Dear Jean Pierre, why the hell did you waste our time?

This great farce confirms one thing.  The weakness of our political class, namely the Prime Minister and the very fact that he is held to ransom by all his ministers and parliamentarians.

I may have missed this one.  But has Jean Pierre Farrugia decided to accept the MP’s salary increase? Or has he not?

And after this circus, it appears that Jean Pierre did exactly like all the others in the clan and accepted his Prime Minister’s wisdom or was it folly.

Look at Robert Arrigo, the man once disliked and mistrusted by the Pieta posse (led by George Pullicino of course) but who has now lost his rebellious tongue and more importantly has become part of the same clan that he castigated and bad-mouthed for years.

This is the same man who first constructed megalomaniacs such as Nikki Dimech and then decided to destroy them.  After he got to know of Nikki Dimech's interest in national politics.

But back to Jean Pierre Farrugia – I thought as everyone else had reasoned out that his objection was based on the basic premise that the country was facing tough times and it would be absurd to increment MPs or Ministers at this time.

So yes, my question to Jean Pierre is this.

What is this fuss all about?

Is it about the fact that you (Jean Pierre) did not get a pay rise?

If this is the case?

Then why did you waste our time.

Yes, shame on you.

Because with all respect, the argument here is not about the salaries and about the fact that Lawrence Gonzi made a mess of things and was insensitive to the timing and public opinion, but about the very simple fact that Maltese and Gozitans alike are being asked to make sacrifices and parliamentarians and ministers are allowing themselves to take more out of public funds when the public in general is being asked to understand the importance of economic well being and common sense.

We really should hold all of them in contempt as the once derided Alfred Sant has argued.

My final comment goes to Jean Pierre Farrugia’s comment on the media’s inexcusable failure in informing the public of the increases. I quote verbatim what he said on TX: “I am sorry to say, but it is a shortcoming on the side of the media if the public was not informed.”

What bloody cheek, 2 years ago MaltaToday revealed the increment in a series of stories and Jean Pierre for one was either daydreaming or couldn’t given a flying hoot about the story.

The friendly media and State media (PBS) chose to say nothing, as is the norm in this country and Jean Pierre did likewise and said nothing then.

The conclusion in this gigantic farce is very simple - the Prime Minister bowed down to Jean Pierre Farrugia’s theatrics; the cosmetic changes the increments; ignoring public opinion; allowing the minister of finance to set up an undeclared fund two years ago for these increments and continuing to insist that the leader of opposition knew what was happening.

This farce proves beyond doubt the weakness of our Prime Minister. This has nothing to do with being Nationalist or Labourite, it is about being governed by a person who is so weak that he is held to ransom by all his ministers and parliamentary secretaries.  A man who has only one intention: to be re-elect his party in government next time round.

That I am afraid is not a good enough reason to take wrong and ill-thought decisions.

EHHHH x`jamillek il poter. Jean qed jibza ghal gildu. Jekk Wistin, mhux ser jerga johrog ghal elezzjoni, Jean ghandu iktar hemm cans li jitla. ( jekk jibqa min jivvutalu )
@sVella - I voted for the EU. And I think it was the correct choice. However, I voted not to be in a larger club - but with the hope that Malta becomes more secular and liberal. Not only it did not happen but there was a conservative backlash in the last years. Censorship is a point in case. And from what i am observing the PN is becoming even more conservative. Members of AN are now joining the PN - leaning more to the extreme Right.
Saviour next time you see the Prime Minister, please pass on these two messages. Play the part of Oliver cromwell if you must. Matthew 23 25.. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, But inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Oliver Cromwell’s speech 20 April, 1653. It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money. Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Tony Sultana
The show must go on. I am no prophet but expected this colourful event with the GonziPN Government to conclude like this. To mention a few we had the same squalid conclusion as the Debono, Arrigo and Galea case. Parliament is no longer a place for honest men who want a change for the better for their people.
I commend Jean for standing up. I think that Jean today is a broken man. I am sure he had no option but to submit: that stakes for a few good fellas, are too high to let go now! Is this the harbinger of things to come?
fl ahhar mil ahhar jean traddixxa lil mistoqsija hija x akwista min ghand il prim dan mp min jaf nistenew u naraw keep it up salv
Totally agree with Mr Balzan. These sort of decisions are making Gonzi doctor minus zero
Any clue what Gonzi & Cabinet have decided re divorce motion, Salv? Hope you're listening in on Dr Gonzi's Cabinet preparing to tell us all. If the Gonz manages to buy JPO off too, then things will get clearer as to what strategy GonziPN is devising at the moment. Don Charles Vella too must be waiting with bated breath.
Luke Camilleri
La Kredibiltra u lanqas zejt fil wicc ma baqa'. Kif tridhom jikbru il-fjuri fil Parlament Malti? X'kienet din ta' Jean Priere u Dr. Gonzi, tijatrin, pantomima jew kummiedja? Nahseb ahjar Gonzi flok Parlament gdid jinvesti f'tinda tac-Cirku ghax gbajna naraw kummiedji, buffonati, kukrumbajsi u gabirjoli!
Alfred Galea
sVella, the EU is advantageous for Malta for now, in a few years it won't be as advantageous and Malta as we know it will never be the same. Now to the younger generation that might not mean too much but to those over fifty it'll be a big loss. For all the assets that were sold, for all the money received from the EU, for the spiralling national debt there's not too much to show for it except thousands of illegal immigrants which we can't get rid off and unabated incompetent, corruption, nepotism, arrogance and unaccountability. And having to do things that we didn't have the balls to do during the 20 years prior to being sold to the EU.
Jeff Cassar
@ RJ I agree with a lot of what you said, except that Alfred Sant was and is still against the EU, just read his opinion pieces in the maltese papers. At the time i believed that EU accession was crucial for our country, but how are we better now? Is cencorship a thing of the past, do we have divorce, what about the environment? The EU was for people who never believed in the maltese, who thought 5/6 people in a european parlament of hundreds would make any difference. Divorce is finally being discussed thanks to a maltese backbencher. We're capable of sorting out our own problems, we don't need larger countries (who don't think very highly of us) to babysit us.
@capricorn. It is precisely this laissez fair and defeating attitude that Gonzi rides upon. By grumbling here, and/or on other blogs, and stopping there, for sure will get us nowhere. With this attitude, once a government has been given the power to govern, it will remain there even if it fails miserably, as is the case with this government? What kind of logic is this? be one of those that make your voice heard and be counted. Join in now!!
Ghalxejn li ser tipprovaw tghamlu jien naqbel mieghek ukoll james grech imma Gonzi pn il poter ghogbu u bil mod biex jaghti IRRESENJA tieghu minkejja il PETIZZJONI li issir biex IWARRAB ghax WICCU qadlu ghall kollox daqs kemm kien hawn kazijiet tal powerstation dik li lin nies meta tigi festa il hadd jew is sibt ghalkemm kien IKKUNDANNAT min barra xorta lil haddiema ma taghhilhomx u issa TFAXXAT din taz zieda jaf jghamilhom il kontijiet MHUX CUC haseb sewwa ghal rasu mhux bhal haddiema ara dawk gew imgalin jghamlu is sagrificci
I applaud the initiative you're promoting, Mr Grech. Messrs Berlusconi and Gonzi are two of a kind. While supporting your call, I would at the same time urge people to spread the word around that the Maltese must make sure that they vote for the PL that can change the current unbearable situation. One should also urge the PL to make sure that ONLY citizens that are eligible to participate at the hustings are allowed to do so. If the PL does not safeguard this aspect of the voting system, there might be another disaster at the hustings looming ahead. If the PL ascertains that ONLY those who have the constitutional right are allowed to cast their vote, there is no way how the current despicable government can be returned to power. A lot depends on the PL's savvy and the people it trusts at the crucial points of the battle. Certain naive elements who let down the PL as well as the Maltese people at the last elections should be weeded out and replaced with sober, businesslike persons working under constant surveillance from party HQ. In that way the PL WILL be returned to power and strive to reverse the downhill trend the country has taken over the past years, particularly under the Gonzi regime.
Voice your say. Call for Laurence Gonzi to resign. Join the facebook page and invite other people to do the same. It is up to us.
@ saviour balzan well done we need more people like you in this country to get our voice out there and make ourselves heard! thank you. what about a story of how the voting systems goes in malta to agevolate the pn? in certian convents ? i could give you details.
In Italy a petition is being circulated to oust Berslusconi due to his inapt behaviour. Italians are feeling that this person should not continue to be Italy's Prim Minister. Check it out here More then 20000 singed it in just a few hours. We Maltese should do the same. Dr. Gonzi is inapt to continue governing our country. His lack in decision-making and priority settings will not only be his downfall, but also ours.
@ Savior Balzan - Regarding Sant's position on the EU. I believe he understood that the EU could split the party into two. I actually think that if he really was against the EU he would have taken Malta's application out rather than 'frozen' thus giving future administrations the opportunity to continue the discussions. In fact Sant's speeches in the last years were that Malta is heading too fast (of course he was playing for time ...). Maybe one of these days Sant will write his autobiography. The EU was for the PL, what divorce is for the PN today. As far as continuing with the PLPN mantra that mediocrity and arrogance is 50-50 divided between the two parties is unfair and utterly wrong. I believe that the PL has the potential to bring about the necessary changes that this country needs. And to be fair, I'm also growing tired of patronizing leaders (Mintoff, Eddie and most of all Gonzi) who believe and act as if only them have the solutions for everyone. Labour is not perfect. But that is precisely what I like. It does not pretend to hold the high moral grounds as the PN and AD do (albeit, in different ways: one believes it is God's arm in Malta and AD - the paladin's of democracy).
Yes, pottering is one way to forget about the harsh realities of life. And not voting is a choice which we should respect. B On Alfred Sant, I should add. When he introduced reforms at the dockyards, a fee for medicinals, a drainage tax (which did not come into force) and adiscussion on utliity tariffs he was assaulted by the PN media. I wrote then in my capacity as deputy editor of The Independent that he should be commended for these steps. Alfred Sant screwing up on CET and EU accession is one thing, Sant making reforms which were mild compared to what has been introduced under the PN is another thing altogether. But let us not depart from the subject matter of this commentary. The increments that were kept a secret from parliament and much. much more. But on this and more watch out for MaltaToday on Sunday.
what a wsste of life arguing about the Pl and the Pn and the AD. I outta here by all, gonna do some gardening
What rubbish. Politics has been real disappointment. No vote from me for any of the cronies next time round. Why don't you guys get a life and so getting so stressed about politics? Its like you all have nothing bettre to do then to bash the LP and the PN and get a kick out of it. YUk
"We really should hold all of them in contempt as the once derided Alfred Sant has argued." So, you've finally come round to acknowledge Sant's honesty, sincerity and integrity, Salv. Rather late in the late, but as compassionate souls would say, better late than never. It is only people like your (former?) buddy Degiorgio will never admit their misconceptions regarding Alfred Sant. But at least you've thrown in the towel on this score. Otherwise, one would have to ask you, what was all the fuss about, Salv?
Alfred Galea
Tonton, if you don't care why don't you STFU and take a hike?? Not too many people, except you that is, coz you're one fart smucker, thought that JPF will be happy with this little crumb Gonzu threw his way.
Quick Question... Even though the PM has decided to reverse the 20% increase he awarded himself and his hubbies in 2008, will the whole lot of them still be getting the weekly €600/€500 increase? If yes... you are right on decrying that JPF was just being a Drama Queen...
lee il poplu Malti lil Gonzi IMISSU JIREDIKOLAH billi ghal l-elezjonijiet li jmiss ma jivvotawlux LILU personali fejn johrog huwa biex bhekk tinkiteb pagna gdida fMalta li kap ta partit gie imwarrab min nies tieghu stess u baqa l-art ghax ma giex ELETT
Joe Tanti
Insejna li wara l-ahhar elezzjoni Gonzi kien ta somma ta flus (mill kaxxa ta Malta,mhux min butu) lil dawk il-membri parlamentari li baqaw l-art sabiex kif qal hu sakemm jergaw jaqbdu fix-xoghol proffesjonali taghhom. Bhal li kieku kienu sejrin jinteffaw bieb il-belt bil kop jittalbu.Kemm hu generus GonziPN bi flus il-poplu malti, dejjem Jekk tkun PN ta. flus ghal dawn hemm,u ghalih ,imma ghal haddiem E1.16 biss sab. .....tibzax kif kont xahhieh ma l-haddiema ,hekk sejrin ikun dawn mieghek bil- VOTI taghhom. Hadd wara Hadd jasal ta kullhadd.Tista tidhakk bxi hadd ghall ftit hin ,imma mhux bkullhadd ghal dejjem.Ghad jasal iz-zmien li nghamlu l-kontijiet Wenz.
@ Saviour I understand the sarcasm being implied in your answer. I understand the cynicism at this move by any MP and the PM. But why hit out at Farrugia? Cant understand. It seems like it was ideaologically sound for him to oppose salary increase/. Jekk xejn ghid fuq il-prim. Youre a pain in the neck ghax l-ewwel tfahhar lil xi hdd u l-ghada tohorgu tan-nejk.
Why the questions? Well because, there such a thing called consistency! And being fooled! And let us face it, I do deny that I am a pain the neck. The public are seeing with their very own eyes, that everytime a backbencher starts to wail and growl, the PM backs down and retreats. Do we need examples. Perhaps the best example was John Dalli. He was treated with a 'prison sentence' of four years in Brussels! It is a pity that the only significant change is that the incremental change will now be extended to the MPs too. What a retreat! If the concern was the public outcry and not the backbenchers, the PM would have gone back to the old salaries. And then yes, applause would have been in place.
Can't understand: who the hell cares abouyt these rehtorical questions?? farruga is on record saying why he didnt agree and what he would do with his money. why turn your guns on him?
I reiterate my original question to Jean Pierre: What was all this fuss about? Was it about the fact that MPs did not get an increase in their salary? Was it about the fact that his PM left him in the dark and treated him like a nobody? Was it about the fact that people are being asked to make sacrifices - and an increase now did not make sense? Was it about a case of being a prima donna? That is all. I guess everyone else is asking the same questions. Instead of all these theatrics, we would be better served with some honest answers and after all, all of us would rather be assisting to more exciting tragi-comedies!
Spot on Saviour. Honestly, I'm getting tired of this farce!
@Saviour Your blog has a msisleading title... your newssite reported that Farrugia would give his honorarium to charity for multiple sclerosis and start the IVF fund. Did you even read that?
Joseph Pellicano
when JPF meets people in his rounds as a doctor are they going to tell him that he is a hero or that he is a LAQI GAKBIN and he wants his share of the pie.Is he not sorry for them any more that they cannot cope with the cost of living. And for robert arrigo he is happy now because with the rise he got he can pay his mobile bill, because when he was made parliamentary ASS he complained that with the pay he got its not enough to pay his Mobile bill. SUCKER
Excellent comments Mr Balzan. JPF wanted only that his salary is as that of ministers that he gets as much money as the ministers did. People are suffering and JPF is happy and in agreement with PM. Well done JPF I must compliment the PM though as his tactics to shut down the mouths and to destroy political careers of who dares him is unbelievably great.
Just to refresh the memory of our dear prime Minister that a big chunk of Air Malta staff are entering the 8th year without a salary increase and he is extracting blood to justify his hefty cabinet increases. Not a problem as when the time comes we will be voting Labour en masse and when I say we, I mean several workers who have been voting PN for the past elections. Qazzistuna issa!!!!
There is a basic difference between an interview, a news story and an opinion or commentary. When you interview someone you ask the question and then move on. The reader or viewer should come to his or her own conclusion. In an opinion, one is subjective and hardly ever objective.
Jason Xuereb
Are we to beleive that all the fuss and arguments brought by JPF against the raise were all in envy because his mates received the increase 2 years ago and he got zilch? What makes him so satisfied now? Has the financial situation in the Country improved so much overnight that we can now afford the increase? What about the great divide between the €1.16 and the €500 a week increase? Does this not hurt so much now that Gonzi had a sit-down with JPF? Has the circus left Floriana yet????
Yesterday I happened to watch Saviour Balzan's interview with Lawrence Gonzi that took place sometime ago. Having heard him ask many long and disjointed questions with much hand waving and unrelated mutterings (that helped make the PM's performance 'look like' far more professional) I am pleased to now read his article which is succinct and pointed and clear. Point well made. Given that S Balzan is probably the closest Malta has to an investigative journalist, it is a shame he doesn't get some coaching so he can improve his interviewing skills and technique and show his true professionalism all around.
Jeff Cassar
Very good article, short and to the point
prosit hafna
Saviour - you are too quick to call Gonzi weak and then fail to see the real issue. I say this, kindly, because you have a good track record at spotting the real issue. The problem with backbenchers is that they have no prospect of enjoying in the fruits of their success; they have worked hard for the party and got elected, but all the ministries are given to the sons and relatives of previous ministers. We truly leave in a hereditary democracy - which is really a feudal system with some theatrics to pretend its a democracy. Gonzi has already tried to 'involve' the backbenchers in the ministries, but that was not enough. Denied the opportunity to reap in the benefits of running authorities and ministries - gonzi had to pay them off to buy their loyalty. The real tragedy is that there is hardly a whimper in this country about the shameful nepotism of our cabinet. So much for being a free people in a democratic country. Does anyone have any idea what that means? Do you expect Tony Blair's son to be ruling UK ? Yet this is totally accepted in Malta.
Zack Depasquale
Wiehed mill-aqwa artikli li qrajt dwar din il-kummiedja tragika, Prosit Saviour, Jien nemmen li baqghax misthija f'dan il-pajjiz ghax nies bhal Dr Farrugia kif ukoll Dr Gonzi ma nafx kif baqghalhom wicc jidhru fil-Pubbliku. Jifhmu dawn li l ghadab tal-Pubbliku Generali, hu x inhu l-kulur tieghu huwa, li ghal Ministru u membri Parlamentari money no problem anke intuhom 1500 Eur holiday allowance u ghal poplu lis-skuzi kollha u ntugh biss Eur 1.16. F'pajjizi ohra ir-rizenji li kien ikun hemm wara kummiedja din il-kwalita kienu jkunu kbar, imma Malta kollox accetat basta mkahhlin mal-poter.
Dr. Jean Pierre Farrugia li qal qabel baqa isostnih dejjem, anki l-bierah fl-intervista fuq Super One. Ma nafx ghalfejn issa tbiddel kollox li kien qieghed jintqal fuqhu hawnhekk. Sal-bierah hlief li kellna bzonn hafna membri parlamentari bhalu ma kienx qieghed jinkiteb. L-awtur ta' dan l-artiklu waqqa l-hafna gideb li kien qieghed jintqal li hadd ma kien jaf li l-minisitri kienu zdiedu f'2008 meta qal: "What bloody cheek, 2 years ago MaltaToday revealed the increment in a series of stories"
by the way dear saviour we are not far from tunisia either. not only geographical but also as how things are going. while the rate of unemployment is high here in malta, in tunisia is same. also the prices are going up. while in tunisia is the same. in tunisia the national tv was being controled by ben ali & co. while in malta the national tv staiton is being a pn propoganda. in tunisia they been for 23 years under same president. while in malta we are being under same govt for 25 years. in tunisia there was loads of corruption. while in malta it's the same with the bwsc contract it's a clear example. the only thing the maltese govt should do is to create his personal army so he keep the power for other 25 years and then we can call this country as tunmal
it would be a shame if people like robert arrigo accept the 500 euros weekly as MP, he is owner of Arrigo Group, making Belli Liri from his business (arrigo travel and a hotel) if im not wrong. and then being payed in parlament and 500 euro extra that the gonzi pn gave them. does he pay his employes double mr arriggo? while we are struggling till the end of the month. they continue to fill their pockets! we are being robbed, they are being payed from our money! shame on you! mux ta bxejn id-dejn nazzjonali dejjem jizzdied
Jiena naqbel mieghek Saviour Balzan rigward din il FARSA li ghamel il MP Jean Pierre Farrugia pero jien li jiskantani huwa l-elettorat kif GHAMBAQRU bhal dan (JP Farrugia) jergaw ITELLAWH ghalhekk nisperaw l il poplu JIFTAH MOHHU u nies bhal dawn inwarbuhom sakemm ma jaghmilx bhal dak l-arroganti Dr Austin Gatt u ma johrog ghal l-elezjoni li jmiss
Michael Gauci
You can throw them all in the dustbin for what they are worth to the electorate.
Yesterday he was hero, now Dr. Jean Pierre Farrugia can be thrown in the dustbin.