Gonzi's double insurance policy

The referendum has been relegated to a double insurance policy against divorce being introduced in this legislature.

Lawrence Gonzi's initial suggestion that the decision on divorce should be taken by referendum was complete hogwash. After hinting at a referendum in the aftermath of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s bombshell last summer, he seems to have had cold feet.

Gonzi must have been advised that a referendum was a catch-22 situation for him. If the referendum said yes, he would have gone down in history as the PM under whose government divorce was introduced (probably a good thing for PN but not for Gonzi). If the referendum said no, it  would have broken up the coalition of liberals and conservatives. For in case of a 'no' the only option left for those wanting divorce would be to desert the party.  My hunch is that Gonzi has found a way out of his self-inflicted referendum quandary by trying to exploit divisions in the opposition.

It is now back to square one with the referendum relegated to a sort of a double insurance policy to block any chance of divorce being introduced in this legislature, even if approved in parliament. If the PN wants a referendum it would submit the legislative proposal presented by JPO and Evarist Bartolo to a referendum before a vote is taken in parliament. 

I never agreed with this course of action first because planning a referendum before a vote in parliament  would have been a procedural nightmare as anyone could have called for a division at any stage of the discussion.  But more fundamentally  it would have absolved MPs of their duty to pronounce themselves on an important issue.  But that is what people understood when Gonzi promised a referendum arguing that the issue was too important for parliament to decide.  They understood that the decision will be taken by the people not just in case parliament said yes.   

In reality, from day one logic dictated that the decision should be taken by parliament. No issue is too important not to be taken by parliament. That is why we have a parliament in the first place. It is up to those opposed to divorce to collect 30,000 signatures to call for an abrogative referendum in the unlikely scenario that divorce is approved in parliament in this legislature.

In this way MPs and political parties, including Labour, will assume their responsibility towards their electors. If the bill does not pass through parliament, the divorce issue should be settled by the next parliament elected after the next general election.

Hopefully all parties contesting the next election will declare their stance in their electoral manifesto. In this way the next government will have an electoral mandate on such an important aspect of public and social policy.

ha nafghddi kumment ha lil dan miskin ! dawk il-kummenti li ghamilt qeghdin ghal dak li jitkessah u li jahseb li huwa xi haga kbira- Inti ghidt, li l-anqas f'mitt sena mu ser jinbidlu l-affraijiet li hemm miktub ! nerga nghid Iva u ghalija u ghal kulhadd, hafna qziez u mutetti, u iva semplicement mikrobu jaf jeqridna (irrefrejt ghal mikrobu jew virus) :) ghandek xi interess int li ma jimbidilx dak il-konkordat li dak il-joghnos eddie fenech adami ghamel mal-vatikan 1993:) 'il-poplu jikmanda u hadd aktar ghax hajtu tieghu. mintiex ser tiprovokani ta , billi tghid li qed nistahba wara PC- sejjer zball ta u hafna wkoll , imma miniex iblah jien- fuq semplicement -blog :) Down to the catholic church - :D ghall-ikla jien lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Ara naqa tafx taqra sur saviour falzon min hal qormi: "Afar3 ,Toqghodx titkessah ta, ghax semplicement mikrobu li ma jidirx, jidhollok f'demmek. u jeqirdek min wicc id-dinja. kieku qziez u mutetti ghandna kemm trid. imbaghad semplicement mikrobu jeqridna ! tkessah tkessah , isma ,taf x'jghidu hux? li hadd wara hadd tasal ta kulhadd ta! oqghod ipurcinella hawn dahhaq in-nies bik. fl-ahhar mill-ahhar, il-paroli ma jiswa xejn! falzonsilvio" Tidher espert int f'certu xoghol; kif ukoll fil-purcinellati u d-dahk! Andy Farrugia alias
Kemm thossok bully u arjuz fuq bicca kaxxa elettronika sur saviour falzon min hal qormi! U kemm ghandek kliem sabih ghal proxxmu tieghek? Andy Farrugia alias
Ghax insejt ta:) urina naqra ritratt tieghek hawn ha narawh ftit ;-) ha naraw kemm int gustuz :) issa ikteb li trid u li jogghbok - ghax l-anqas biss ser nikkalkulak- ghandi hafna affarijiet jien x'nghamel ,mhux ser nahli zmien mieghek tghid, LOLLLLLLLLLLL Injorant totalment -l-anqas biss int persuna li jixraqlek min jirispondik- din id-darba rrispondejtek- jigifieri issa ghid li trid, ghax ma jimpurtaniexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x'tghid _HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL &*%#@%&*%$#@$^^%$##@
afar3**** ma kontx ser nirrispondik ta imma.... mela , l-ewwel haga: 1.Int min int? 2.Mela jien nafeklilek sabiex niltaqa mieghek! 3. lilek la nafek u l-anqas irrid inkun nafek! 4. din xi forma ta theddida? jekk fil-kaz ibghat ismel hawn id card number mobile number ;-) 5. mhux ser nibza mit -teddid tieghek! naf x'ghandi x'nghamel ;-) 6. b'dawn il-kummiedji ta nies bhalek imdorri , allura xejn gdid! issa int bhalek , tahseb li int jew xi hadd ser iwaqqafni milli nitkellem??? L-anqas ALLA TIEGHEK GHAX MA JEZISTIX! akka kristjan int, tipprova tintimida n-nies! ehe min hal-qormi jien IVA! gha xma nibzax nuri min jien u ma nibzax nitkellem i nghid il-verita GHALHEKK! tinsiex li hemm il-qorti Sur Afar3 :D (jekk ikun hemm bzonn) ma tigiex mill-isqof int hux ghall li jista jkun ? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL IL-VERITA SUR AFAR3 ,IL-VERITA TWEGGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U TIEGHEK ITTIHX LIL-HADDIEHOR ! HDURA GHANDHEK INT! GHAX INT QED MINGHALIK THEDDED LIN-NIES:) ARA XI KRISTJAN INT TA ! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Chris Tanthi
In any case, a pro-divorce vote in Parliament would have been subjected to a referendum: collecting 30,000 signatures asking for the law to be abrogated would have been child's play for the anti-divorce movement. The PL itself has some awkward questions to answer in relation to its stance (or lack of it) about divorce. Joseph Muscat may yet rue the day he declared himself to be personally in favour of divorce: http://manuelsmumblings.blogspot.com/
Dejjem il-Knisja u L-Vatikan ituk f'ghajnek sur SilvioFalzon min hal Qormi; ghandek xi naqra hdura gewwa fik mid-dehra,per ezempju kemm tixtieq affarijiet sbieh lil proxxmu tieghek. Mid-dehra thobb tghedded u tipprova tbezza in-nies int, xi tghid? Forsi xi darba niltaqghu.... Andy Farrugia alias
Peter Cassar

silvio i understand your sentiment...it all depends on the MPs now...they can also vote yes to allow the referendum to happen. That is another scenario i did not envision in my blog

Mr.James debono. Did the Nationalist goverment had the maltese mandate to do that marriage concordat with the vatican in 1993? etc. etc. etc.. so this issue has arisen - and it needs full responsability from the ploiticians- so it needs to be addressed now- you can say thta to the people , like kids to wait for the next general election- the doors are all open now
Peter Cassar
yep it was a bit dramatic...i was thinking in terms of very narrow majorities where a couple of hundred votes make the difference...
J Galea
James, you present this dramatic scenario: "For in case of a 'no' the only option left for those wanting divorce would be to desert the party". I'm not quite sure that they'd take that course of action. Rainbow Politics dictates otherwise.
The PN decided not decide on the divorce issue.
The PM is using the old adage "Heads I win, tails you lose.