Between The Godfather and Cape Fear
For all our talk of think-tanks and political academies, the underlying dynamic running through Maltese politics hasn't budged an inch since 1987.
Ergajna bl-istess kantaliena. Here we go again. Nothing ever changes round here. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose . For all our talk of think-tanks and political academies, the underlying dynamic running through Maltese politics hasn't budged an inch since 1987.
Every few years, as yet another appointment with the ballot box approaches, a powerful and well-oiled machine is set in motion and we get to watch an adaptation of the same old film, that unmistakable local collage resembling something of a cross between The Godfather and a reel of Stalinist propaganda with its horrific black-and-white clips of unspeakable crimes and bulk buying whose central characters are called Mintoff, Karmenu and Lorry Sant. In parallel, another film production studio is busy re-inventing certain key protagonists of that by-gone era by casting them in a modern, even futuristic, new role in a movie called Metamorphosis (or The Shadow Cabinet).
The film festival creates an optical illusion that things are actually happening, that they are moving forward, progressing if you will, that there is life and vitality to be found in the interplay between these two diametrically opposed versions of reality. So although a sizable chunk of the younger audience has simply switched off completely, retreating into its protected personal niche (and the occasional sarcastic comment on facebook), thousands of others still find the spectacle captivating enough to take it seriously.
A few others attempt to design a path away from the two cinema screens and the non-choice they are faced with. The problem is, of course, that our generation has largely disengaged from politics. We have allowed other people to establish the rules of the game, to feed us their version of reality and to construct a world made in their image.
Individuals in my generation are living lives beyond their parents' wildest dreams but it seems to me that we haven't brought about anything politically innovative, choosing to retire instead into a life of personal hobbies, comforts and preoccupations.
In all this, the established 1960s Maltese politician stands victorious and triumphant like Robert De Niro's legendary character in Cape Fear. In the name of party unity, leaders whose political ideas have been soundly defeated stay on well past their sell-by date. And we are now experiencing a veritable re-writing of political history as dormant politicians are resurrected phoenix-like to deliver rousing speeches at party conferences. Politicians really do manage to outlast us and out-philosophize us in this country.
If nothing else (and in this day and age of rainbow politics you really do have to wonder), the political parties remain fine examples of the beneficial effects of community spirit, imbuing their members with a formidable sense of Three Musketeers camaraderie while guaranteeing them mutual protection from those annoying factors called common decency, political responsibility and the truth. It's no wonder that this country has not managed to obtain any sincere form of closure over the past 25 years.
Malta doesn't need a change of government or a new Prime Minister.
What it does need - desperately - is a change in dynamic. The balance of power needs to be shaken drastically. Even one hundredth of the determination and resolve shown by our Egyptian and Tunisian contemporaries would be enough to get this country out of its political stagnation. But perhaps we're a bit too bourgeois, a bit too 'middle class' to even attempt that small leap of faith.
Oh no, what a mess. What a mess. Antoine what a mess you are? Mela, Ganni Psaila l-Pupa died after falling down a shaft after he tried to rob a bar or club. This is fact.
Court proceedings? Ejja let us have a look at them. Oqghod attent Antoine ghax qed thawwad. And on Ganni il-Pupa I have no probs, I wrote about him several times. Zghazagh ghall-Ambjent had nothing to do with hunting but with protests against land speculation and corruption by Labourite cronies.
Patrick Spiteri, the lawyer, Antoine, who had a fund management company and was convicted of fraud, fraud and fraud and who employed guess who?? And, and .... And who was also Lino Spiteri's tax consultant when Labour did away with VAT and introduced CET.
Good morning Antoine, but for the very last time I am warning you, Julia does not take silly and unsubstantiated commentary lightly. And by the way have you heard of the latest Gordon Pisani blunder?? That links Castille spin to blog bile!! Fact not fiction.
Antoine, ever heard of Lorry Sant. Ever heard of Zghazagh ghall-Ambjent? Ever heard of the campaign against Lorry Sant in 1983 until 1987. Ever heard of all that? Or were you too busy following the far right in Italy? And hey, why not talk about Patrick Spiteri and his most prized employee!! Who had no problems working with Charles Mangion, Mario Vella and Labour big heads etc etc. What goes round comes round. And yes about Raymond Caruana, yes we can talk as well. Instead of conjecture come forward with some serious talk. I am ready to publish anything you have. But do be careful because Julia Farrugia is not exactly the type who takes unjustified allegations and mud slinging lightly. Ever heard of criminal libel? Well watch out for next Tuesday afternoon. I rest my case here, Just look out for my videoblog tomorrow.
To Antoine Vella: For the record, your sister was the former secretary to Labour minister Evarist Bartolo and before that for the late Anton Buttigieg (not Joe Debono Grech ) and your brother known as il-fuji, was a very active GWU shop steward - nothing wrong with that either. These Castille nurtured swipe attacks meant to intimidate independent journalists such as Julia Farrugia (editor of illum) by dragging family members or relatives or friends or whatever and shooting unproven allegations with no truth will get you nowhere. Regarding thuggery in the days of Labour, well Antoine Vella, just take a walk on the wild side. When you were busily saluting Italian fascists in Italy in the eighties I was speaking up, protesting and getting arrested for confronting Labour thuggery without the blessing of the PN. You have no idea what we went through. Many of these ‘violent’ individuals were later embraced by the same Nationalist administration. I have no more time for your lack of respect for history and political bigotry.
Antoine Vella is missing the whole point. He is part of the bile brigade who fail to see what others see in the mirror. We call this bigotry. He goes on by mentioning Julia's daddy. If he has anything to say, other than allegations and no substance, then let him come forward and I will be he first one to publish them. But he touches on a very crucial point. Let us for argument sake state that Julia's father is as guilty as hell. Let us for one moment believe the rumours and repeat conjecture and allegations and believe them. Does this mean that his brother or sister, daughters and nieces and nephews are to suffer the brunt of all this hate. Are we following some bible talk here? If this was the case then Antoine Vella should start looking to his own brothers and sisters. I have nothing against them, but one of them was a very ardent and militant labourite with the GWU and the other was the PRO of Joe Debono Grech, indeed she was a very efficient and good PRO. What is this all about? Does this mean I should attack Antoine Vella because of his brothers or sisters. If Antoine Vella wants to perpetuate this hate campaign, he has every right to do so. This website affords him the freedom to make a fool of himself. By extending 'inherited sin' or 'genetic trait' to others who are related (even though this is all based on allegations), he is emulating what the Nazis did when they perpetuated the 'Jew' argumentation. To such an extent that even those who were remotely 'Jewish' by birth were sent to the gas chambers. But then why should I be so surprised. Antoine Vella is after all consistent in his ideology and roots. A fascist always a fascist!
The one positive thing about Antoine Vella is that he signs with his name. The bad thing is that most people do not know that he is a latent fascist who would always boast of his admiration for the MSI. A person who openly speaks of his sympathy for fascism. His arguments makes sense at times, but he continues to excuse the mistakes of today by referring to the past. As if none of us played our small part in the past. The excesses of yesterday can never excuse the mistakes of this administration ... an administration detached from the pains and ills of the people. This has nothing to do with Labour or PN, it has to do with bad governance and Antoine Vella knows it.
And by the way what does the ex-Birdlife President have to say about the constant lack of resolve on the hunting issue?