There's something about Labour

It is not just the unwillingness to stand up to be counted on various issues which makes me uneasy about Muscat’s Labour, but also the kitsch way of expressing itself .

In the space of a week Muscat's Labour has reiterated its non-commitment on divorce, failed to present us with a solid shadow cabinet by separating the wheat from the chaff, failed to take a stand on the removal of junior lyceum exams and has expressed itself in a very crass way on a major foreign policy issue.

On divorce, it is true that Muscat has taken a personal stance in favour of divorce. But how can a self styled progressive party refrain from mobilising all its might to ensure that the yes prevails in the referendum? For non-commitment on divorce means that the party will not use its well-oiled electoral machine to campaign for a yes result.

Comparisons with the PN are futile. While what most liberals can expect from a traditionally conservative party like PN is non-engagement, a Labour party campaigning for a free vote in the referendum is tantamount to giving a free ride to the no campaign.

On education, Labour is right to insist that educational reforms need adequate resources and  funding. But that does not absolve Labour from stating where it stands on the removal of the Junior Lyceum exams (which removes a lot of pressure from kids) and the introduction of more inclusive educational colleges. After all, academics in the field concur that the rigid streaming in the state secondary sector was perpetuating social inequalities. From a left-wing perspective the reforms are a step in the right direction even if their success depends on decent funding.

Even internally Muscat sends mixed messages by failing to present an alternative Cabinet line-up. While everyone was kept happy with a post some were clearly given more meaningful positions while others were given superfluous positions. The careful balancing act says a lot about Muscat's ability to keep the party united while making it more effective. But still, by appointing 20 spokespersons  he failed to address the main concern of the public: what will Labour’s minister line-up be like?

But the cherry on the cake was the crass way the Labour leader expressed himself on events in North Africa. In the face of an epochal moment which sees one of the most corrupt and oppressive regimes clinging to power in the face of one of one of the most dramatic demonstrations of people's power since 1989, our Opposition leader laments the fact that the government has not unleashed a massive tourism publicity campaign with the intent to draw tourists to Malta, in the light of the on-going instability in North Africa.

This exposes a lack of political stature in the face of global events. For while there is nothing wrong in diverting tourists to Malta by advertising our wares, there is something farcical in a future Prime Minister ignoring the bigger picture of democracy coming to North Africa and talking about reaping short-term benefits.

This is Labour’s typical way of addressing the nation, as if it was talking to a nation of zombies whose world view is confined to what happens in the few square metres around them. It is the same when Labour ignores international factors like the hike in the price of fuel when it rightly lambastes government for lack of planning in the energy sector. It is this attitude which makes Labour look crass and a far cry from the alternative government we deserve.

sorry, lost interest: - would have expected better than such a title. or should the editor be blamed?
"Biex tiskongura tridt tkun pur" Hawn xi nies li ma jisthux jaqbzu il-limiti tad-dicenza, ghax il-qrusa li ghandhom fl-istonku taghhom ghandha mill-chlorene. Hadd ma qaghad jikteb kontra mssier James u t-tfal tieghu bhal ma taghmel dik "is-sappi tutto gellieda" li toqghod go farmhouse fil-Bidnija. Dawk li jaghmlu parti mill-kor ta din il-minghula-bhal ma kien jghid in-nannu- huma maghmula mill-istess pezza mimlija kibrit tal-blogger.
Alfred Galea
Qabez il melha tinten.
James Debono, the hysterical personal attacks you have been subjected to in comments to this blog entry are but a small taste - a symbol - of the moral and physical violence which has always characterised Mintoffjani and rabid MLP/PL supporters. Joseph Muscat's reaction to events in Tunisia and Egypt reminded me of his suggestion that Malta suspends part of the Dublin Convention regarding refugees and that we start vetoing European initiatives at random to force the EU to accept our terms regarding immigrants. On that occasion he was pandering to the more racist and anti-EU elements within his party.
Hadd ma ghandu jiehu ghalih; its the arguments that matter. Nothing personal.
Alfred Galea
Jimmy, can you show us when you "spoke" on the PN on other occasions without bringing the PL into the equation?? Coz if you ever did I must have missed it......oh, and by the way, I've been called worse by better WOMEN than you.
@ RJ While i share your frustrations at a blogger who seems unwilling to come but seems to play the often played game ' i am a socialist but the socialist party is no good' (we also had individuals actually saying they had actually voted for labour) I do not see the point of abandoning this paper. It is the best vehicle to keep the current government, that is way past its sell-by date in check, even if it is unlikely that it will support change at the end of it all. There are people who are empty vessels who would struggle to discuss a basic issue in politics but have the knack of rubbing people the wrong way...i would just try to ignore them...nothing more
Peter Cassar
As regards the south of malta can you please substantiate your claims. What i have done over the past years is to publicize statistics showing the widening regional divide on education and poverty. Denouncing the fact that southern localities are unrepresented in higher education and have higher poverty rates is nothing akin attacking the people of the south. This is tantamount to calling racists people who denounce the high number of black people in US prisons. Finally I am no Sliema boy. I come from a working class family and have spent the first decade of my life living in Fgura before going to live in Gzira and finally to B'Kara.
Hosni Mubarak has been clinching to power for the last 25 years. Does it remind you of some who during the last 25 years had life a misery for us all, and especially for our kids whose only legacy is going to be the mountain of debt which will take 3 generations of pain to pay? Talking of"reaping what one sows"!
Peter Cassar
The theme of the blog was the Labour party not gonzipn. I spoke on the pn on other occasions. I have no apologies for that. As regards gonzipn i work in a newspaper which constantly scrutinizes the government, and my stories are ample evidence that i have contributed my fair share to this. I also invite those accusing me of some obscure hidden agenda to declare their identity. Usually it is people hiding behind pen names who have a hidden agenda.
You know James - I think there is something about you and your clear biased against Labour. Not only you are unfair but clearly seem to be pushing some agenda. Moreover, you have a disgusting condescending way to refer to the people living in the South and to Labour supporters, which I find it akin to Nats who always look down to 50% of the population like it is an inferior tribe or race of people. So why don't you come out and say it: You want the Nats to remain in power! I have had it with you and your patronizing views - I'm stopping buying Maltatoday, which I was gladly doing until a Sunday ago.
If when someone says that your article is all blue is an insult than you must know that anyone following what is right will not defend PN because PNGonzi is not right in the majority of decisions and is not right in its politics. Points in my opinion twisted by your article: Divorce issue...the PN can stay without direction but PL has to mobilize to say Yes... WHY? Do you think that PL does not represent me and so many other that on this issue are not in favour of divorce legislation? As a party on this issue, it should be left out of politics because both PN and PL are there to represent the people. Education...Don't you think that the party in government should take the responsability of administration. PL is in favour of the reform to abolish examinations from primary to secondary...but in education everything needs to be programmed in advance and all parties involved and prepared for any change... even when the cahange is for the better the way it is run and implemented it is a disaster...especially if the MUT is not requested to be part of the discussion. Change of Shadow persons....Even here your critical analyses is only and all negative. Why you did not mention that for example karmenu vella was the best minister with the best results in our main industry of tourism and as such the task allocated to this person should be looked at in a postive way for PL and for malta. And to make your article worse "But the cherry on the cake was the crass way the Labour leader expressed himself on events in North Africa." Just follow the news of malta freeport benefitting from the egypt caos because ships are now using malta. Maybe for you ships can move and tourists cannot. I auger you to set your blinkers a little ajar at least.
Alfred Galea
If the shoe fits......
Peter Cassar
The personal insults, outright lies and distortions of truth by a group of thugs worthy of hosni mubarak's regime has been very very simply reap what you sow
I am against gays, I agree with censorship on books, plays and bikinis. I am against the seperation of the State from the Church, I agree with the mortal sin imposed on Malta Labour Party for political ends, I am against divorce, I am against the use of condoms, contraception,.and the day after pill. I believe fertilization should not be assisted or otherwise. I am a Nationalist Liberal !!!!!! ( tan-nejk) who excuse the Nationalist Party for its conservative views. Actually, I am a Liberal, so is the PN: only those that vote for it are conservatives!!!!!!
Xwicc ghandek titkellem RC ghandek PM Gonzipn li jitlob lin nies li il gvern tieghu irid JISSIKKA ic CINTURIN (POPLU ghax ghalihom xejn )u imbad il wicc VILI jigi jiehdu 600 ewro fil gimgha zieda biex bhal bierah 5 deputati BISS kien hemm fil parlament fosthom l-EBDA MINISTRU imma kif ghandek il WICC skuzi BIL HARA Sur James DEbono tigi TITKELLEM favur il gvern nahseb li mintiex MINSI min GONZI PN ghax qied IZOQQOK (LIRI)
Please James make up your mind: you are either a radical democrat, or a parochial conservative: an apologist for GonziPN and for what it stands for. How can one call himself radical and support GonziPN:who is against Gays, is against the separation of the Church from the State, is against divorce, who is in favour of censorship, who blames pole-dancers for all the marriage brakedowns, has renamed all the schools after saints, whilst real radicals like Mikiel Anton Vassalli, had their School names abolished. I consider myself a radical and a Green. I've read "Silent Spring" long before you were born, I was born into a Nationalist family, but I made up my mind: Labour with its mistakes and (sometimes) gaffes, stands for change and progress. Mikiel Anton Vassalli who was exiled by the "compassionate" religious bigots,( would have felt at home in GonziPN) and died a poor man-without the decency of a religious burial like Dimech ( it reminds you of who plays the tune) would have recognised the Partit Laburista as his place of beloging; not some fuddy duddy "liberal!!!!!" Party, whom the' local 'radicals call the Nationalist Party.
@RC Hallejtni bla kliem. Taghjjar u tiftahar li ma fadallekx aktar aggetivi x'taghtini ghax ma qbiltx ma li ktibt jien imbaghad tipriedkali biex ma inkunx provincjali. Hawwadtni.
Jaqaw int xi wiehed min dawk li jilghabuha ta newtrali bhal dawk ta TVM
You know James - I think there is something about you and you are clearly biased against Labour. That is naturally up to you. As you know, under PN you can only be against other parties but not against PN. You know that is true democracy PN way. It manages to catch people like you. Divorce. JM was clear from his leadership bid that no imposition on this issue. He favours divorce responsible legislation but PL would leave it to its members. I am against any legislation to introduce divorce. Education. If you are happy with the situation regarding education you must be living in the moon. We are experiencinganything but management. I am not going to mention anything re education; but PL stating that in education needs pre advise preferably of a year or two in advance is only logical As it is no one knows what is happening or what has happened. Shadow main speakers exercise is a show of incompetence towards the PN cabinet that managed only to send off the ministers with good results. I am not going to mention Dalli. The only shortcoming I see in PL is that you were not employed as a PL strategist because your comments are full of sweet thoughts.
Gilbert Bartolo
ezatt Toninu ma fadallix aktar, ghax min jirraguna bhalek allahares xi hadd jikteb xi haga fuq il-partit tieghu juri kemm huwa provincjali... pajjiz mickey mouse...
The Government has no electoral mandate to change divorce laws. Furthermore sind the PN Government decided and is setting up a referendum for all the people to express their wish why is it wrong to let the people decide? I Personally disagree with a referendum firstly because it is expensive and secondly the people already chosen the candidates in parliament from a free democratic vote. The PN Government should have opened the discussion within parliament made constitutional emeadments in our laws and once these proposals are set a secret free vote should be taken with 2/3 majority for the necessary changes. In Summary I see no wrongdoings from the PL by giving a free vote to all since the PM expressed that people will ecide in a referendum. I disagree with those whilst putting the decision onto a referendum will then dictate their followers where to place their vote is it a popular expression you are after if yes don't interfere with it.
@ RC Kien fadal xi aggettiv iehor x'taghdili? Kretin, ta' wara il muntanji, jibla kollox, insomma kif jghdu skond iz-zokk il fergha. Tiftakru jaghjrun mummji, mtaten, downers u lista shiha ta aggettivi Arroganza u taghjjir ghal kull min jesprimi opinjoni differenti min taghkhom. Nahseb aktar kummenti ghal dawk tieghek ikun hela ta hin ghax fil konfront tieghi int ma wegibt xejn. Taghjjir biss u ghax bla argumenti. Period. Il gurnata it tajba
Pauline Moran
...Yes James, are true balanced and unbiased journalist (if you can be given that title). I think the one who should get a life is you cause you are preaching your vile message hiding behind your independent newspaper. Labour this and Labour that, and everything that is bad and foul in this country is Labour's fault when in hasn't been in Government for so long. Why don't you write a piece about the oppression that this administration is putting on this nation? What is the game you're playing James? Just go to work for the Independent or In Nazzjon cause that is were you really belong. For sure we know were you stand! James we do not a change in the faces of the PN (i.e. a re-shuffule) but a change in government!
Alfred Galea
Tania Farrugia, what about Briguglio?? You think he's better than Muscat as leader of the opposition or better still prime minister?? RC, Jimmy criticising Muscat doesn't make him a makes him anti-PL...but you knew that already. These so called journalists/reporters should spend their time and effort reporting about the incompetence, arrogance, unaccountability and corruption of the government, like REAL reporters do in other countries and not concentrate their efforts on every little word that comes out of Muscat's mouth. Case in point.....the Recycling plaqnt and how FatBoy George stacked the committee in his favour, the massive debt of Enemalta,the obsacene increases in the ministers' honoraria and stuff like that. Otherwise, they're just boys trying to do a man's job.
Malta must be the only country n the world where journalists spend more time analysing the opposotion than they do the government. And it's not hard to work out why.
Gilbert Bartolo
more sitting on the fence advice from Robin Huud... the labour party: sitting on the fence and trying to please everyone... spineless politics at its best...bending over backwards to emulate PN... photocopy
Leadership is a give and take process. In case of GonzPNi-as shown by the enormous wage increase- it simple takes. It is, as if, like the Prince of Salina ( The Leopard) Gonzi is feeling too exhausted, old, and that doing anything is itself is a sin. He is hounded from within ( JPO,Debono, Mughliet, Farrugia, and from without-Dalli and Borg. How can he solve Malta's problems if he cannot even solve his own? That is the question.
I am not commenting about whether J M is 'enept to run the country' or not. I am saying that forcing one's views down peoples' throats is undemocratic and to say that political parties should take sides on the divorce issue is utter rubbish. There are far more important issues in this country which Political parties should tackle rather than wasting tax payers money on divorce referendums. AD should know better but then what can you expect of a third class club of some sort. Leave it out folks and stop wasting your time.
Gilbert Bartolo
Toninu get a life... is-soltu ragunament kretin laburist partiggjan li jiblgha kull ma jisma mill-'lijder' (f'dal-kaz...seta' kien nazzjonalist, ghax il-mentalita l-istess!!)... ghax James Debono ikkritika lil Joey 'he is showing his true colours' ...igifieri 'nazzjonalist'. X'mentalita ta' wara l-muntanji!!! jaqaw xi delegat tal-labour jew!?
Gilbert Bartolo
Robin Huud's reasoning: Dear RC instead of trying to put commentators, in here, down, you should read history and learn from it.... but when the Shah of Iran was made to step down from power he was replaced by a worse regime." ... so that means that the Great Joe can say what he said... first because businessmen like it, secondly because 'they will end up with a worse regime' anyway! my oh my oh my!!! principles? politics? statesmanship? progressivi u moderati jew cucati u karnivalati!?
James has made some valid points. The more I get to know Joseph, the more I see him inept to run the country, he's just doesn't have the right attitude, vision and courage. what the country really need is a valid alternative to Gonzi - Joseph is not ready to be a true leader - he's a good PR, media friendly character.
Brandon Johnson
One has grown to expect a certain style of honest reporting from MT. This is why i do not understand why Mr Debono decided to continue with the spin started by Cassola regarding JM's comment on opportunities that should be taken by Malta to attract tourists to Malta if they decided to cancel their bookings to N Africa. First of all JM was replying to a question by a delegate regarding ways of increasing revenue to Malta. I was not as if he nade the comment during a speech on foreign affairs. Secondly it is a fact that many Governments have told their citizens not to travel to Egypt or Tunisia. It was not JM Another fact is that tour operators are offering to rebook people to different destinations so what is wrong with trying to entice some to come to Malta. I also expected Mr Debono to mention that similar comments were made by De Marco about a week ago and also that it seems that the adverts to visit Malta have increased on SKY news Uk during the coverage of the uprising. Could it be that the Government is actually trying to do what JM metioned?
Alfred Galea
[Well said James, good observations. For most bloggers on MT, Joseph is untouchable. Think with your heads guys,this is not the 1970s.] @noel zahra......and yet not a day goes by that some PN asskissing apologist, on here or on the PN Times does not bring up the 70s and the killing foelds of Malta.
James, dan l-artiklu tieghek kien jaghmel lil editur tal Mument kburi, ghax lanqas hu mhu kapaci jattakka lil PL daqshekk. Rigward id-divorzju. Li tkun moderat ma jfissirx li ghandek tmexxi lil min jappogjak bhal moghoz ta Bendu. Ibqa cert li kieku il PL ha pozzizjoni favur id-divorzju int kont tkun l-ewwel wiehed li tattaka lil JM li qed jimponi xewqatu fuq il partitarji laburisti. Dwar dak li sehh fil junior lyceum x'jahseb il PL mhux importanti ghal genituri ghaliex id-decizzjoni diga ittiehdet. Pero l-aktar li kont zbilanjat hu meta kritikajt lil JM ghax ghamel sejha lil gvern biex jattira aktar turisti lejn Malta fid-dawl ta l-instabilita li ghaddejjin minnhom il girien taghna meta lanqas kellek id-dicenza issemmi li Dr.Demarco responsabli mit turismu ftahar li diga kien irnexxielu jattira turisti li kienu destinati lejn dawn il pajjizi fl-inkwiet. Ma nafx imma meta tibda toqrob l-elezzjoni l-istess ponn nies fil media jibdew juru il veru kulur taghhom. Dejjem l-istess pattern.
Dear RC instead of trying to put commentators, in here, down, you should read history and learn from it.The Author of this article seems to think that democracy is on its way by replacing the present authocratic rulers in North Africa but when the Shah of Iran was made to step down from power he was replaced by a worse regime. Got it ? So like i said to the author I say to you stop living in the clouds.
Dear James, A good businesman jums at every opportunity to increase his business even at the expense of competitors. We may not like what is happening in Tunisia and Egypt but we, as a nation cannot loose out on on such an opportunity. You are only repeating what NET news said on Sunbday evening as well as the PN and its allies.
I do agree that Muscat's comments on events in North Africa lacked the required sensitivity. but you seem to me to be streching your other points. I mean how do you expect Muscat to give us a glimpse of his cabinet when there is an election in between and labour faces may be very different from the present lot?
Gilbert Bartolo
Meta xi hadd jazzarda jikkritika jghidulu 'Nazzjonalist'. Meta xi hadd jazzarda jikkritika johorgu t-truppi jpecilqu u jitghajru. Meta xi hadd jazzarda jikkritika l-injoranza grassa tohrog cara. Partiggjani, bl-ghamad ma ghajnejhom josannaw il-kbir mexxej... prova tal-provincjalita u l-edukazzjoni fjakka ta' hafna Maltin (sfortunatament ...)
Mr James Debono says " there is something farcical in a future Prime Minister ignoring the bigger picture of democracy coming to North Africa and talking about reaping short-term benefits" . I think the only farcical thing is that Mr. Debono's head is in the clouds and writing nonsense on this paper.
Angele Attard
Well said James, good observations. For most bloggers on MT, Joseph is untouchable. Think with your heads guys,this is not the 1970s.
I think that one day or an other Mr Debono should try to write something about his beloved AD. All his blogs are simply aimed at promoting their image, whilst tarnishing others. There is something about James.
I do not usually express my views to blogs. But I think now one has to say enough is enough. I hope your editor will give you a warning as he might be losing customers should he let you continue to be one sided. It seems that the run up to a general election is nearer than one thinks, as the usual character assissination of the PL's leader, as happened in the past, seems to have begun. Firstly, I cannot understand how you pretend that I, as one who sympathises with the PL, should vote yes when a referendum on divorce is carried out. I thank God who has given me a mind to be able to weigh any decision I am asked to contribute to. Only political parties like the PN and its supporters are blindfolded and follow (moghoz ta' Bendu). I am grateful to Dr Joseph Muscat who has publicly confirmed that he will let all the PL's parliamentary group and its supporters free to vote according to what they think is best. Has Dr Gonzi expressed a similar decision? Secondly, I do not know you enough. Have you got any children? I happen to have a son who is presently attending Year 6. Do you think it was right for us parents to have been informed just last week what is happening next June? Don't you think that these issues should have been made out clear at the start of the scholastic year? If I am not mistaken, the decision to do away with the common entrance examinations (which I agree with you were putting pressure on our children) was taken a couple of years ago. Also, dear James, when you choose to quote take everything in its perspective. As it has been stated by other readers, tourism is and has always been our bread and butter. Of course we are sorry of what is happening in our neighbouring countries, but the government needs to capitalise its chances to attract tourists who could have been travelling to other countries for their weather and history, things which our dear island can offer. It is not a short term benefit. The same people can call again and they could advertise our island in their country. Word of mouth is the strongest and cheapest possible advert.
All your comments are copies of gonziPN's apologists. 1. Divorce issue, it is not a political one but an issue of conscience and by taking a stand JM would be contradicting himself, since he has promised a free vote from day one. I bet if PL took a stand you'd have blogged the contrary and come out preaching that JM is inconsistant with his pledges. If you had read what Fr Goudher had to say of late you would have changed your tune, or if you did you prefered to ignore. 2. What about the lyceum exams,PL has criticised gonziPN on a number of education issues and still goziPN charged foward. What can be said more about education in Malta under gonziPN, we have a minister who through nepotism and neglicence cost maltese students thousands if not millions in education grants and she is still gracing our parliament in a ministerial role. 3. Of course people like you who have no idea of the tourist sector come up with the wrong conclusions, privately all tourism entrepreneurs agreed with what JM had to say and only the naive would think that if trouble was happening in Malta these countries would give a hoot and would not take advantage of the situation were tourism is concerned. All those who played the political correct machos did so because they have nothing to criticise PL about. In politics sensitivety takes a back seat when necessary especially for the good of the country it is insensitive when the powers give them selves hefty pay increases compared to the pittance the workers get. Stop trying to jerk us around.
duncan abela
One should not become too worked up when the leader or yours party is pictured as being not up to scratch or made some gaffe or faux pas. It is a well known form of pyschological warfare often used by abusive partners and bullies to condition their victims in thinking that they have inferior qualities or lack the political correctness. Unfortunately I often notice in labour supporters that they have been so conditioned by unjustified superior attitudes of their political opponents that they almost through knee jerk action lash out in all directions rather than maintain a sense of dignified restraint and at the same time disdain at those who crticise them unfairly. One of the strengths of the PN is their false sense of superiority and trying to convey an image of being the natural party to lead. Rather than get heated up, just learn to laugh off any nitpicking or finding fault in your way of doing things. Ultimately when you secure power certain airs of superiority are soon forgotten. Dr J Muscat is very good at laughing off attacks by his opponents and is quite successful in neutralising attacks simply by a short quip or smile. My advice to those who get so hot under the collar is not to get too worked up by unfair criticism but simply first laugh it off or better still enjoy having worried somebody so much that he reacted in an undignified way. Of course it is helpful to then quietly review the situation of conflict and see whether next time round you might tackle it more effectively.
Jessica Chetcuti
I sometimes wonder if we should be like the Belgians. It is now six months after their elections and they are still without a government, and “wonder of wonders “the country hasn’t fallen into decline and disarray as many had predicted. The big joke is that nobody really has seemed to have noticed; in fact the country appears to be ticking along nicely. However here in Malta we can’t do without our government, we always need to have an accusing finger; I’m beginning to think that it’s the national pastime But it is rather ironic that PN sympathisers like James seem to be more critical of what the opposition is not doing rather than ever being critical of his beloved party. James asks how a self styled progressive party can refrain from mobilising all its might to ensure that the yes prevails in the referendum. Well James the way that I see it is the people are already fed up hearing about the divorce issue. We know that a referendum is due to take place mid summer, so there is still plenty time, it’s called strategy. James you say the cherry on the cake was the crass way the Labour leader expressed himself on events in North Africa........... Oh! get over yourself , tourism is our bread and butter, it’s also a cut throat industry, what do you expect us to do sit back and watch other countries reap the benefits?
@ Tarciso: Insomma inti bħal l-oħrajn, li meta tibda toqrob l-elezzjoni aktar ħsiebkom fit-tiben go għajnejn l-oppożizzjoni milli t-travi f'għajn il-gvern. Well said, as soon as they see the PL a threat to the Conservatives - they start to build their own campaign. I think Malta is the only country, where the Opposition is scrutinized more than the ruling party. I would not mind if it came from any paper - but from the Maltatoday is just disappointing, if not sad.
Mark Fenech
Nahseb li Joseph Muscat jaf tajjeb kemm fil-passat il-PL bagħta' u kemm dalrulu kliemu kull darba li progetta ruhu car iżżejjed, eżempju "ir-Reception Class fl-aħħar elezzjoni". Dwar id-Divorju nahseb li James ikun l-ewwel wiehed li johrog jghajjat li fil-PL ma hemmx post ghal dawk li huma kontra d-divorzju li kellu l-partit jagħti direttiva lil dawk li huma laburisti u huma kontra d-divorzju. Jiena personalment favur id-divorzju, ghax dan diga qieghed hawn Malta. Ibda minn dawk li jirnexxilhom jgibu l-annullament tal-knisja minkejja li diga jkollom it-tfal fl-ewwel żwieġ, hawn dawk li jgibu d-divrozju min barra minn Malta u hawn ohrajn li jikkombobinaw, mhux xorta divorzju dan. Dwar l-edukazzjoni, il-PL qal li jaqbel (personalment jiena ma togogħobniex minghajr eżamijiet la tfal sejrin isibuhom ma wicchom aktar il-quddiem ahjar jidraw bl-eżamijiet meta jkunu żgħar), imma qal li l-affarijiet ma sarux bi preparazzjoni biżżejjed u t-tfal sejrin ibaghtu. Jaqaw James issa sirna l-anqas tesprimi ruhek ma tista'? Dwar tat-Turiżmu, veru daħħaqtu lil kulħadd bikom. Joseph kull ma qal huwa li ghandna naghmlu kampanja qawwija biex jigu aktar turisti f'Malta u dan meta bhalissa huwa l-istagun baxx ta' din l-industrija. Qal xi ħaġa ħażina?Mela veru tippruvaw taqbdu ma kollox. Dwar il-prezz taż-żejt, Joseph qatt ma qal li ma jeżiżtiex, imma li hemm metodi aktar trasparenti ta' kif taħdem il-kontijiet. James tippruvax idawwar id-diskors u tghid affarijiet li ma jkunux intqalu. Insomma inti bħal l-oħrajn, li meta tibda toqrob l-elezzjoni aktar ħsiebkom fit-tiben go għajnejn l-oppożizzjoni milli t-travi f'għajn il-gvern. Filwaqt li għandek id-dritt ta' l-opinjoni tiegħek, ma jfissirx li kull ma tikteb huwa domma tal-fidi.
Alfred Galea
maltataghna...muscat mhux il gvern......u unless inti profeta ma tistax tghid x'se jigri jekk jinbidel il gvern....pero haga wahda hija zgur, li ma jistax ikun korrot, arroganti, inkompetenti iktar min li hemm issa. biex tivvota lil PN trid tkun veru injorant, imbecilli u buzdu, specjalment wara il bicca ta l=poewrstation u l-honorarji.
EFA m'ghandux x'jaqsum hu li billi tbiddel il-gvern umbad issib gvern aghar..ahjar ma tbiddel xejn...hekk jew b'hekk ikollok vizjoni
Sur Malta Taghna dan il-gvern tqamel u spicca fix-xejn. Wasal iz-zmien tal-bidla. Jekk ma joghgobokhomx, morru ghixu fl-Ewropa. Mhux ghalhekk EFA ridtkom tivvutaw.
Li qed jghid james hu minnhu...m'ghandux zball wiehed....gvernijiet li jiehdu decizjonijiet, anke jekk xi kultant difficli, huma ahjar minn ohrajn li joqodu bilqieghda fil-parapett josservaw
gonizpn wasal fl-ahhar tat-tigrija u jaf li m'hemmx futur ghalih. Ghalhekk, jghidu x'jghidu n-nazzjonalisti, l-poplu se jurih il-bieb ta' barra u jtij daqqa ta' sieq lilu u l-grupp korrott kollhu li hemm Kastilja.
Fommirih (redolent of Borg Pisani's fateful landing when spying for the PN's Fascist friends) you should learn from Saint Augustine Gatt and open your trap only when allowed. By the way, did you ask him whether he still means to leave before the coming elections? If not, you can always turn to super-guru James Debono who (thinks he) knows it all.
Recently you wrote that you are a fan of Gianfranco Fini the right wing Italian leader. Mind you, you have a right to admire and follow whom you want, so please, you are the last one Mr James Debono to teach others how a Labour party should lead,. Thank you.
Alfred Galea
And if Windbag says it then it must be so.
Mr. Debono, while your opinion has a lot of merit, I am convinced that your headline should have read as follows. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT LABOUR. For the fact of the matter is, that this party has lost its way and the driver has not bothered to bring a roadmap. Outdated politicians hoping for a comeback, deserters who returned for self gratifycations and inexperienced wannabees who are full of energy but lack common sense are not the answer to Malta's problems. The PN must have by now a well guarded filing cabinet, full of Joseph Muscat's comedy of political satire. These same PN will unleash all in due time and as usual the MLP will discover how erroneous their judgement has been in choosing a donkey to pull a horse cart to Castille.
Mark Anthony Borg
@fehmauvuci: Sinjura kieku kont hemm kont tinduna kemm int zbaljata. L-uzu tal-kelma ‘they’ uriet li int tippoza ta’ Laburista izda m’ inti xejn hlief instigatrici
Alfred Galea
Jimmy, if you're happy with how things are going then stop playing the independent and come out in the open for the PN....if not then come out in the open and support the PL....shit or get off the pot. Those are your choices. Stop straddling the fence, you might hurt your testicles. Markanthony, same goes for you. Your friend DeMarco was gloating about cruiseships heading to Malta because of the problems in Tunisia, not a word from you or the other PN asskissers aka "journalists".
James ghandu kull dritt jikkritika, izda mhux dejjem l-istess partit. Kieku xi darba jikkritika il-PN. Forsi qieghed jittama li malli jqum mir-raqda li qieghed fiha James, isibulu xi job tajjeb qabel l-elezzjoni.
james has every right to criticize but it is the way he is criticizing that is wrong imho. where is the analysis? where is the both sides of the argument? why didn't he mention these things when he recently interviewed muscat? does james know exactly who will elected to parliament after the next election? will there be other candidates elected who are presently not within the pl group? democracy coming to north africa? the situation is still very fluid and countries could end up being ruled by islamic fundamentalists (so much for democracy). by the way, these 'corrupt and oppresive regimes' have been friends with the US and the EU for many years. why haven't they put pressure on them to be more democratic before? its easy trying to be a left-leaning liberal but you also have to be realistic and know what is really going on around you and behind the scenes.
John Camilleri
PS. Gheziez Laburisti li thobbu tisimaw qanpiena wahda - tinsewx li dejjem hemm il-Maltastar, l-Orizzont, il-Kullhadd, it-Torca u il-One TV u radju jekk is-sensibilita taghkom ma tiflahx taccetta opinjonijiet differenti li taqraw fil-Malta Today.
markanthony, li mhux nixfilna mohhna. Pero ma nistax nisapporti persuna ipokrita li tghid li tikkritika partit biex dan jkun ahjar, meta l-iskop huwa biex tirredikola dak il-partit u kull minn jivvutalu. Kritika li tigi min bicca pulcinell, nofsu mejjet ma nistax ghaliha.
I never trusted you in anything, James, this article compounds my opinion of you and your agenda that is emerging in clearer light. You're simply not cut for politics, my friend, rather you should concentrate on some blurred "intellectual" theme, legitimately using statistics to back your arguments but carefully strive on not missing the wood for the trees. Stats is one thing, politics is another. You see need to learn more about the latter subject, and, above all, about concealing your ulterior motives if you don't want to lose Maltatoday more readers than indicated by gscerri whom you ought to thank for being so forthright about his intentions and his reaction to your carelessly written article.
fehmawvuci, jkun ahjar jekk tara l-hnizrijiet li qieghed jaghmel gonzi pn fil-gvern.
John Camilleri
Ikkumpatihom James. Wara kwart ta' seklu fl-opposizzjoni nahseb nixfilhom mohhom.
James qieghed tara kif kulhadd opinjoni wahda ghandu fuqek: int ippokrita, tippoza ta' idealista xellugi mentri int konservattiv lemini, pulcinell u laqghi tal-PN. Tkomplix titfa hama fuq il-PL.
James you could not be more accurate about your assessment of the PL Leader. It seems this immature, moderate and progressive movement has set their sights on American policies, unaware that the American system is so completely different form that of our miniature Malta. They have exposed themselves to be nothing but copy cats of foreign political campaigns gathered from cyberspace, irregardless if such manifestations could be applied to this miniscule rock in the middle of the mediterranean. During the opening of the conferance on one news, viewers had a hard time getting past that lonesome figure in the middle of the stage. Truthfully he represents an overprotected, undisciplined and overweight clown in tight suits trying to make a case for re-shuffle. that did not go down well with the delegates. It was clear that the audience looked dazed at what they were seeing and hearing from soneone who certainly does not represent the visions of the Malta Labour Party.
Muscat can only 'indicate' chief positions of a future cabinet for a number of new candidates might make it to Parliament and older faces may vanish. Ergo I agree that each opposition MP ought to shadow an area for he/she has every right to prove himself and eventually, PM Muscat would have a better idea of who delivers and who doesnt. On tourism, Mario De Marco had just proposed the same thing a few days earlier. I see nothing wrong in trying to vye for the Mediterranean market. Muscat could have spelled it in more diplomatic ways, true. Then again his comment concerned tourism per se and he was not expressing opinions on events taking place in North Africa!
Joseph Pellicano
You know what is the cherry on the cake James, that now you have really showed that you are another puppet of the PN. This will be the last time I bought MALTA_TODAY, because with articles like yours its becoming worst then the TOM, not independent anymore.
You know James - I think there is something about you and your clear biased against Labour. Not only you are unfair but clearly seem to be pushing some agenda. Moreover, you have a disgusting condescending way to refer to the people living in the South and to Labour supporters, which I find it akin to Nats who always look down to 50% of the population like it is an inferior tribe or race of people. So why don't you come out and say it: You want the Nats to remain in power! I have had it with you and your patronizing views - I'm stopping buying Maltatoday, which I was gladly doing until a Sunday ago.
Maybe if you took your head out you and remove the blinkers you would understand more. PL is not perfect but I have yet to hear you say one decent word about the party. It seems you want the PL to be exactly as you wish it was which you know can never happen with any party in the world. But then again, why should I waste my breathe with you, we all know who you support while trying to portray yourself as a left-leaning liberal. I enjoy reading MaltaToday very much but your own articles leave much to be desired.
James tista tghidli l-Labour x'jista jaghmel mill-Oppozzizjoni. Kif kollox hazin tara fil-partit. Kif qatt ma tikkritika l-Gvern u l-hnizrijiet li ghamel u qieghed jaghmel. Il-partit laburista ma ghandux jikxef il-karti tieghu minn issa, specjalment biex ipaxxi lilek. Int li tpingi lilek innifsek idealista xellugi, mintix kapaci, jew ma tridx, tikkritika gvern konservattiv u fallut.