership or how disgustingly useless its media team can continue with these fiascos at the detriment of the Maltese people. Quote: How long are we going to reminisce over the cuts and bruises of yesteryear? Comment: What else can GONZIPN talk about. 1. How they bankrupt this country through their corruption. 2. How they turned this island into a tower of babel where in the not too distance future the Maltese language and society will become extinct. 3. How after 2013 while most of these corrupt politicians will be counting their millions, the working class will be facing the same budget cuts imposed on Greece, Ireland & Spain. 4. Perhaps GONZI might go further back to the fifties and defend his father's uncle, the great archbishop who had to be the most heartless pastoral leader Malta ever produced. Earning his British knighthood to the detriment of his Maltese nation. 5. This administration under GONZIPN is the second coming of MUSSOLINI as one can sense how the black shirts are slowly invading Castille. However Saviour, the Maltese people deserve the introduction of a new third party that can elect a few seats and control this unbridled greed for power and corruption that has overwhelmed both the government and the goofy leadership of the PL. Your media enterprise is the only hope for Malta to create a REPUBLICAN PARTY with politicans of principal. Three members of parliament will hold the balance of power and anyone who truly loves this country and want to stop its hemorraging ought to join.
Brandon Johnson
What the PN tried to do when depicting Guido De Marco and his injuries is show Malta what happened 34 years ago. What they are not realising is that the same is happening, however, on a different tone. Whereas at that time the people may have experienced fights and so on, nowadays the people are being taken for a ride by this PM. What he isn't doing physically, is being done with his words and actions (or rather inaction). The people are ending up bludgeoned in a financial and unhealthy way. If the PN wants to remain stuck in those days, and never move on that's up to them. It shows a lot about their way of running the country where everything is done for a (political) reason, usually thought up by the cardinal. And mentioning the cardinal, I'm willing to bet 10c that the mentioned visual display of Guido De Marco was his idea... Any takers??
Joseph Pellicano
I agree with you 100 per cent pl should not send any journalist on independence day, they gave gonzi the chance to make a show out of him. what gonzi should have told the people at the mass meeting, that he is going to make sure that when we go to collect medicines they have them.This morning I went to floriana to collect coversyl and lescol, and was told they don't have any.If gonzi thinks that he is credible,he is wrong, he is a looser and his days are counted.
Saviour if you have any proof about the power station corruption allegations you are duty bound to go to the police.