
Behind its charitable pleas and cuddly smiles, Xarabank has become an enormously powerful machine.

Kafkaesque marked by a senseless, disorienting, often menacing complexity: ‘Kafkaesque bureaucracies’, and marked by surreal distortion and often a sense of impending danger.

Potteresque resembling or suggestive of scenes and situations described in the Harry Potter novels of J.K. Rowling

A couple of weeks ago, it dawned on me that Malta’s favourite television programme deserves its own adjective, or eponym if you will. Love it or hate it Xarabank, which glues people to their TV even when they know they’ll end up with cramps in their stomach, has developed into another Maltese phenomenon which looms large on this country’s cultural horizon. One might actually argue that Peppi Azzopardi has managed to pull off the most arduous of all Herculean tasks by building up his come-one-come-all Jerry Springer-Show-With-a-Conscience into something resembling an institution which can rival the three traditional behemoths on their home soil.

The fact that Xarabank has chosen to co-opt the Church, the PL and the PN, rather than challenging them, is another matter. But presumably, if Azzopardi and his crew wanted to give them a run for their money, his 15-year-old baby has become sufficiently institutionalised and popular to pull that off. In other words, behind its charitable pleas and cuddly smiles, Xarabank has become an enormously powerful machine.

And like every powerful institution, Xarabank has its own distinctive idiosyncrasies and tics, its own ethos and cultural imprint. Hence, the coining of the words Xarabankjan, Xarabankesk, Xarabankizzazzjoni which I was busy discussing on Facebook with a group of friends the other day. 

This is what people came up with:

Xarabankizmu: refers to an industry which transforms complex issues into a matter of ‘agree/disagree?, often in the service of an undeclared agenda and by means of which logical argumentation is reduced to soundbites or to a base appeal to emotion.

Xarabankata:refers to something uttered which is entirely banal. For example “I’ve got nothing against gays, but I don’t want my children to be exposed to gay obscenities in the street”. Or “I’ve got nothing against blacks but they can’t come to Malta and take our work, because that’s ours”. Or “A round of applause for all politicians because they all work very hard for us and deserve it.”

Xarabankizzazzjoni: many people have come to confuse this term with any other demonstration of vulgarity or uncouth behaviour. But it refers rather to something more specific, an attitude and process whose main thrust is the reduction of ideas to a simplistic conclusion bathed in a do-gooder feel. In its own right, the Xarabankization of Maltese society has brought about a form of benign populism.

And one shouldn’t ignore also:

Xarabankenfreude: the pleasure one gets from being critical of Xarabank.

Creating words and concepts like this is obviously great fun but behind the good humour there lies a truth which may be unpalatable for many people. And that is that Xarabank might well be the major cultural product to have emerged from Malta in the past 15 years. This should perhaps be a sobering thought for a country which likes to think of itself as something of a cultural destination.

My point is that if we want to talk about Malta in cultural terms we can’t simply ignore Xarabank and its clones by making a convenient distinction between art and entertainment. Xarabank and its attitudes have, like it or not, become part of the Maltese cultural landscape. In fact it is the dominant cultural voice, arguably rivaling the Church in its formulation of attitudes, manners of speech and mass consciousness. Mass culture, as Frédéric Martel and Alessandro Baricco have shown in Mainstream and I Barbari, should be taken seriously. Retreating into a snobbish and critical silence, as many have done in the face of all this dumbing down, may create an illusion of superiority. In reality though, Xarabank is winning the cultural war.

Jekk int tara program bhall Xarabank jien ta l-opinjoni li int BLA KARATRU w ghandekk bzonn hafna ghajnuna!
Min kiteb dan l-artiklu qied johlom kien xi zmien li xarabank kien popolari u izammar in nies quddiem it tv imma min xi 2 jew 3 snin l-hawn dan il programm ha daqqa ta harta kbira ghax il presentatur tieghu Peppi il kunduttur hlief PROPOGANDA lil Gonzi wa ghamilx ara qattx xi darba ghamel wiehed fuq l-ARMS jew il kontijiet ta DWAL xejn min dan Issa FAQQASLU programm John Bundy AFFARI TAGHNA hu il popolarita ta Xarabank ha DAQQA ohra l-isfel Xdifferenza min Peppi ghal John Bundy wiehed ihallik titkellem u l-iehor (PEPPI) lil min irid Hu jaqtalu il MICRAPHONE Kullhadd ra bghajnejh meta dehru Joseph Muscat u Gonzi meta Joseph beda jajjar lil Gonzi GIDDIEB kif Peppi Il KUNDUTTUR kull darba beda jipprova jigbor GIEH il PM ghax dan ghal kliem ta Joseph Muscat IMMUTA Issa tinsewx li dan il programm Xarabank TWIELED fi ZMIEN li PEPPI ghid li ma kienx hawn DEMOKRAZZIJA foldieri fi zmien gvern LABURISTA
Luke Camilleri
Xarabankesque- baffling with bullshit. Affaritaghna - dazzling with brilliance with guests like Godfrey Grima, Evarist Bartolo, Saviour Balzan . Keep it up Bundy - Yours is truly Affari Taghna- What really matters ! Keep giving us more!
Ta xarabank - please note A turkey was chatting with a bull. 'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree' sighed the turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.' 'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the bull. It's full of nutrients.' The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.... Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree. Moral of the story: Bull Shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there...
Albert Zammit
'Joe South' - hemmhekk qed tidhol fil-personali. Safrattant, tant u tant Maltin u Ghawdxin (mhux jien!) isegwuh lil Peppi Azzopardi. Martin Borg - Mela allura l-poplu Malti dak haqqu: medjokrita' u xejn izjed.
Xarabank - definition: . All that is mediocre in the media.
Alfred Galea
Xarabankstench......anything coming out of Peppi's trap.
Joe Tanti
XARABANKAPOLIGISTAPN or even XARABANKPNDAMAGECONTROLISTA need I say more? The same could be said of the other WE programe BONDI+. Both programes being financed from the Goverment coffers,whilst other media companies are left sucking the proverbial hind tit or as the maltese say sucking the original of the Luqa monument.The PN dont need the NET tv when they have Peppi and his crony practically running PBS ,which has come to mean Peppi Bondi Service.
Joseph Pellicano
A sevant to his masters voice, I never watch stupid programes.
Phillip Martin Micallef
powerful ma min jarah!!..........................i never watch it!!
Anton Portelli
good article--- may i add another one - xarabankizmu- its the new doctrine instead of faxxizmu, komminzmu, - well another indoctirnation for the masses
****Xarabankata:refers to something uttered which is entirely banal. For example “I’ve got nothing against gays, but I don’t want my children to be exposed to gay obscenities in the street”. Or “I’ve got nothing against blacks but they can’t come to Malta and take our work, because that’s ours”. Or “A round of applause for all politicians because they all work very hard for us and deserve it.”********* yesss ,exactly that is to show how the christains are and can tolerate with their religion, that they have learned since they were batized without their wanting went to (Museum) forced also 90% if not all- etc.. Christian religion at school etc... wow what a moral the christians have been tought throught the years- You can see it in their eyes and behaviour- The kids who goes to school will tell you , what morals they have with all the christian religion they learn- and they show you thier christian values -Lolllllllllll disgusting- one must teach kids morals - morals can be learned without any religion - ;-)
Luke Camilleri
Xarabankade - taking the viewers for a ride on We?'s agenda - hidden and not so hidden but definitely their and their Master's Voice agenda!