Paul Vincenti should get a life
Why does Gift of Life, a marginal group of loony bigots who would like us to celebrate our birthday nine months earlier, elicit such a strong revulsion in people like me?
Surely they do not make my temperature rise because they are against abortion. For who is? Even pro-choice people would like to see an end to all illegal back-street abortions, and the number of safe and legal abortions decreased to a bare minimum.
And it isn't because they are pro-life and would like to keep abortion illegal in Malta for as long as they live. I understand the genuine feelings of the majority of the Maltese who want to protect the unborn and are therefore opposed to abortion. But in most probability, the majority do not have in mind the protection of a bunch of cells to deny IVF treatment to childless couples.
Perhaps it is because GoL are so obsessive that they even remind us that our birthday comes nine months before we celebrate it. By that logic Paul Vincenti should celebrate his Christmas some time in March.
What irks me is how they exploit the genuine unease on abortion of fully-formed foetuses, to push an agenda which attributes full human rights to embryonic human cells which lack any human form. And this in a bid to curtail access to a safe IVF process: a process that limits the number of implanted cells to prevent the death of fully formed foetuses or children born with conditions like cerebral palsy.
Perversely, the pro-lifers seem to be more worried by the human rights of a few cells than with the happiness of childless couples who would like to be endowed with the gift of life.
What irks me is the witch-hunting of people who do not submit to their not so innocent political agenda. As if we do not live normal lives and love our children too! And the fault for this are these politicians who gave these people recognition: some of them are in the Nationalist Party who are still flirting with these nutters.
What irks me is the arrogance of self-righteous people who have the audacity of proposing a constitutional amendment to impose their views on future generations.
I have a deep respect for NGOs made of people who dedicate their free time to defend a cause. But despite their intense feelings on issues ranging from animal rights to GMOs, nobody has so far come up with proposing such a final solution. This is like having a group of radical greens obsessed with the (very real) dangers of nuclear power. Despite the fact that there is no nuclear lobby in Malta this group starts lobbying parliament to amend the Constitution to ensure that a two-thirds majority would be required if any future government intends to buy nuclear energy from the mainland. They will equate this to killing children in Chernobyl whose photos they will use to push their cause. Despite my deep concerns on nuclear power, I would simply dismiss these people as a group of nutters. Probably the media will ignore them. And perhaps that is what we should do with Gift of Life.
The problem is that they elicit such an explosive cocktail of emotions that it is very hard not to ignore them. I would like to tell Vincenti to simply get a life. Instead I find myself wasting my time writing this blog.

DaphneBabe's comment below, to the effects that Paul Vincenti never attacks others personally, is untrue. Paul Vincenti has regularly (and viciously) attacked other people for failing to share his views. DaphneBabe seems to be forgetting how Paul Vincenti published a list of MPs who had refused to sign his petition, in what was clearly an attempt to direct public hatred against them. Once, he even attacked the concierge at the Castille Hotel, for renting out a room to a pro-choice activist (Rebecca Gomperts) who had come here to give a lecture. On another occasion he publicly accused me, among others, of trying to introduce abortion to Malta, when all I had done was question the real motivations behind the Constitutional amendment crusade. He only removed the claim from his website because I threatened to sue. And to date he has never answered any of the question I raised and continue to raise about this campaign. Meanwhile I suggest DaphneBabe read a few of his comments on secular humanism under a recent article in the Times: nothing but one insult after another after another. And deliberately misleading insults, too: like when he seeks to equate humanism with being pro-abortion, when a number of humanists (including rather famous ones like Christopher Hitchens) are actually pro-life. Judging by those who take it upon themselves to defend him - always anonymously, I can't help but note - it is only criticism of Paul Vincenti that qualifies as 'insulting'. The same people never see anything 'insulting' about the constant stream of insults levelled by Paul Vincenti at everyone who holds a different world-view from his own.