Dear Jean Pierre, why the hell did you waste our time?
This great farce confirms one thing. The weakness of our political class, namely the Prime Minister and the very fact that he is held to ransom by all his ministers and parliamentarians.
I may have missed this one. But has Jean Pierre Farrugia decided to accept the MP’s salary increase? Or has he not?
And after this circus, it appears that Jean Pierre did exactly like all the others in the clan and accepted his Prime Minister’s wisdom or was it folly.
Look at Robert Arrigo, the man once disliked and mistrusted by the Pieta posse (led by George Pullicino of course) but who has now lost his rebellious tongue and more importantly has become part of the same clan that he castigated and bad-mouthed for years.
This is the same man who first constructed megalomaniacs such as Nikki Dimech and then decided to destroy them. After he got to know of Nikki Dimech's interest in national politics.
But back to Jean Pierre Farrugia – I thought as everyone else had reasoned out that his objection was based on the basic premise that the country was facing tough times and it would be absurd to increment MPs or Ministers at this time.
So yes, my question to Jean Pierre is this.
What is this fuss all about?
Is it about the fact that you (Jean Pierre) did not get a pay rise?
If this is the case?
Then why did you waste our time.
Yes, shame on you.
Because with all respect, the argument here is not about the salaries and about the fact that Lawrence Gonzi made a mess of things and was insensitive to the timing and public opinion, but about the very simple fact that Maltese and Gozitans alike are being asked to make sacrifices and parliamentarians and ministers are allowing themselves to take more out of public funds when the public in general is being asked to understand the importance of economic well being and common sense.
We really should hold all of them in contempt as the once derided Alfred Sant has argued.
My final comment goes to Jean Pierre Farrugia’s comment on the media’s inexcusable failure in informing the public of the increases. I quote verbatim what he said on TX: “I am sorry to say, but it is a shortcoming on the side of the media if the public was not informed.”
What bloody cheek, 2 years ago MaltaToday revealed the increment in a series of stories and Jean Pierre for one was either daydreaming or couldn’t given a flying hoot about the story.
The friendly media and State media (PBS) chose to say nothing, as is the norm in this country and Jean Pierre did likewise and said nothing then.
The conclusion in this gigantic farce is very simple - the Prime Minister bowed down to Jean Pierre Farrugia’s theatrics; the cosmetic changes the increments; ignoring public opinion; allowing the minister of finance to set up an undeclared fund two years ago for these increments and continuing to insist that the leader of opposition knew what was happening.
This farce proves beyond doubt the weakness of our Prime Minister. This has nothing to do with being Nationalist or Labourite, it is about being governed by a person who is so weak that he is held to ransom by all his ministers and parliamentary secretaries. A man who has only one intention: to be re-elect his party in government next time round.
That I am afraid is not a good enough reason to take wrong and ill-thought decisions.