Only in Malta!
Last night Tiffany made us proud. But why should political parties have to remind us that they are the alpha and omega of all that happens in Malta and beyond it by congratulating the young Anglo Maltese model?
Can you ever imagine any party in Europe issuing a statement to congratulate the winner of the next top model competition? It is one of those things which happen only in Malta.
The Nationalist Party was the first to issue a statement congratulating Tiffany, saying she had made a name for herself and for Malta and that her determination and commitment made the country proud. The Labour Party followed suit.
I have to say that I enjoyed seeing a young smart Anglo Maltese girl winning a modelling competition. She won for her own good, earning a lucrative contact through her own merits. Incidentally she gave a sterling contribution to brand Malta. It was one of those fun occasions when you feel patriotic for the hell of it. I also got a kick seeing Malta branded by a sexy confident model rather than (Ira Losco apart) the usual Eurovision crappy looks. I also got a bigger kick from the British voting for a girl with Maltese roots...a sign that the notion of Britishness has become pleasently inclusive.
But come on its just a competition. Are we so inward looking to think that Tiffany has put Malta on the international map by winning a model’s competition?Why should we be so hungry for international recognition that we lose any sense of proportion?
Don’t we get enough recognition in the international press for our archaic censorship laws and the fact that we are one of two countries which do not allow divorce?
Any why should we always be reminded all the time that political parties are the alpha and omega of all that happens in this island and beyond it? Please give us a break and let us enjoy the fun. Political parties should learn to take the back seat for once.